Friday 24 June 2022

We was in right, we know what is new truth in EU

 European Union with yesterday decisions clear everybody who had notice about this Union like Adolf Hitler doter and the place where new/old ideology going to make same gains like it had been in the WWII.

The same ideology of supremacy and resist exclusivity came to be modern and fool social engine. The fuel of this came from the old stories of necessity to protect some what this ideologists see what must be "democracy", even it have nothing with it. 

In the World who want to be different than than they need to be, these personnel born after broken in 2012, today have only the mission to promote some things what was strange at all history. They try to promote a liberty by more restrictions and more break in the common human rights. The convention and declaration now is out of charge, and only exist volunteerism in a decisions, where some of bureaucrats from some places make decision what is good and what isn't to persons, close to personal rights and make only collective rights like it had been in Third Reich. All of it coming with full censorship in the communications and especially in the public conversation. In so call new modern conversation named "correct speech" you have to see how is expression of speech is controlling and how it use to expelled all who have say something different than it have to hear in officials.

How situation in the Union going to worst example have in the last elections in France. where was clear how actually president have no legitimacy, and how he with support in the part of army stolen the presidential election. What know cause political crisis in the country. What have to make economic situation much worst into economy which scrambled so hard with shortages in all cases.

The situation with Cesar in the East front, going to giving nail into coffin of "democracy" not only into France but more in the main players in the front. 

Cesar artillery instrument is not only what had changed owner. So many of western but even eastern army equipment had same history. Differences came into ages. The western is modern, and eastern is oldest.  What mean how clear how have gains into an battles. 

With inflation which going to breaking all history record and with to much soldiers dead into battle at East front, so call democratic structure in EU have pressure,what have cause that in not so long time be back blue ausweis, to "protect" public security against so call pandemic and "give better way for free and secure move over continent",too.

With this from the Mediterranean ports of EU to east transport more and more arms, explosives and other to stop, now not  to change a way of war. 

After, NATO broken neutrality into the war, and attacked and sunk  several Eastern Commonwealth  ships, these countermeasure came in blockade of Galati port. What have disaster point at the global picture on the front. 

And where the "export" of green form Ukraine stopped, make the picture into market drastically unusually, like it has into Germany, where they open the state and federal reserve to protect public standard. So long it has be possible. But what after August? 

Have we going to see new Dachau or Mathausen or Treblinka, where they make a better places to live all of them who would be rebellion, who not want to take "success injection" against "invisible enemy".

Or they take change into Constitution where all of them who try to say something different than officials said, would be sleep down from citizenship.

With yesterday decision about Ukraine and Moldavia, all of them who said what is modern EU, know in right, and no body have right to clash them.

If they take the state with Nazi sentiment incorporated into laws. and second which is not united, but make from three part, than we have right to say what we said. 

Specially after we have Cyprus where existed same rule, that christian south is in EU, but not Islamic north, even everybody into EU in speech said that they support united Cyprus.      

Not so long, we predict two month from now, EU wold take drastic measure and close all, to protect some new "ideology", what have nothing with ordinary EU's idea. 

Sunday 12 June 2022

We saw how clime must be take to protect the World

 So in time when everything coming to be in the full order and when so much people leave the former positions onto the new not so best post, where these prices and supplies going to be highest  and supplies rear, where they have no possibility to have "normal" income different from some what is close to the state subsides.

They need desperately more and more holidays  or drugs and trips to the over broad, over mind,  but not so far from the home. 

The reason for that we found in solutions that the prices at the home stay in the rocket position and that they have no so much open info what some going to take after something, what is clear happen at the east front, in nearest time. 

This situation going to be very pleasant for the Eastern Commonwealth, but not so. They need more, and it stay into two points. First in climate, second in the Earth.

To definitely broke to EU, they must take acts in the protection of the climate and it mean more pressure at ion-magnetic installation in Spain and UK. These posts where most things did and do to climate be change. 

Both posts, with some installation near some military posts in Italy, must be locked. In this time they take acts, where they have more actions against ionosphere and where they day per day try to change temperature at the north part of the Planet. Specially in the so call ally states which live from a tourism.

But, their they create some weather creature which cause more damage at the east. 

With counterattack, from some posts and change temperatures at the north, with more wet than it existing now,very soon going to causing two thing neurotics broke and famine. A broke at travel in the south or somewhere still stay incompatible with necessary for common people. Or more, came to be not profitable to agencies and air companies. This moment going to pushing the Nazi orientated EU commission, to make a lock down.The reactions in the World on it, will be devastate  for EU international positions. 

If  Eastern Commonwealth take the methods for "Poseidon", than it would cause not so long capitulation in Nantes. Not so long from September this year.