Friday 29 April 2022

Operation Moldova

The only few days before war in Moldova, what was projected and planed into high command of British Commonwealth to 4th May in 16.30, at local time,here we have to say something about it.

In all plans what stay active after huge losses of UK officers at the land, and specially at the see, high command of UK forces, stay in position to put at the battle some other forces, than in the moment it has role to Australian army, which units take place at around  Moldavia, and into country,too.

This troops numbered 3700 active soldiers and officers, who have role to take act against Russians peace keeping forces into Transdinistria. Main point to them going to be taking control over ammunition storage near Ukraine border with Trandnistria, and to open a gates to invasion from Romanian and Lithuanian army. Who have role in plan to take position into north and central part of Moldova, to come to catch so call pro-Russian element in the Republic government and society. 

All action, stay at the plan, would be lead and coordinated from Galata,Romania. If Russian forces start to take active attack at the forces of NATO into Moldavia, than they, Australians and Lithuanians have order to have rocket lunch against Crimea. 

Plan stay in minute timing and they expect to actions going to be finished to three days.  

Ukraine army with parts of foreignness take active role at all, and they have order to stop all acts which mine foot print at the land, from the enemy side. Even if it mean massive loses of them. 

This action planed and created like second front, if something going wrong at the first front. For this reason, they took action against Russian Black sea fleet flagman ship few weeks ago. In believe how it took massive power from the enemy hands. 

But, after five hundred dead US Marines and Rangers in three days of actual week, and situation that so call free media have order to publish only one killed in the situation, we have no doubt how situation going out of these projects. 

Of course, everything of it was pointed into Old Man transcript where he yelled that they need more money to stop a catastrophe.  

On other side, we see some interest moves. Some new faces came at the first plane, and now we find that Putin, and them high command fight not only Ukraine at the battlefield but much more fifth column. 

How it is clear?

If you look at the messages from Kiev and Lvov. What is there it isn't place to say,now. But stay clear, how numbered agents was eliminated into first two to three weeks, what cause now that other side no more have hands and ease into Kremlin and around then. 

Much worst for UK intellectual forces came today, from Guangdong. Neuroses into UK government growing, and if something goes wrong into Moldavia, than they have new plan, and it is global war. 

But Kremlin have finger at the right button, and only pres at it, have cause horror in London. 

Switch the electricity.

In final all plans have some problems, and this plan have gross problem, it has problem named Romania. After the operation, Bucharest would be finished for not much time.                   

Friday 22 April 2022

The French actual Mussolini

 Now have three days to final decision at the ballot post who would be new leader of France. Decision which did has most dangerous situation at the Planet in the last decade, where from Sarcosi to the actual President, France make more and more mistakes and broken all international rules, even than what they had place in built at WWII the end. 

Crisis or much more, broke all fundamental principles which had made to protect privacy and personal integrity of all. The actual president take these roles in most dangerous act against humanitarian law, and international law,too. He try to reopened new-old era in France history, which try to put them in positions what France had in 19-th century. 

Intervention into Africa, acts against Azerbaijan in war against Armenia, where France special and other forces try to destabilize South Caucasus, and border between Iran and Turkey, personal involved the actual French president into Beirut's blast, where killed more than 200 person, and half of this town smashed into ruins, what they predict to use for accuse Israel that they did something, but finally stay clear who and why made nitrogen phosphorous imported into local port. 

After all he try to change Algerian regime, to start new era in energy sovereignty of France. But after some find what have had been planed than local army take action and macerated France legion post in south and some town at coastal area. 

For this action the actual French president take position into Tunisian border with Alger,too.

In home affairs he did everything to built France Vichy state, where no place for other, minorities, ethnic and religions group,personal and human rights. He had been  organised several acts against Catholic Church, burn of Norte  Damn, assassination of priests and pushes against Bishops. 

What he took against common people is clear, and now this man try to be reelected for new turn at French Presidency. 

He is Mussolini supported by fascist in some high economic circle into France, he has nothing with democracy, and he has only way to serve some who have place before common interests and international law based at WWII Charter from Nuremberg cases 1947.

We are opposite to idea, that actual French president have place in Presidential Palace, and we strongly recommended  Madam Mary LePenn, who are clearly take post at right side of political arena, but who are not involved into crimes what we numbered and what did not against actual French president. 

We say nothing about actual French president social and personal life. Nothing about health, psychical,too. But all what we say in pretext is same into it. And cause that this guy can not and must not be reelected. 

If France reelect this guy, the German Reich would stay historical small coffee. Specially after find what he formed in African states, the biological weaponry fabrics and laboratories from Finland to Greece, from Croatia to Turkmenistan.   

The economical post in France stay at the brink of sword and only one check mat from Moscow have cause nothing but full bankrupt.                  

Monday 4 April 2022

Ukrainian tragedy

 In hysteria about war in Ukraine, no body to say what really happen in the place. No one to say how in this war some countries lead WW and how at the same side in some case, we see some enemies. 

EU try to say something, after openly broken all rules constructed in WWII, and after stay to look like a " Adolf's doter", speeches about democracy and autocracy, in reality, when you look at map, heard so grottoes.

But here we are with the questions, who have nothing to say in MSM, specially into EU editions. Where they have open segregation against immigrants from other continents, in favor to Ukrainians, who are so "blue and Aries."

Second question is simply, where missed more than half Ukrainian soldiers. Where missed equipment mounted several years at position near border with Romania and Hungary?

What was with electronic staff centers at the place near one Georgian port, and what was with airports in this country prepared and in the moment used to took part into actual war?

If you looked at these questions, than you have find more stupidity, and much more fake news than reality.

First, in the begun of at all, officially was into domestic military more than 300 thousand personnel into several military rang. In the army they had supply with old Soviet armor from Slovakia. Artillery from Croatia, electronic and spy systems from US. Intelligent service from UK. But finally. The Ukraine taken from the ally several thousand personal rocket lancer, more than ten thousand. More than 326 Bayractar drones, more than 500 different drones incorporated into fool air control at the field. 

Long distance artillery was rebuilt in support from Israel and Croatia. Where motors came from first, and heads from other. What caused that this systems stay more mobile and with more effective. 

This arms with tactic what used in the first part of war, have not so well surprise to Russian military. 

The tactic what they used against it, would be teach at the military academies.

In this actions, Ukraine army lost so many personnel. Second was acts against Anti air defend system.

 Ukraine bought and import some parts of  long and middle distance air defend ballistic rocket from some eastern countries, what they smuggled from main partner and what was incorporated by Finnish air defense engineers.

What they made at the Nokia platform.  

Indeed, so well preparation for something what they predict to never would happen. But they have it. 

And where is two hundred thousand Ukraine soldiers. if they had it?

Where is 56 generals. and more than 200 high officers?? 

Why top commander of military intelligence live country and take info with self? How is possible that several hundred thousand Russians and Ukrainian ally soldiers lost only sixty high officers, and only less than ten percent of military staff and less than five percent of equipment?

Even, that all operation at the territory controlled by more than 213 flights daily of Ukrainian allies.

Than how was possible that in only several weeks at the war we have at the list same number soldiers at the both side?! If you take so call Territorial defense corps at Ukraine military at it.

All so call military success in Ukraine military we find into studios in London and Lisbon.  But numbers was and is reality, and now we have what we have, reality. That into Ukraine army main positions have western army personal who was payed daily with new printed money shipment to the front by Red Cross and UN humanitarian equipment. 

Even with this support they have 60 percent losses at the field. For this reason they try to produce some ugly things at the field. With more innocent blood at the MSM hands.