Monday 31 January 2022

War and why it is necessary to some, even they had fear before

 So,after all, we have what we predicted in the past. The World came into new era of what was mix between several systems what existed at the past, and was totally opposite each other. But now, in brutal madness made from several groups, stay clear, how had been possible to Hitler and NSPD step up into power 80 years ago. What had been in democracy if some came to build up solution for full state and economical crisis!? And who are still have same manner what existed in the Third Reich. Or what existed in Stalin Soviet era. 

In most part of democratic state, democracy was gone, and now in name of some so call high ideals, people was pushed and treated into public at same way like it was into totalitarian regimes what we spoke few sentence before. 

What cause a fear to ordinary and free mining people, stay in positions of so call free media, who are now in the best way to be copy of Nazi or Stalinist originals. They still stand at the position how is correct to make some tirade against this who are against what they see like and what is really against Nuremberg's trials and Protocols against medical violation in the future, against Nazi treatments into these concentration camps, where in vivo had been experimented into medical-biological, and where thousands died after horrific and inhuman tests at the people. Mostly Jews and Slavs.

We told you how COVID-SARS 2 was made, and who had cooperation into it. We told you what was main point into all. And how it was came to be demolition for all what we had have into least century. At the same matrix, what Ford and several far right prominent financial and military moguls into USA try to impose against what they saw like main problem to the States existence, when they took part into Nazi rise, at the same way, on the same place, with same people we find how in collaboration by Nazi groups around the World, with Nazi sleepers into mass media, and with bribery into PRC, they had made plan how in help by COVID they have without blood take what they think what Russia have undeserved. What they try to pick up, before crisis not smash them.

But, they had not success. 

Now, in moment when more and more people rise against dictatorship and against oppression, this so call democratic leader  try to doing some, what have nothing with real tries from these streets, and from the free net. 

They did only what they had in command over phone from their masters, and nothing else. At the West, they are into deep panic, these plans wasn't in functions and now they have more and more problems not to solve real goals, but to solve their heads. 

In these reason we found answers why they try to push Ukraine onto Russia, and it have nothing with Ukraine's independence or prosperity. Or because they have something against Russia, even they had it. But in situation where Plandemia have more and more violent shots against domestic programs, in economy and social sphere. 

Where real shortages into monetary mass, cause massive bancrupcy from the some eminent players in the history. German now is position to broke more than 350 billions Euro new dept, what have impose onto social situation, and growing unemployment. Specially into metal industry and chemical industry,too.

Italy, after communication with Kremlin find how they are not in positive economic zone, from February this year, and how they have no money for servicing of dept. Only way to big shuts at the market stay a way to Siberia, what is impossible after current actions on the borders.

Plan in Austria, where they take the army to impose brutal fascistic regime, in name of national salvation, now have only open hole where we saw how they had not much than it had Ukraine.

Denmark, after they find how Scandinavian cousins haven't interest to take part at the hysteria, and after so call vaccine cause more deaths than illness, and after find how they make bribery to health industry to have fabrication in COVID, and after one call to Prime Minister, too. First, make some illogically military moves, than try to push Greenland to war against Russia, made invasion at Mali, and after all try to put ship across Baltic sea. Now declared how everything is nice. Even economy and health situation stay worst than two years ago. And they have no money to public services. Than they must have actions to sell some state's propriety. 

How situation going to be worst, we had saw in Australia. There from democracy stay only plutocracy and dept to PRC in 4/5 all national wealth. 

Yes, they are preparing to war against PRC. But no one have idea, with whom, and what they have to use into it. Because, they have need full supplied from main player, USA. What is not plan into Westminster. 

China on the other way have problems. But in situation, what have in the West, this problem looks like mild water. Because, they never had problem with democracy, which no place at these local streets.                      

Thursday 20 January 2022

Situation at these front, war is reality

 Ah, how is nice to see when some of so call big players at global arena, try to make some things, like it is a war in solution to wait and make an aggression. It so untypical war strategy coming at the table in several negotiation at the north-west Europe. They believe how on this way war would be impossible. But not because they are some seance for peace, but reel reason stay in situation where they have not power even to make regular war games in these least maneuvers.

Yes, in their contact line against East Commonwealth they made some fortifications and put more armor vehicles in woods and swans to theoretically stop opponents in fast advance.

In East Commonwealth forces now is introduce more full modern equipment, armor is full electricity powered, and these thanks have more HP, what cause that this modern beast have possibility to rolls on the front line with speed high than hundred kilometres at hour. The gun was balanced with new technology what make precision fire against multiple point in several minutes by only several centimetres decline. 

In ordinary, the tanks from the est have autonomy which is tree to five time high. Summary it mean, that they need only tree days to come into middle of Germany.  

On opposite side, main tank-Leopard, have more problems into mood and wood roads. But, second problem came into big noise, and thermometric silhouette.

Other problem for west is in east army of NATO have east equipment into forces. Most of that is not so young, and in some real actions, going to be more dangerous for a serving force  than to opponents. 

In our vision at the situation, we saw Iran with more forces near south, and south-east NATO gates. Their Iran combined forces make several success and destroy several opponent's post, cause high rate causality to mostly american forces. 

Even IAF try to push aggression against Syria into new orbit, and with attacks against post into coastal areas  in the country, have nothing to help main partner to stay intact. Especially after several IDF commando was strife from the Shiite movement into Lebanon, and Syria.

Iran do everything to prevent some neighbor in the Gulf to say away from these crisis or they can be collateral. 

India try to be neutral, but in some status, where two big player form East Commonwealth have plan to play only with loyal ally,what Modi's India, did not.

With China at the border, and with Russia who started more contacts with horrific enemy-Pakistan, India have only way to stay visual with more playground at the sea. Even is clear , how they have gross problem in supply for military fleet. Not only, their problem into economy, where something what was happen into Kazakhstan, is open to play at the New Deli streets. 

What was happen in Astana, we predicted and now we have info what had been with second US Army. How they prepared actions and what they used into aggression. What had been role of Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, former Afghanistan military, groups from the Balkan states, and of course from east Europe. They have nice place into Siberia cold north. 

In near Alaska, economy lost more and more, what have reason in several point. One of them is some geological process, what push more changes into soil and specially into ocean coastal region. Situation is more and more unstable and for this reason US force started with maneuvers in which they change place for hardware, what some look like advance positions against East Commonwealth. What is wrong. This changes have colossal impact onto economy and global human crisis into former Russian province. Home and jobs is more and more out of a hand many people at the state. 

Near Antarctica NATO with Holland ship try to make some spy mission, but all time have problem with equipment and sailors. 

We are not against your war, even we have possibility to stop everything. Opposite, after sixth US Navy fleet take place in the garage on middle of Mediterranean, and after seismic activity around them, activation in the Greek island Santorin going to have big mess on these war's plans. 

Etna have plan to erupt massive, after some solar system activity cause moving into Earth.           

Monday 10 January 2022

Does Pope see reality or he look away from holocaust like Pio XI

 What we have now in the public, is it true or we only have to see what some of so call players try to present?

Nothing what they try to have now, haven't too much with reality. From Bosnia and Herzegovina, over Antarctica to Kazakhstan we only registered how they want to preserve situation what they have at these homes. 

In reality it is loud knocking of hyperinflation from Los Angeles to Tokyo and from Reykjavik to Wellington. 

Prices rise, and with them, rise brutal theory how some what in reality is weapon may be reach health by some injection. These rules what was we said in several months ago now is broken, many international stone corner of law was blow up, and people was treated like they live in the some dark years. 

But, at the back, we say how money is gone, price rise, and more and more at the market exist only shortages. At the west they have love to dream on democracy in moment when is clear how they are not possibility to stole some from somebody, again. Like it had been in the past. In face at the mirror they find how they are so poor and how they have no money to pay real price for policy which they led in the centuries before. 

In action with Wuhan virus, and these plans to use it for new world order, they find now in situation where they are only use the shit what they had invent. 

How crisis is so deep, we find in Pope Apostolic Palace, where they have problem to explain what is happen by money what they invested into some cartels like it now have main part into so call Pandemic. 

They have problem to check it and bring money for real things, after find how this money was washed and changed for nothing. So after this, some into Catholic Church find moment to call believers to take sing of dark side. 

What should be after angry governments start to open Mathausen and Dachau for these who want'n to take a so call vaccine. Or why Pope did everything to silences priests who ordinary call him and other into Curia to say what is realty at the streets. And how they have not so nice story to speak for something what Pope look two time into self. 

Nothing about fear, poverty, hungry, deaths from the vaccines, loosing of wealth all around world where so call therapy came to be dominated. From Jerusalem, where everything look like Nazi camp, to Rome where people try to escape something what they see like arm of final day. 

The reality what common priests tell is far from even what Segretario di Stato have to find into cabinets of most governments. 

Their have nothing about money missing or stolen facilities, food stuck or energy shortages. Where if only exist planes for so call justly war. In which they have interest to find, or in real stolen from some other. 

We said how we are ready to do what we have been done in the past. It is nice to know how many of so call power people at the Planet find it seriously, and try to think what to do. But if they believe, how marathon in Antarctica, or military drill near their, is something what we have stay and watched or have fear, they are group of lunatic.

In final, at the year beginning, we are see that in the fallen EU, 4/5 member state haven't sources to stay a wealth into several months, than others have only way to try peace and money from the PRC. In USA, only existed doom, in which trillion dept came like comet to smash industry, and blow up stocks. 

Where is the Francis? With Alice or with common people. With God or with a jab of dark?

Does he stay look away after government open concentration camps for these who are not ready to be eliminated by so call vaccine.  Like his predecessor in WWII did with Nazi?!