Wednesday 22 November 2017

Mladic verdict

What is with the World, when ordinary criminals made glorification on general Mladic verdict.
The same criminals who did everything to give him the time in run from a justice. Because they had believe how he never come to say what he know about many of politicians, and soldiers. These  person which had been involved in many crimes on the Balkan at the wars in nineties of 20th century.

Yes, we have no right to say something in favor to general,but we have proof how he did nothing out of support from some parts of the West. 
He has open arms to make everything what is necessary to "remove Islam treat from the middle of Europe".

Or, he have no bans to make what he done, but when he refused to did extremely move against Muslim Bosniac, what was happen in Srebrenica, and than, there a lot  dirty money made what the treat against general did not.

On the second part. The ordinary Serbian criminal, and prominent right wing politician Seselj, was released from same court not because he never have a naff accusation with the lot of witness in the court, but he, now we are secure how he had lived  ICTY, because he did everything in the programmed scenario  made at some high level in the World.

Now, we have knowledge how the Court stay in favor from more years ago how they have only role to prosecute some not so helpful person from ex-Yugoslavia. And how they persons come from the some Brussels room.

Maybe the women from Srebrenica have right to celebrate but, after all they are only weapon into some interest hands, whose did to much against real justice.

This persons have the name, and history is at the way to naming them, in project whose they try to made against humanity at the soil of former Yugoslavia.

The pressure  against the  prosecutors, and against several judges, have point to be secure that close any link with them. Some of the actors have fear that they would be at the Islamist dead lists if they step up into public and that it should make a street uprising into several European countries.

No body have right to say how isn't true that several thousand people had been killed at the east of Bosnia. But is it possible to hit so many people without that it had nobody saw it in real time?
What was with SAS who had groups on the ground, and UN observers? 
Why they have not named general in the actions? Why the general was accused several years after he refused to had have Bosnian Serb President? 

ICTY did nothing to make justice and conciliation at the ground, but opposite. These future wars have more place to coming. In same scenario, to prevent accusations and a verdicts against US generals...

Sunday 12 November 2017

Dismantlement EU

In several week we have to see how situation at the field in Europe was gone to wrong side of true.
After speech made by President of EU Commission, everything was changed and now everybody have possibility to see, what is wrong in the Union.

The Union Commission do nothing to preserve policies in the member states, where is growing populism, open fascism, the radical movement going in the streets to chant slogans from the European past. The same slogans who chanted fascists in 20-th century.

Nothing the Commission do and did to prevent it, but even they do nothing to come with realistic economy predictions when they looking at the nearest European future.

Economy can not exist without society and nothing can be make out of community, where a person is free and where nobody have courage to push down free speech.
But even EU have not right to make moves like make it now.
Is incredibly when commission support NATO in some not to much smart move on the east?
EU now look like a UK eighteen years ago, in Chamberlain era, when he and circle around him, do everything to "clean a road to Hitler and Nazi Germany for war against red devil".

Now, "red devil" at east does not exist, but exist same state, like it had been in this era.
Proxi war against Russia gone wrong. The regime was not slash down with street help, and with the prom EU supported "right groups, and persons".
In other way, Russian government do everything different than it was plan in the EU, and now still stay in the charge. Much stronger than ever before, with economy whose stay stable, much less depend from oil price and oil produce.

The crisis in the Ukraine has not solve. Ukrainian regime did not so stable, not going in positives way ,but did everything to make alternative history.
EU did nothing to make step up against political motivated and state sponsored kills,happened in several state member in the year.
Nothing say against human right breaks against minorities and Ukraine's citizen who are not in the ruling political mind.

Because Brussels did catastrophic mistakes, the Union is beaten and lost not so influence, but more integrity, in half of EU, at active politic coming far right groups, secession is at the way in many countries, and one third of member states is in the foul against person and collective right,but against international treat who they signed,too.

In economy, nothing coming to be better than it had several months ago. Opposite of it, each economically indicator stay near zero in reality.
The BDP now has different way to be present in the public, than it has seven years ago.
In facts who EU commission have to present a public, now we see some indicators who had never in the past stay at the lists.
When you crime, prostitution, smuggling, money laundering give like same economic activities what is productions, legal shops and other legal things. And on in it coming with the indication about war machine sell, specially in the ME, them you openly talk how you have system in crisis, and how you have not a idea how to fix it.

Now, you have situation where EU work in the different way, for each country and group of them.
For this reason even Catholic church rise the voice, against war, who is in the path, and who made some groups and persons in EU Commission and Parliament, like it had been several years in pre-WWII era.
 War like economical instrument never give up prosperity,nor give more fortunes to winner,and neither make the defeated side so weak to be slave.
In era where is clear how so call democratic groups and parties from EU supported with money and arms even notorious IS, and when we have real evidence of it at Syrian fields. Where was opened book in whose written each country involved in support actions to IS, and how it done, for some reason NATO comes with demand for EU to make so call hard way open for war actions.

War in Syria is lost. Even war for Ukraine,and war against Russia will be final nail in EU idea's coffin.

EU from twenty years ago and now, has any simplicity and equality.
From idea of liberty, prosperity and equality, now we have EU where revisionist ride in the streets, and where money is in the top of Union interest. People, haven't feel that they live in conglomerate of free persons, and nations. The bureaucracy, and not well made law policy, make many persons angry and unhappy.
It make growing polarity at the societies and do each move in prosperity at anxiety,hate and street battle.
The so call migrant crisis, have little or nothing with it.
These Crisis only made acceleration in high speed and clear how crisis is so deep in EU.
Russia have right to do nothing to help EU, not with aggressive military move, nor with ease the sanctions against EU's goods, neither to call in negotiation for any dispute whose stay in the relations.
US on the side, have problem not in Russia, but in EU, which try to blow up, and make economic field for american's goods.
Between two, EU have not future, not like it look now.