Saturday 28 June 2014

"The fail European dreams"

Yesterday the Union had lost self dignity, and had clearly presented how it has not the organisation to promote the Democracy and liberty, but something what had been in the head of Napoleon and Hitler.
Mind "straight to the east" has the logo of the Commission and whole Union yesterday, and more than yesterday.

But what the Union did? They did suicide when they put in a hands of EU skeptic a gift in promoted to taken the new states in so call free trade zone association.
These states has no more income BDP than have it some states in the Africa.
Economy of this states looks like "Swiss cheese", and all of them have export make have at Russian side.
Out of it, this countries has not so much money for build self domestic budget, but only to have try the credits from the foreign banks and credit clubs. In close history from yesterday this countries have only to expect more and more social dramas, more people would going to leave this states, and after all, they still stand the domestic problem of 28 member states of the Union.

In the selfish believe how the Union has money to amortize it, most of the Union's leader still don't have permit for a local newspapers and news agencies to present real situation at the field in the potential new member states.
Open censorship against the truth and democratic view onto situation in the east, make clear how the claims from the top of this article have be heard the true.
The union have not potential to bring in the membership states like it has Norway, Swiss,Island. This Union have not power to make such gains against more introduction of the States in domestic policy, and what is clear, the Union have not power to react against sectarian war in Iraq.
The Union, now have the destabilization move against whole world, and the policy of the Union does not exist.
Economy of the Union have only positive way at the several member states. Notorious it has Germany, Finland, Slovakia, and Holland.
Other member states, specially at the south have not positive motion in a economy, but they do only what it have to say the Commission or what is open to see for everybody, Mrs Merkel.
The German Chancellor now have problem to make so less debits in German economy, on other side she need to make transparent and unification policy at the Union.
But after she decided to promote the former Luxembourg's prime minister to be the President of EU Commission, all conception of the Union was fall down.
The conception would be smashed if Catalonia and Scottie,when they make have step out from Spin and UK.
Unification on the base whose promote some people around Pope,and what was policy of the some part of liberal-democrats politicians, has not historical and human justification.

Whose have right to tell how the states had not been possibly, and how some must stay unite?
This EU have not right, no more to say something about legitimacy and democracy, because they have only motion to make a money for few. To destroy welfare state, and make colonial position to many who have now believe how they would be free.
Economy without export on the East, make have the biggest loses in the history, what with so strong Euro, create situation that after hundred years after WWI, for few year going to be witness of the last WW.                  

Saturday 21 June 2014

Axis of the Evil, ISIL- SA- East Europe

Iran has right to come to make trouble at the King of SA. The Imams in Iran have right to say how they have not security at the field and how is clear that over actions of ISIL group in the ME stay Saudi court with money, army and weapons for mass destruction.
The same court make trouble in the laboratory, near beginning of this year, when they start to created bio-weapon.
The operation stay not so success and more than hundred people stay out of life, because the weapon stay out of control in Saudi Araby desert.
In other hand, some states in the neighborhood start to practice with anthrax to planed to going to use it in action at the Iranian soil, after Iranian Army start actions at the Iraq soil.
In this moment, we have to see how the ISIL criminal group, formed, trained, educated, and financed from axis SA- Gulf states-West, stay in position like decoy.

The right have even Russian President Putin when he start a drills of Russian Army at the Middle War Region in Russia.
He has right to make gains and start tactic acts against ISIL by the strategic bombardment forces. To stop aggression, miss treatment of International Law, and to call at discipline Saudi King.

On situation in Europe, the NATO have no intention to make any support to Pjotr Poroshenko, non elected president. Men who step up in the charges, after he demolish the Constitution, and sold local oil supply to the Vice President of US.
He and some other so call oligarchs tramped self power at the state position for waste agriculture land in the middle of the land.
They now buy lots and lots arms from the East European depots. But they have no money to pay the mercenaries to use it, after same have huge loses in the nearest action at the east and in middle of the country.
Not so clear who have command over local Army, but so clear how the only several  Russian's planes in the air make panic in Kiev.
The same is at Baltic states, which have not feel to security, even they have air support of some NATO states, and field presents, too.
But, on the other side, Russia is little be nervous, few days before EU try to come close to Russian border. They have not so nice mining about bureaucrats in Brussels, which like it had tried them predecessors in colonial era try to control energy, and the world over it. Even is clear how people die for it each day.
UN have no credibility after is clear that General Secretary has no credibility to make changes in the self team, and how he is remote from the States and Britain, because Korea need money to prevent the collapse.
ISIL make something at the States political field, where the President has stay in house prison, where the Vice President is in fool charges.
Situation going to be worst for the markets if the Saudi Army going to make gains against Iraq. They had started presence at Iraq south, several weeks ago, and now they have only to make move to "help" the Sunnites to "liberate Baghdad".
Because that the action from the Iran, coordinate with Russia is so necessary now, in the moment, if we don't to have Islamic fascism rule over the World, collaborate with neo-cons.                   

Thursday 12 June 2014

World Football Cup

After more days in wait, we have to see one more sheet at the Planet, the World Champion Cup in Football, Brasil.
More and more people stay out of the stations and try to have better condition at the school and medicament treatment.
On the ME the some US formed army named ISIL going to be new ruler of the Iraq, in an motion to bring in the war arena, Iran.
Than to make easy to other to do what they predict to done.
In this moment war of the nations going at the path, and no one have right say that they have no knowledge about that.
That they have no intention to know how butchers they had made, and how is so terrible to believe that they never come to kill the masters.
At the other place, East Europe is lost for the EU, after Russian forces make a footage how Ukrainian forces use the NATO flame shells against civilians.
The problem comes in the moment when is clear how some US officials stay in the beck of the massacre in Odessa. And how some of the so call officials at the field make financial arrangement with them.
On the other place, the anti-government  forces storm most places in the area near Black sea, even the government take support from the NATO maritime forces.
In this moment this forces stay in gap, there the situation now is not so clear.
At the south in Turkey the ISIL make gains at the front, and the member of the Alliance need to have take support.
But, it has not possible to make from the positions at the sea. Russia is nearest, the Syria is not so long from them, and even small actions can be make to create have a disaster.  
For more and more in the world the Football Cup is the peace of sheet for some snobs who created it to make more trouble to President Dilma Rousef.
The football is only game, and after all, it is not necessary to have expensive stations and  players training places.
Like it has prepared now, and how it made, it look like more the "Game of Hungry", where the rich play to richest, and poorest live out of the story.
In moment where more and more people die at the Iraqi desert, and where the some killing to others only because they are not have same religions view at the World.
The war,a global crisis and football step side by side, hand in hand in the history, and in most time the game used to remove public opinion look from the it.     

Friday 6 June 2014

How Nazi bought the immunity

If we look at history, than is not possible to say that is true, how "D day" operation over Normandy had been started like some brilliant made operation in the Allies high command in London.

The true come after we had been to saw how is possible that Allies come in the contact with group German high officers, who had not have same views on the war with Adolf Hitler and NSPD, or Nazism.
The main negotiation going on the way in the late 1943, after Allies come with invasion at Italy, at Geneva lake. Where not had been nobody out of the parties, because they had the strong animosity and mistrusts.

The next meeting coming at the place in Rome, but in next year, this had been clear how the war going on the wrong path for the Germany and rest of his allies.

In 1944 these meetings take part in the several part of Europe, than in the finished made had created agreement, how the regular German army, Wehrmacht did made nothing so seriously against acts at the French soil if it would be made at some moment.  

Then is not necessary to be strange that some Wehrmacht general and high commander had been stayed out of France when the invasion started.

The deal was made even with some command  of SS Waffen.
What is made in the paper, now we know like " The Path of Rat", where much of prominent Nazi officers leaved the post war Europe and gone in the neutral countries.

Why we scribe of it?
To tell the truth!
In the moment of the Nazi capitulation the Nazi Germany in the north part of the country, in Denmark, Nederland, Norway,Czech Republic,Austria, have more than ten full attached divisions, and several million soldiers at the number on the operatives list. On the other part, mostly at the West Allies in early 1945. most officers, some Generals and thousands soldiers start to look at the formal Ally, USSR, like enemy. But much worst, what stressed the Prime Minister of UK, they openly played the defeatism.

Because that, the secret services going at the terrain with mission to prevent collaboration between US army corps and German side. And to prevent more and more deserters from the front in winter 1945.
To made something what been made like biggest pressure at the German side, Allies forces had been bombed Dresden.
That it has been true, we can see in the facts from the history archives, where the "new" Germany made with "old" ruler. Where the low and middle ranking personnel of the Nazi party take a places in state offices.
Adenauer, old German Canceler, in some time take a joke " how the West lost the war, and make him the prisoner on the top".

Now, we have knowledge how the Nazi on the field make the situation positive in the East to pay price whose they made at the negotiation table in Lisbon.

In this moment the anniversary and moment for the memory at the beach in Normandy has only way to prevent the true, how the war is finished with money and a amnesty for most bigger war criminals in the world history.
The Nuremberg, had made only at the pressure from the small part of US Zionist, the administration, and from the USSR, but not Stalin.
In the invasion at the Normandy beaches active part have been made from the parachutes, whose have mission to destroyed some SS divisions, and to prevent con- attack from the some Germany army whose came from the East front, because Hitler with Gestapo and Abwer  find something. From the West diplomat in Sweden.
For the parachutes, real Heroes of war, we make salute!

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Mr. President last move to a self salvation

In this moment the President have reason to say himself how he haven't success at relations with Mr. Putin.
These wars going on, and money hasn't in the pocket. Because that, the President try to take money from the Congress to make more money to some actions which do US Army Corps.
The problem he have in the situation at the East Europe, where Romanian army leave some posts at the east front, and now he most make more money for a mercenaries, whose cost.
On the African front he have difficulties with Qaddafi forces, whose make gains at the field and now control most territory.
In the aggressive conference with so call ally in the Europe, Mr. President going to make some gains to push resolution whose make a action against several part of the Planet.
From Russia, to China, but even some parts of US soil, where the federal government have bad dissolution.
Now, the so call close ally like it has Poland and some others , try to find more money for self determination against Russia at the east front.
Poland has each day big lost in the arms and officers, other have problem in the public.
Most of this allies have problem with money, and more of them government have not justifiable words to say what they do in the crisis at the East.
China, on the other way stay to "lose" US treasure bonds and now is clear how the crisis at the east front make not shore the winner.
In close relation at G7 group, two of the member states will be opposite of the President demands and now is clear how Canada stay at the same position like they have view,too.
Of course, the propaganda in the war make shore how a side make win over other side, but on the end war make weak not only fighters, but much more these sponsors, like we have to see in the Africa.