Friday 30 May 2014

The growing price of war at European east

The big fail in actions at the European east, make so nervous some like it has some guys from State Department.
In so call war against terrorism they make many mistakes, and after all they now make have in these fields from the European east over Syria and to Libya.
In favor acts to so call elected some President where isn't clear how many people come to voted, part of the West come to claim how "they have democratic support at the field to make justice and peace", even they bombardment hospitals and kindergartens, schools and civil buildings.
When they have lost in several officer at the war, they have to say only "we support the guy to say how he have" right to remove some from the place" or to have knowledge "about some mercenaries who make acts against national forces".
Same forces who have support from the Poland, Croatia, Hungary, and Bulgaria, and where command officers stay to be US citizen, like it known is clear that it had been in Syria, where Ukrainian forces fight against Syrian Army and President Assad.
In this moment, the war spread all over European east, and presence of Russian forces is not necessary.
Acting forces from the naval France and US forces whose stay near front at the east, has not naff to make changes against interest of Russian speaker population and most other whose have not so nice mind about EU and the West in global view.

War in whose some guys expect to be winner in the it and where some others make same moves like it had made at the Balkan or at the Libya, isn't nice job, and it has not end like it they have to plan.

In this moment more than  320 dead soldiers and national guards, and more than 800 injuries and wounded with several shot down planes and helicopters, with lost more than several dozens armor personnel  transporters and tanks, make information from the terrain only an propaganda.

On other side lost some 80 personnel, with 320 wounded, some dozens missing in an actions and with lost of several armor personnel transporters.

The price of all action on the West side rise from the beginning 3,2 million at a day to more than eleven million at today. When you make it in the table, you got the price of it, whose EU pay to Jacenuk and Turcionov month ago from billion euro loan.
At the same side problem with lost in the officers and European mercenaries create deep lies at the public media observe against this war.

Of course the money whose they try to pay a illusion of invincible West, they try to push from Germany, what in the moment they have no intention to pay.
In this reason stay lots of nervous from Haige to Carry.

Saturday 24 May 2014

EU voting, for what?

Europe vote?
Why? Is it democratic process or it has a some fine act to promote selfish interest of some people and states?
What we have to see in time of the voting in Europe? Is Europe united or it has only an illusion?
Europe now make the voting to elect new EU Parliament, but we haven't public information about over turn onto voting places. Nothing is transparent, and after all it is not clear does an Europeans going to vote for some new ideas or they coming at a voting place to support resist of the Union?!

In the moment isn't so clear who  have the goal to the voting going to be making?
Does vote make have EU better places to live, or it have to make the Union more than big illusion at the common people life?
After this votes, like it had been in the past, nothing going to be different than it was yesterday, before the vote take a place.
Is it problem for the most people in the Union that they have interest to support "democracy" at an voting places?
Maybe someone want to sell the story how the Union is so important and necessary for a many Union's citizens, but this citizens haven't illusion how the institution whose had built in the twenty century now stay less democratic, and what is not so less important to say, they lay out of a common people touch.
The Union, today is so weak. On the top of the Union seat some people whose have no intense to make better future for the all, but only they live and work the "glorious past". A times when them grandfathers and other old relevant, make colonial history of the some part of Europe.
Today, the votes against or in favor to some idea, center,right or left, or in some color is not so different, because the "old Lady Europe" have no idea to make something better, to make that at the territory of the Union,to have same condition to live all, to make naff for self life and to make naff to support others.
The voting in EU, after all clean all illusion how the Europeans live in the democratic states, and the Union,too. Because, after this votes going to still stay a many dirty things and minds, where the north of the Union have indecent mining about the South, and West against East,too.
Where, the crime can take place only at abroad, when it is necessary  to job be make. Or if it is necessary to "old Lady" take from the owners natural welts.
EU make change the basic ideas of the unification, and now the Europe has not so nice place for live, for more than two third of Union's population.
Social and work places insecurity, bankruptcy, institutional crime, the wars all over the Planet, but in most places at the Union, the insecurity in investment make the votes for the Parliament more voting against something, than they voting for somebody.           

Wednesday 14 May 2014

IMF and World Bank are making the world crisis elements

Nearly several years after WWII the winners in the war going to make new order.
In this actions they made more constructions, and two of them was IMF and WB, the both organisations make to create system in the World to support so call non aggressive world, with dominate role in economic issues by USA.
It had been award to American support of the Allies in the WWII. In motion to US dollar stay to be worldwide currency.
After many decades this choose still stand, but in many time like anachronism which the West take to control other parts of the Planet.
In history no exist example that IMF, nor WB make have any support goal in economy, or that this two organisations in actions gave some else than insecurity, miss treatment, and the miss calculate support to most economy in the World.
After US disaster in the Vietnam War when the dollar step on the brink, when President Nixon make changes in the dollar valuating, no IMF, nor WB do nothing to step up in the asks to change the supremacy of the dollar.
Now, when is totally know how the both organisations failed to explain the capitalism, and when they make the several big crisis, with the monetary system from the the end of WWII nobody can expect to something going to be different and better in the economy and financial industry.

If we looked at the economical system whose exist in the States, than we had to see how the workforce at the work market in the States stay at the rubbish theory of democratic liberty, where everything is possible, and where you have had the American dream, or a nightmare.
Why we say it?
The reform of the health system in US, created from the current administration, and named Obamacare, dropped down. The social tutorial to pure people stay at the bottom and work place security stay more and more insecurity.
The rights in the States are same like it have Chinese workers, but different stay only in the one, the dollar.
But the both world main financial and economic organisation have sites at US soil,what make impossible to expect from them that they give any credible view on the economic situation at other countries.
The both organisations stay in the shadow of US Federal Reserve and Treasury Department, whose make the dollar.
More and more printing US dollars come at markets and give the truly lies how the markets is the well, but it isn't.
In the annual report about the World economy, you had never heard how they said something against economic station at the States or some other so call old democratic country. And they much more going to support the current US policy against some country, than they make any support advertisement to not well country's economy.
Both, IMF and WB took to made promotion for so call hyper liberal capitalism, against in the first time socialism and now against the well fair states.
In the same time they create to promote selfish and expansion of the States supported, well payed investors which coming to "help" in the not well countries. In much time they not have any scruples on the undemocratic conditions, and dictatorship at the place to invest. The collaboration with Nazi and Fascist is present today in the same places.
After all, the time is come to remove IMF and WB sites from the US at some neutral place. It has necessary to world economy make have big gain and over come the tic-tack crisis.
It have going to make the neutral, but regular opinion at a countries economies. The opinion which not have make the crisis worst, and never create situation for a global confrontation.
This finance and economy world system is anachronism, and they are only have influence to protect surveillance of the States economy, whose, what is clear step in the big gap.      

Sunday 11 May 2014

Referendum is the universal right, recognized from UN

Who has right to say others that they haven't right to be different, to be liberate to make self choice on how they have vision to live?
Is something illegal if some have different opinion, or they have intention to make something like it is a referendum??
Is possible that for someone international law is valid one time, and in other time it isn't?
Who have right to tell from the Union that self determination for somebody is illegal, and for others is OK?
Is possible that Kosovo has right to make what they made, and when others try to do it again, it has not legal onto international law?
Who had broken the law first, who had believed that it was exclusivity for only one side?

The law is it, only if it is valid universally!
If it is not reason, than we have an anarchy, and after all insecurity.
Insecurity have create tensions and after all a war.
But, when a side take actions against other side only because they have believe how they have exclusivity, than we have injustice. Injustice make actions, actions reactions, and after all it going to be evolution in hate.
After that normal life is impossible.
The referendum is universal right, and it has no reserved for a states only, but an nations, and people has it right.
In chapters of UN constituency it had documented, and it had made to prevent what we had to saw in WWII.
The human right is over right a state to motion law and increase influence over a human bean.
Who tells against it, say same what say A. Hitler in the "My life", obscure book,the testimony about how is impossible make a relations in a states which regulated personal happy and liberty.
The US motion to make new order in the some parts of EU on the self picture, is wrong. The life, side along side is not the same system of life, like exist in the European former Imperial territories.

Referendum is valid even it has no support from the local state, if it has not intention to discriminate others.
But, when we look at the referendums in Swiss, than we had to saw how it has possible to be make in the state arrangement. In a democratic state.

Referendum isn't valid when it has make in situation where some part of an society is under pressure to leave a living posts.
In opposite of that, abandoning a referendum is a big crime.               

Wednesday 7 May 2014

The Obama's administration have problem with sanctions against Russia

In this moment we have to see how big story stay to be the big lie.
Not because we say it but because at the markets is clear how economy not stay in the statistics buro, but at the real life in the streets and houses of the Planet.
In this moment some 738 billions Euro stay away from the States markets, after US government make sanctions against Russia and Putin.  It mean that more than an trillion US Dollars has start to be the dept over the US Union.
On the market it start to do like big bomb against the West interests and what is pure clear, the make more trouble at domestic social and political area in the places like it is Middle West, and American far West. The most semi and low grow company coming to have more and more problems to sell self made products.
At other way if Russia start to make some measure, like to punish some cardholder companies, or to start the trade with domestic currency or some other concurrences at intl markets,  it has  start to be not trouble, but the big disaster for the States economy.
The States economy is not only so call big companies or mega companies, but even the middle range and low range companies and private persons who work alone or work in the agriculture industry.
The bank system in the states is hit with sanctions now, and investments,too. But the most problems come with so much inflationary money whose going to be put at the market what not so long could make aggressive influence at the domestic trade in US.
First it would make that the Dollar influence stay weak, and the Dollar exchange rates against other currencies going down rocketing for not months, but two or thee weeks.
Second, the produce price of most goods in the States stay stable. In the few weeks it will be low in the international markets. What have be good for month or two, but not so far.
The incoming products for incorporating in a domestic products grow in the price, and day by day it going to make more and more expensive it,too.
At the end of all it make money more expensive at the market ,it has make more expensive export, inflation at domestic fields and of course aggressive grow of an extremism,too.
The government bonds slush down, public dept stay rise, and after all it predict the economic stroke not so long after summer.
We have look at on the situation on the economic sanctions against Russia like the suicide measures, whose make these man and woman which have interest to broke the US independence.
Same like it done in the "Second Iraq War", when the Bush's junior administration slush down surplus in biggest  dept in the US history, after the States start to lose a friends and made start to have a lots enemies or bankrupt partners.
This method is now same, and after new disaster in confrontation against Russia, or other BRICS states with false investment at the arms, dissolution of USA will be finish.  

Sunday 4 May 2014

The blowing up of the democracy to make instability

Today we have to see how look like the policy with a guns.
After all is clear that politics with no emotion for the human life have a first place in economy whose stay in the speculative actions over exchanges markets in the World.
But even if someone mean how is possible to have any risk at these polices that is not true.
True stay in the position how it cost so much, and cost each day not double but if you see it clearly than we should see how situation really stay at a time.
No, we have no time to say something against or in favor for somebody, but we have tell only one- everybody who believe that a power stay in the arms, he is so weak, injustice, stupid and of course a big looser.
If you want to have a peace and prosperity than you must going to recognizing a dignity,equity, and freedom for other where ever they live, specially if they do it side by side with you.
Out of it you have get nothing, but only destroying and after all a war.
After war, you must put a bath at a chair to talk about a finish of it. Without it, someone else still start to promote it over you, and after many years it will be a big stone on your neck.
You stay in the gap, without a population at territory, and have no economy at all for many decades.
War is nice time for promoting a selfish interests and views, but after it you must stop and step on what?
An ruins haven't point for start new beginning.
In war have not a winner, but only suffer and loose. The pain stay a reason for live for many whose try to in an next time going to make retaliation.
The Magnificent God have reason to say how a democracy is not something great if it serve to make an disaster. He tells to us, how no one have right to celebrate a death and a destruction of  the other man and woman. No one have right to calls other to killing somebody, to reap and stole or to make a storm over somebody only because they haven't same view point on the Life.
Sin is in the mind, in the ignorance,in not acting, and it has a big lie. For injustice and for support in a war creating, nobody have right to look aside, and haven't right to say how it is not them thing.
What mean a money in pocket if you have nobody to spent it with? What mean a territory and state if you have not a neighbor who care to you, but the them whose try to make a trouble to you?
Absolute in the Life not exist.
An absolute power at a Life is a dictatorship, against it we have right to make cry against it. We must have right to protect a life and peace.