Monday 24 March 2014

True lies of G7 at these exchanges markets

Hello, who is so stupid to say what we can hear at some places like it has the conference of G7?
Than some guys like it has Prime minister of UK try from prominent lieder at the City to make info about real status at the economy and than some from US going to make pressure against open and independent media, when they ask,demand from the media to fabricate lies about situation with the most projects in energetic and transport industry.
Most of info which comes in the open air, have many lies about situation even in the budgets of most prominent member states of G7 group, where some of them have problem to pay month salaries, and pension incomes to self citizens.
In this time Canada have real problem with pension system, with health care, and what is no known they have problem with energetic industry.
They have vision to be main supplier with oil and maybe gas to EU. But in this time they haven't money to make even big gain at the neighbor petrol market.
Maybe the States have power to be the first energy supplier to the World, but it has only the big imagination.
For it they must have resource to punch most deeply than they have can now.
On other way the punch in the soil terrain is much more expensive than it has price at the open see, and what is real problem, they have no money to push it for two decades.
The technology of rinse shale now is most dangerous technology at the Planet, more dangerous than it has production in a nuclear plant.
Mr. Obama and the advisors   take have these info and because that they have plan to make incursion at the Russian sphere of influence. Even that mean the WWIII!
But, main promoter of this policy and the hard worker in the tactic "crash the door" is UK prime minister David Cameron.
The plans with oil and gas exploitation in the South Atlantic rush down in clashes against Argentina and Brasil. But even because, the technology which exist now at energetic industry isn't sophisticate so naff to make protect the environmental and to give not so expensive energy at the market.  
The lies stay even in situation,where Sweden try to cover the difficulties in the industry, where with no investment from the east, "the dirty money", they have grove problem with an insecurity and social catastrophe.
Most industries in north of the country goes down, and now they have a jobs only if it have main industry at the south, specially Volvo.
Out of supple  with nickel and wolfram they have real problem in electron  industry, but in the defense industry,too.
Why we say it?
For the reason, whose stay at the way. Today is impossible to make gains against somebody. The Global economy mean, global measure, and if someone going to break interest of other, than info at the markets stay only like the big lies.
The East have resource, the West need it, but money is in the pocket of the several mostly non West countries.
And there is problem! The some guys believe how they have a mission to change situation at the field.
For this guy these dictators like it have in Saudi Araby or some other the Gulf country or Egypt is better than it they see in the other so call partners.
For therm of poverty they have no emotion. They have no intention to react in favor for a person, but to "protect" what they see a profit, even they must have deal with Nazi and nationalist so call lieder. Even if it mean a ethnic cleansing and destroying  of national surrender.      

Saturday 22 March 2014

Moody, Fitch, Standard and Poor-the government assistants?

The big market agencies like it has Moody, Fitch and SandP  have no credibility to say something after they are changes results for US economic perspectives after the administration of President Obama step up in call to this agencies "be prosecute for falls info about economic stance at the States".
After the treat, the Agencies step back and pull out true info about US economical situation.
How is possible that this so call independent economic judges turn down the self view on the situation in US? And only at the States?
Is possible that they are not what they promote for self?! It is possible that they are only the government's assistant in dirt job of international blackmail!?
But, the same things we saw in relation with some others countries like it has Germany, where the state influence in economy, specially at the local market, into support at the exports have make a crucial potential to Germans make businesses at abroad. And on that way the local government try to control a social turmoil at the home. But if they want to see deeply than they have to see how situation with the local market and social situation is not so well. Did they do it?
But we have the several examples which did not rated properly in last years,too.
And this examples who are presenting here is only the voice how this agencies work. Bad!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

The abandon US dollar

After new escalation at the field over control in Kiev, the US  Finance Department have urgent message to the President, "how situation over US dollar is not so good."
The status of US money after clashes against several country in the World stay insecurity.
Trade with the dollars drop in few weeks for more than seven percent and it have continues in situation where is totally clear how the White House promises to the so call government in Kiev stay out of the mind. Because, the Federal Reserves stay have no support in cash to do nothing more than to pay daily needs of US treasure.
It mean secure the salaries from the federal level and support fond for the not well economic stay federal states. It have make impossible to US Vice President make have so much than hard speeches at the tour in the ally countries which now is not in control of the local governments and whose now have knowledge how if they stay more than several weeks in the same position whose they have now, they can try to be the next candidate to East Market Union.
They, first Poland than other countries living at the export of the agricultural goods and some of them in the trade cooperation in export the Russian goods at aboard, mostly at the West.
In trade, they mostly take in posses the dollar, much more than Euro, because the Russians  prefer it before.
But if they take to change, the local markets in the several east European states stay in the "mirror".
With no jobs, no support from ECB, and what is most possible without support from the main ally,US.
The situation with the dollar is not so clear even in conversation against some ME supporter of the White House policies, because they have to see how they and US lost the battle at Syria and how is possible to some of  so call supporters going to have a war in the Gulf.    
The treat which the teeny emirate get from Moscow, now stay in  a position to  change most what the administration have to believe.
For  the same reason the teeny emirate make deal and push away the dollar, what in the markets have disaster effect against the administration plans.
Now in this moment the dollar is at the path to be removed from the number one post in the energy markets and to be replaces with something else.
Ukraine's crisis have no so much intense at it, but try to the big players at these markets to change situation in which one private institutions like it had Federal Reserve, can not be no more controller of the World.
After all, the situation stay in the way that US policies has no more financial support at the market. The currencies and stock exchanges stay in the path to be make against the dollar.
First, because the administration had missed calculation over several crisis in the world. Second, they have made aggressive acts against the several countries at the World. Third, they lost the support of the local ally, because they have no direct actions against example Syria, and they in the contrary play against Muslim Brotherhood. Fourth, they have no gains in the Ukraine, where they support the Nazi and aggressive nationalistic rhetoric against mainly Russians and those Ukrainians whose stay out of that, or opposite of that.
But, the least is crucial to everything. With broken money the administration take measure to export the self crisis in what they have to see like not friendly nation, most of them whose have the US bonds, and whose are the main US creditors.
In the retaliations, "the not friendly nations governments" have actions to sold to much it at the market, for gold. To Arab supporters in the Gulf.
It has in the finish two points, first the flood dollars at the west markets and second high price of gold, less price of oil and high price to food.
Both of it create inflation in the West and crisis at the States market's.               

Monday 10 March 2014

The States stay at the MH370 fly

After lost in Ukraine, Libya, Syria and Iran, the some guys and girls came to took the action against China.
They have knowledge why they make big mistake and take control over the plane and passengers into Philippine jungle.
They are not an members of jihad movement.
They are come from the government.
In this moment, the big tensions which exist in all Ukraine, they was used to made the attack against China.
This group stay over the coup in Kiev. They are involve in actions in the several places in the World, example against Venezuelan President.
In Libya they have problem with oil, but the true stay in the meter that they have no control over exploitation and export oil and gas.
After all, they need the nuclear war, because they are in bankruptcy.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Something what you must know about a sanctions against Russia

In the moment when crisis shot down any actions in the EU market, the Union comes with suicide plan to give a credits to Ukraine.
Not only few millions, but several billions Euros.
The point stay in the time in which they have the plan to open a credit line. It have been in period of several years.
Ukraine needs money in two months. They need about 40 billion dollars to pay all dept, specially to Russia, and some other states.
In only few weeks they need money to pay budget users or they have the collapse at collapse.
The pensions was in dept two months, and more. The health system is fall down. And security system have same problem with money and a payments.
If we look at situation with the gas supplying and electricity than we can tell how Ukraine now need around 1,5 billion US dollars, or they can expect reductions in no more than a week.
On other way, sanctions to Russia from the West, means the lost in only a week more than trillion dollars in the global market.
The States believe how they have a way to make supplies to the Union with bypassing routs from the States, and Qatar by a LNG ships.
But for this operation the Union haven't a terminals. Or they haven't naff of it.
The supplies from the north is impossible, because the fields at the north Arctic see stay on Russian control.
The oil fields in Shetland  region stay in the off-shore status, and can be control on the same way.
Qatar, now in this moment haven't a courage and facilities to make it.
A act of war from Russia against this teeny states is possible, and it has in the mind of local ruler.
On total, if Russia take the money and assets of the West companies at self territory, it can take in moment social insecurity at a home. Lots unemployment, more bancrupcy and on the end a collapse of stock.
Yes, we expect the not so good time in the economy of Russia, but if we see how much money they spent to buy everything abroad, than sanction if it have take on the right way, can be made like something good.
But in both time, the big winner is China.
Europe stay in the same way only no more than two weeks. After that, the reduction, high price to food, crude, medicine, electricity stay out of an hands of common people.
The price of gas, oil, gold, corn, fat and ets. have the rocketing grow.
After one month the situation would be so difficult for  a governments that they have to stay with non democratic acts against a domestic citizens.
And after all, take the actions and put a sanctions against Russia at the table!    

Saturday 1 March 2014

The US administration with intervention outside, cures domestic crisis

In real situation when economy in the States going sharply down, and when each day so many people leave a work places, without possibility to going to find some job, Mr. Barack H. Obama start to speaking how situation on the East is.
The old UK premier Sir Winston Churchill in the time of true told about this situations for a statesman.
He told how is possible to do something in these times when you lost everything. "You must start to speak about some other problems how yours public don't have time to mean about at a real time and problems. And how you come to make much time, to do something against real problems".
But in the time where the Administration of the actually President of USA  have no a idea to change economy policy, what we have to see at these markets in many US towns. The situation on the east of Europe stay so well.
In this moment the much crucial aspects of economy in the States blame the policy of actual administration and calling to be changes so radical and quickly.
Inflation grow and it we registrant in the market exchanges rates which growing in the action named "pump the inflation dollars". How? In the time when Mr. Obama started the Presidency exchanges rates at Wall Street had been approximately less than 12000 index points for Down Jones.
In eight years of actual presidency in the White House, rate now stay at level more than 16000 points. This time, the States, but even other part of the Planet made have crisis, with more or less catastrophic aftermaths for the south and east part of the World, but even for the same parts of Europe,too.
The money which comes at the markets, have no real cover in the industry activity. But in the risk trade over an stock exchanges. These brokers whose loose an jobs start action to cover it, and make money from trafficking with a air.
In this activity they involve the big insurance company and then in it come actively US administration over state control founds.
When they have no money in the pocket, the States start to print more and more US dollars, whose have no real cover in a goods or gold.
Now, after more than five years of crisis start, no one have courage to say how is big US dept. And why the economy in the States, have no power to change things, even weak dollar can have push at the economy grow, specially at the industry produce.
More and more industries leave the States at the other part of the Word. The economic power of the States now stay only in the guns and soldiers of mercy, which is prepare to sell self for hand of dollars.
Current situation now have signature of the some others, but not the people whose like official London take and spend 4,2 billion Pounds of Scottish money, and now have worry how to say the public, in the moment of Scottish referendum to independence.
What is point of all? The point stay in the moment where , the credits of US and UK buy the big companies and then they have right to use the power of state in self promotion.
In this centuries we are witness how big states loose independence, and how it some can buy at the market. If some need to take control of natural resource in a some country than they take a politician to speak for democracy.