Wednesday 22 January 2014

Like Libya, Syria, Ukraine stay at the same path on the same way

In some time, some people or a organisation can be most dangerous.
Now we look at situation in Ukraine and some things are same like we had to saw in the several places at the Planet.
What we said about situation in  Libya two years ago, what now is true?
Is true that former regime is not pull out from the scene?
They are in the playground and now they do good things,make read in a books, about actions against the aggressors and local supporters. Theactions now make situation in Libya worst than it had predict any analyst in some West intel agencies.
Oil price stay on the high level like it had been in the time of aggression on Libya in   2011., and situation in the some part of Africa stay worst than it had been in time when in action stay former Libyan leader Qaddafi.
In 2011. France and some other states taken tion against Qaddafi to made "new democratic state" with elements whose came directly from the prisons and refuges camps onto EU soil. With arms which came from Turkey, and logistic which made directly the Department.
The same system stay now in this moment near the Ukrainian coast, where stay several US war ships, and with special forces whose stay in the Georgia. Turkey electronic support in the communication control into Ukraine, specially communication between local special forces.
In action they on the soil use same elements like it had used at Libya. But what we have to see only few hours after first intrusion?
The "opposition" and inside supporters does noting in the plan rising. They have a lost in communication, they have no support of the common people. East stay out of confrontation, and mostly homogenize against acts in Kiev.
Now we are just few minutes to legal split up on the two in Ukraine, where at the west of the country we expect systematic war "games". And east and Crimea where people want to be part of the Customer Union with Russia and others. Not only because most of them speak Russian like prime language, but they have fear from the most right wing oriented western part population, who even eight decade after Second WWII was finished believe how they had occupation not liberation from the Red Army.
And where most young people stay in favor against Nazism.
If EU going to support changes against most of population at Ukraine, with ally pact with local Nazi gay, we are against it. 

Monday 13 January 2014

EU Commission to be lead with new ideas and ideals against EU east state coruption

Not is so long past time when some from the eastern Europe called to been free out of Russian domination.
In free countries, with free market, and with democratic influences of the common public.
But today. after several decades in the called situation, people have no more fascination at Europa.
They have to see how is they no more so good to be equitable with so call old Europe citizens. No only Romanies have reason to worry for self life. Even other easterners have right to call so much worry at precipitation on them at the West.
Now they have so much democracy, but their plant has so empty, and they have no so naff money to be free and happy in fatherlands.
If they prefer to lost so call domestic security, and want to going to abroad they is in fear to be sell like baby beef in countries where they come.
The democratic process in the East is something like so call process, because politicians and public workers on this part of Europe is some most corrupt elite in the world, more then it has such elites at Africa.
This is no something new, but it has something what EU commission must take seriously if they have to see express recovery process at the old continent.
Without increase of the pressure at the local policies in the so cal new EU member states, with recovery program in the projects at free investments, and transparent market of money, credits and donation. But even with  a situation at civil association in this country, where a organisation serve to be "companies on a common money", and where some people have intense to make money in security of political opportunity in cooperation with political parties.
What we want to say it is so large scale of presence the nepotism, corruption, and steal policy at the "free markets", what make EU much weak. Make a politic so much orientate at the hates and right or left extremist influences open at the much of European states.
With no changes at the east, the no one in the EU can be free of fear.  
Yes, EU Commission must step up in the order to some new member states must take serious changes or they must be faces with chance to be expel from the club.
Or they must take a action against an treat public officers, with personal sanctions against them.
If the Commission don't want to take action in the field against irregular situation then is clear how for EU administration and some others in EU, the perspectives to the East Europe is like colony for a goods from the West part of continent and place for exploitation a less pay local worker.
In this simulation, the future of EU is not so long.
Nazi and fascist be new alternative at the politic arena, same we had saw in the 1930th,20th century.              

Friday 10 January 2014

Last coldest in America came after Japan nuke disaster

If someone going to say how is nuclear energy totally secure than they have no interest to see a truth.
Not so much time was pass than we had to saw the nuke plant disaster in north Japan, like great ping from mother Earth, whom she came kick  back in ours faces Like we have to see more abnormal moves in the several places of the Planet West.
The radiation going to be accumulated at the see and in the air comes more electricity which going to make changes in the weather condition. Same we had to saw after several same disasters in the past.
But, now we can saw that someone made a big lie, when they say how is not so bad, after nuke disaster in Japan.
Not only one plant gone at been blown.
Japan has not going to give the World real parameter of situation at the field. Non even medical parameter of  population health was given.
In real world, we have to take position whose going to promote reality.
Explosion of several nukes make worst time than it could made US system in the north Alaska.
That situation was not so nice and regular, and that some moves from the north is not so call controlled, had been clear in the middle of autumn. In this time nobody want to say officially how had situation been bad. Like we had to saw in move "The day after tomorrow".
Ions in atmosphere make changes in molecules of water and this changes going to made big changes in routes of winds.
The ocean made in the big accumulator, where the salt water is electrolyte and where storms which step up on a land make more and more disasters, from the floats to a lights.
That something is not so correct, we had to see in last Christmas, when the several ships stay in the white prison at Antarctica.
All of new comes from the North America, for one reason, a media presentation.
On the other places, we had to registered more anomaly than it was usually in the nearest past.
The hot winter at the Europe, and not so cold weather in the north Asia, but extreme colder at some part of US and Canada, but in the south winter in the several areas of Latin America, call us to say how some don't want to say a common true.
The explosion wave whose come into America, now is at way to the east.
What we can expect is not clear to see but, if we look at situation with species, than we must stay so worry.
Is possibly to Sahara desert step up in the green wally much earlier than it was expect.
The coldest time in the ME and snow on this area made a message to us.
How it is hear?            

Monday 6 January 2014

Balkan is a picture,how politic of big states has be wrong

In new economic and political constellation at the politic arena in the World after Cold War some things going to go like it had been in the past.
Nothing is different in a politics against some region at the Planet, against some nations or against the mother nature.
Things like democracy or liberty stay away in collision with a capital or particular interest of a some groups or several big nation.
The collision big nations stay at the path when a policy going to be something like we had to saw in the history books. In some case, but not only for them,  nations like US or the former colonial powers, but not only them try to make a new history on the same way what it did some predecessors.
US in some time take same tactics like it did Kaiser's Germany or after that Mussolini's Italy in tactics named "The way at east".
In this tactic lay the path for latent aggressive policy against interest of a other countries, primary it has Russia and China, but even against interest of some ally whose has a natural resources in energetic.
In some case for reason to control energetic industry US going to make deal with total undemocratic regimes like it is regime in SA or in some places at the middle Asia.
For a common public this tactic is not so nice and reasonable, and look so much like some former enemies of the States make policy in the Capitol Hill or Whit House.
On the other side of the Planet, the West, but even so call the East do not so much to protect democratic values in a practice life. Specially in some part of Africa or south Europe.
But what to say at the policy at Ukraine or at southeast Europe.
In Ukraine we see like some agents of some former US politicians try to remove democracy over streets. And try to involve a civil war in divided Ukraine on pro Russian East and pro Western West part of country. The reason for that lie in thinking that it is only way for Russian gas to leak to EU.
But what is with Balkan states, where the States and EU make policy whose mostly look like it same made Adolf Germany.
Dived over ethnic border, where is no places for so call others in a reason of real policy, democracy stay out and wait some things. But what?
Is possible to have secure the southeast NATO front line if they have regimes which the Union and Sates drill with Austrian forin minister, what for much of population at the region look like not so good.
On the other way, Russian incorporation in some part of the same region look lake way to protect self interest but not interest of local people. It have same wave like it have on the policy with Austrian moderation.
People lay in chaos of the extremism, where local elites do not so much to protect the common people from a history, and slavery.
Now they are slaves of the politic elites whose come form the former Communist party members or them child.
Economy there is not so important thing for thinking. History of World War II is much important.
Much important  is which father or grandfather stay on the side.
Politic parties look so much like it have sponsor states Austria. And what is so important, the sponsor states try not to changes situation on the field but try to make big gains for self economic and politic plans.
In this relation, situation on the field in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but in other Balkan states.too, is full not secure.
It has exist because the some parts of world policies does not no so well specific situation on a specific terrain. And for this reason we have latent crisis in the World.
To changes it, in policies against Balkan, the Union, States,China, Russia must remove sponsor states from the field, and going to install High Council for Reconciliation.