Sunday 24 March 2013

Some from the West going to help Nazism

Now is totally known that situation in Cypriot crisis look like it we can saw at nearest history in Balkan wars at last decades of 20th century.
But now is clear how some east powers has not same weight like it they had in the nearest history. 
The States and UK isn't so strong what they try to have present in the public.
With France is clear how it is so deeply in troubles, and how French President live only at Mrs. Merkel's money. Or if we make it in the words, over 170 percent of BDP in France come from dept. 

For this reason, the Fuehrer orders in plan "Barbarossa" - "We had made the moving at the East for the our new living places"- still is operating. 
But now it have making some grandsons and their friends, from what is most shame for these bravest  US, UK and France heroes at WWII.
 In the time where is clear how few US Presidential administration had going to make big mistakes, when they did not listened CIA information contribution.
CIA has in the several time information how had been so danger to going in the actions. But in all this time they stay only like the guilty side. Guilty to wrong points, first in Afghan war, than in war against Sadam Hussein and now in new ground actions against Syria.

If we are looked at nearest action of some so call economical power at the bank crisis, than it we have clear views on what we was said here.

This moves, is similar like it we had saw in the Balkan crisis, and other crisis at the Planet. And now it look like Nazi reveille. Something what some expect to had been happened in nearest time after WWII.

With breaking economy,and the lost sense after the plots against former WWII allies like it had been Russia, China, the North Africa, and former Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia,  make have situation in the some places of power at the West in the great troubles. Displaced from the reality in the new plot named Cypriot bank crisis, whose really not exist.       

Thursday 21 March 2013

Cypriot banks and Syrian war

In situation where the war over Syria goes so long, and without happy news for the West states, action over Cypriot bank system is only an measure or action in this war.
Action over Cypriot bank system have goal in vision that on this way the promoters of so call democratic revolution try on this way to push out main Syrian ally out of the position in the war actions.
Crisis not exist, this is true,and it was maked only to push panic over money savings into local banks, to on this way it going to make more disaster point over Russia, and other east countries, who are use Cypriot bank system like it make use the west investors into Austrian bank system.
With try to make have the more casualties into Russian portfolio some EU states goes in action name "Bank sirens" to make have finale push out Russian state, and companies from ME, especially in Syria.
The action have two top hill. First it was a something like nationalization of safer money, and in second to going to involve Russia in the local bankrupt with such safety loan to protect the local bank system, after that the Western "democrats" going to make more to push Cypriots over the brink of sword of bankrupt. And than to make over it, crisis in Kremlin.
But in this moment, they have crisis of Euro, and position that European currency stay in the zero point to be push down at the trade markets. What in finally can cause total dissolution of the Union. Maybe in some scenarios even a war.
Now, in moment when the Mr. President stay at the position one, where he stay and wait how will situation in Nicosia come, with a finger over red bottom,to the authorization action against Syria, the Mr. President advisers try to make step off, to windrow from the disaster.

In real production of crisis, which, now it is totally clear, it is only crisis of  the several West economy. It going to be make for the reason to take have a protection over shine history of colonialism.
Situation at the fields from the East to West, and South to North, open the question: Who is real troublemaker at the Planet?

The crisis now stay only at position that US and UK lost the several wars  at past two decades, and now they try to mist fortune what they had lost in these wars, pick up in the some next actions, this time against Russia, and the East. On simple dirty way.  

Saturday 16 March 2013

New Pope?

Who is the new Pope?
Is it really,a man who are step up on the Holly Seat thorn?
Small man come at the place,and first what he was told  to us,how he has wish to going to be a common  men.
But after all, like many in the past he had some thing what is not so clear. The new Pope role into military regime rule in Argentina is some of the not clear things which come in the first place after roman conclaves.
Because that is so necessary to Pope tell to us what is real happened in these times. With simple minds and words to everybody can have understand real meter of happenings.
In other place is to come and tell to Urbi et Orbi how situation in the Catholic Churches is?
What is with Pope relation on the Theology of liberation,and many of priests and bishops who are involving in preach of it?
Is he really a reformist?
How he had mean to reform something what have the real problem in the function, and in the hierarchy?
Without questions on this asks he is only man who are there to prevent the open war between several sects which each of them try to have domination in the Curia.

Real situation is that  some try to have make domination over the World in presentation the new Pope like super-star in the media, to come in start position to make the more new troubles at the planet Earth.

We take a place to made asks, not to make some troubles for the Pope, but to make real position from where is clear, is the Pope Francisco independent from incursions from aside.Strong men on the top of the hill, alone and glorious, with a pure mind, the open dialogue with many others, believers and other peoples good will.    

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Chavez,rest in peace!

Today is most happy day for millions at Latin America soil. Hugo Chavez was died.
The rich people now have a chance to retake positions before so call revolution at Venezuela. They can going to call to be removing all socialistic elements from the policy and economy at the country and region of Latin America.
In most centuries before, a pour people stay pour and rich going to be so richest. And this situation some small officer made had change with attack at it with socialistic revolution. For whom?
Did they done it for a common man and woman, or this had been made to create a new oligarchy?
So many questions and no more answers came to been stay at the public?
Now we are staying and watching to you, to look at all who are preparing to make action against Bolivar's revolution in Caracas.
We are ready to make actions against all who have come to make actions, first against Roman Pope and now against the Revolution.
Revolution Bolivar's now is most power then ever. The people have something what they have no time in    the history.
This Revolution was came with these priests and they had made the name for it -Theology of Freedom.
In the moment when some make have to going to prepare the celebration over the funeral of the lieder of Venezuela, they must to make the notice how they are in the war against the God.
They was made attack against the first priest, only in reason they have believe  how they must make new "Monroe doctrine" at south, after what is reality come that no power have to change Iran and other so call non democratic regimes.
Stay away from the Revolution, and make no more the mistakes what you had in nearest history.
Rest in peace El Comadante,thank you for most changes in the World in last decade and half.