Saturday 31 December 2011

New 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR for all whose celebrate it!
Last year was something what everybody want to miss from mind.
The terrible theories whose come from Paris and London that "democracy is something what is gift whose big nations can and must going to give non-development states", made and make disasters over the Planet.
Situation in specially Africa and some places in Asia, but over it in USA and some parts of EU going to make situation in the Planet worst than it ever before happened.
Economic situation over markets and over budgets of most powered countries come situation on the field complicate and grow some insecurity.
But the wars at fields in Africa, at Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Libya,Sudan and other parts of this continent come from both side of the West axial.
These countries come to make world like that it make in the two last centuries.But now it isn't possible to both countries have these rolls like colonial super power, because they have not power to come independently into some conflict.
It we can saw at Libya,where both Paris and London come to change man who had good connections with politicians and economics elite of both countries. And who was involved with several billion Euros in economic stability of local economies.
But when this men come to tried to took the beneficence over interest incomes from local governments they going to made revolution at the field and off course like most thief they try to with stilled goods make better conditions for self.
In coordination action over former Nazi action with cod-name "Going to the East", now they going to make the wars with not only Syria, but with China, India, Brasil,Russia and etc, too.
They come in the 2012 like demons from Mayan legends. And they have real masters in the some part of US bank system. Same masters who had involved into crisis whose drop downed EU states, and make the Planet most insecurity places.
In theory of this economic groups we have most part of Nazi ideology, and it is so incredible that Jewish come like fist over it plan.
The New Year must going to come like year of changes. Capitalism,must change the face, character,too.People must going to have real democracy where money cannot be power for rule. And where politicians going to not be servants of big capitals, but real servants of people,too.
We must have life at the Planet where Dollar haven't same positions like have now. Because most places at the Planet cannot live in system with inflationary Dollar.
Of course, the war between US and Iran can make situation better than ever. It mean leave from old world system to new. In world without an colonial dream.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Croatia like Hungary?

Today some parts of new Europe have much problems with identity into EU community law.
From Romania, Hungary and Croatia we can see more and more problems into society then it top of EU want to have take in observes.
Unemployment rates is growing over twenty percent of population total number and that have problem to make new or even some economic grow.
The crime is involve into states structures, and on this structures positioned take have non involve people, for ex-plane in Croatia or Hungary some new ministers are much more open to broke laws than to crash organize "normality".
The system is openly determinate to make new crimes and to punish peoples who have courage to say no for it.
The Hungarian government isn't so happy to say that they haven't knowledge how to prevent open chaos in the country. They only have words to prevent EU critics over semi fascist in the national parliament whose make governmental mayor group.
This group have only power to replace presents of illness from streets but they haven't known how to remove lethal economic weapon where some groups of Hungary nation have right to not pay taxes.
Same system have stay at Croatia new coalition government. The candidates for ministers like it can haven't be for interior minister, for defense minister, for minister of justice, ministry for work and minster candidate for economy,finance minster and minister for ecology,too. In this time we can see how is noncompetitive government their can be if we look at from translates on to Hungarian situation, where new conservatives parties haven't going to do something, after socialist party demolition at parliamentary elections.
Because that new government in Croatia must take have responsibility, and now going to have step down nominated candidates in new candidates, because they have ignorance,they protect selfish interests, and try to promote peoples whose have blind support for them. And of course,because they have criminal activity in the past what can come like lethal weapon for blow new social policy in the states.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Lies from central banks

Story of colonial wars over the planet isn't stop. Some guys at several places try to find reason to move of Dmitry Medvedev and of course Putin,too.
Reason for it step up in position of some politicians,who haven't knowledge how to resolve situation on the markets. Where situation with no exist money make bankers so nervous,because this so call money going nowhere, and make have that real industry haven't money for investment and for real activity at markets.

In several states central banks make money over new categories like it is less interest rates, to prevent it.
But it have't make what they are believe that they can make a good point.
Industry stay and money the real money have not come at state budget what have disaster move onto global society, and it make have mistake moves from governments which try to cutters in payments and social protections open new way for growth. What make have crisis so worst.
In this time credibility of some positions at the planet is past. And no government,nor international organisation have right to tell what is path for new world.
Money whose central banks move up from accounts and self deposits have only reason for markets to be much nervous than it is now.
On other side, money have lose weight.
A pumping money at commercial banks going to make not crisis but on some way make have beginning for new depreciation, and after it going to come a war.
But today more than hundred nations have some dirty bomb, and any war cannot make good after it.
US and some allays must stop preparation for it.

Saturday 3 December 2011

The four riders of apocalypse from WS Agencies

Nothing is law, law is nothing.
Security at the Planet come in the Greek's Gods sphere in time where local governments does everything to kill everybody who are not in the same position to them.
A lies and corruption which come from money industry change life of hundred millions people who are at the streets and try to find real question at this moment.
The so call occupations to WS was created from some people at WS. This people, mostly bankers from non profit banks involved at mislead from US Fed Reserve now want to crack down market on aboard to preserve situation who they have now , to be replace from position at not from bank, but from market.
Money who they have is low cost US Dollar but it wasn't real money yesterday and today it is only some look like former Deutsche Reich Mark. Dollar today is only blanket shits without some real weight.
US and the President have knowledge how it is reality from half year ago.And of course, that real power of US going to stay only in the army power. But only in the middle of next era for four years from today.
In this time,because they do everything against humanitarian law and international law,too.
They going to doing everything in quick moves to block any real restore of economy at the Planet, by the big war against many who they are believing, have a sea of money.
In acts against Africa, they make many mistakes, and now when they have't prediction
about situation over Middle East and Iran, only what they predict is to move in the great war.
Economy in the former colonial countries stay at not well. But it isn't so worst what want to make in information same guy from WS banking club.
No one have reason to believe that US Dollar is international money for ever, but now is time to Mr Obama that say it to US citizen.
Time is to some step over exist idea to remove old organisation for money protection like it is IMF, and remove UN from this position where it is copy of former inter organisation.
It mean that Word Bank must step up like universal bank with commercial money who going to go replace this old system made in the WWII.
Money of all states most come to have convertibility, and it mean that universal money made at one post most stop change everything in the gold, what is real pat for new war.