Tuesday 29 March 2011

In London today they was killed UN

This is the simple thing. If some guys like Mr. Sarkozy or Mr.Cameron have the problems at home, then they put some country or more of them into a war.
It isn't so nice when they have some Mrs. Clinton in associate. The women who has real problem to make a real decision every time when they come to make some troubles to the President.
Now they have a short man named Ban, General Secreter of UN in the pocket. Day when he come in the power at the organization was great disaster for humanity.
But after all they killed UN and now no body have right to try protection in the international law.
If some of Troika mean that they have right to put so many Christians in Arab world on to danger, because they have need to by pass Russian oil and gas system, then they must see something on the sky.
And of course, this is real time to some from aside tell for them that they made these dozen of dictators at the Middle East. For the same reason which they use into Libyan war. To control oil and gas supply for EU.
To remove the both of "enemies"-new Germany and Russia from the economic fields.
For that, they are not so disappointing, if so many Christians going to be removing from the motherland.

Friday 25 March 2011

What is Bahrain case for US?

Did US saw what have happened in Bahrain?
When they do what they do at Mediterranean sea against Libya in head quoter of US fifth fleet situation is on eruption path. Most predominate Shia Muslims populate Bahrain have worst situation in the human right then it was in Libya. The terror of so call king and some states who are come to occupation the small country is somthing what is against UN charts.
Because, US doing noting to protect the civilians in the Bahrain we have right to tell that action against Libya is aggression, and that Iran has full right to come to protect Shia Muslims in this country from mass murders who come from so call Arab dynasties.
Time is to going to broke and smash dictatorship at Bahrain, and it is time to so call care for the civilian right start to be universal for whole planet Earth.
Iran is now to have take the measure against some Arabian states, like it is Saudi Kingdom to prevent genocide at the field.
On other side, UN must take measures to push out UAE and Saudi Araby from Bahrain, and going to demand from Bahrain's royal court to make some constitutional changes for democratic reforms.
In the other way, Libyan story will have only same position in the history like Iraq. And position of fifth fleet will be not so secure.
In the both way it going to be a big disaster for the States.

Monday 21 March 2011

When some doing to blow us

Japn is lost for several centuries and now is totally known that US doing the some things but wrong tings in the World because they are lost the nuclear submarine in the Pacific ocean near Japan. The vessel was destroy into the accident, when one of reactor start to leek onto mision.
This accident was cause the strong earthquake and tsunami in the Japan.
Now same things we have in the some other part of this planet, and what The President can have make to tall for us. He is lost much more than he can imagine. But in time when catastrophe is in the path to make life on the islands impossible, he come to start some speech about what?
US hasn't power to protect Japan from nuclear holocaust, because they cause it. The second time in history.
In other part, make other disaster to cover another is something like war crime.

Friday 18 March 2011

Japan is push in the disaster from them

The idiots in Japanese government doing anything good.
Who is so unreasonable at Japanese soil? Premier, or some guys who are on the connection with US State Department?
Are they believe in the God? Once is secure, that they make big disaster over Asia, and now they are the mega murders like most from the past, like Hitler. They make holocaust over Japan, and now they are on the list. They must going to be punishment for it.
But Japan must take steps to going to use some measure, and with neighbors help, going to start to remove disaster.
Japan can't be so proud that stay solo in the tragedy!
Use the rocket to remove nuclear reactor from surface of this planet,immediately!

Saturday 12 March 2011

With tehnology against nuclear treat in the far east

After big disaster in the far east time is to tell that situation over nuclear plants isn't so nice, and that possibility to come catastrophe is so big that all over the World must take measure to protect innocent people from disasters.
Time is to Russians take some action to going to destroying nuclear power plants in Japan, with of course, Japanese government permission. Only they have knowledge about situation which is now in the power plants at far east.
With "Sharks" they must take action now and they must remove the nuclear treat from the surfaces.
Japanese government have only few days to stop an nuclear holocaust.

Thursday 3 March 2011

The end of one long colonial story

News from US fleet comes more quickly than it is usually. The naval ships come at east Mediterranean sea only for one reason. The strong foreign troops start windrow from trap.
They have knowledge that situation in the field isn't so nice and that everything stay in time when we can expect that Libyan desert wash out the six fleet power.
In this moment we have time to see that US and other forces have mass come back into a basis. And that no one have power to grove up into new war near Europeans soil.
Because, from Balkan nobody have courage to put on rocket at nearest western town.
But colonel have power, knowledge,money and hate to do so.
And than it can start like war Islam against crusades.
In this scenario no one plane or something else from the fleet can have any consequence for colonel.
If US and NATO going to go in the war against colonel and Libya it will have same story like it was Somalia, but several time destructive for invaders.
And if we look at situation into Libyan desert the non colonel forces have control only on the far est of state, and into deeply desert where is major depot of Libyan army and strategic forces they have any presents. The colonel hate against crusades start to grove up from minute to minute, and nothing is can be same like it you have now, to today.
This situation is the end of one long colonial story.