Thursday 24 February 2011

Obama's hypocrisy

The President of USA hasn't right to tell something on the Libyan situation. He is in the dew over massacres in the many places at the Middle East. He and administration of him have right tell only some things about Gaza and West Bank. But when he talk about that he always puts the veto in UN.
Because that the people in the Sahara desert need so much democratic rulers who are coming from the people, not from mr. President yours sponsor.
And now time is there to going to go tell Algerian President, and Moroccan King light message: "Now is time for change"!
Libya will have not good history of massacres and genocide. But it is real point from no one from west to have right to make active involve in desert poem.
The colonel was your doll and you make many mistakes with him. Now put down your fingers from oil and water below Sahara soil.
Of course mister President you had idea to created the war against Iran, and you are step down from this idea with Nobel price.
But what have make EU against you in time when is clear that your misses to make a defend against "desert storm" whose come back like the boomerang.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Restore medical ethics in the east member and candidates of EU

In this time we are witness how is so hard to protect some ordinary thing- the human life!
No one cannot have right to took life from somebody. It isn't crime against people, but against God.
Today, the acts against life have exist in the Europe in the same level like it has in the north Africa, and Arabia. But this attacks against human and dignity comes from companies and with companies connect local officials. The most problem in the east of EU stay in the medicine. A lots of people stay out of good treatment in a hospital and other medical treatment places. If someone haven't good social position,than they haven't same right for medical care. But on other side stay position of local doctors who are involve so much in the crime. Not only over direct corruption,but over political, and pharmaceutic corruption, too.
This corruption is something what doing so bad for EU goals in the east, and make this places at big trouble places into world.
EU most have measure to make the goals for self promotion in the east, and to going to change the worst situation where like some future member states have more than 30% of local medical budget out into pockets of local political hard people.
And where are exist same percent in the deal between local medical company with doctors and others from medicine sector.
It can be new bomb like food into Africa, who can make detonation, and than can start to be reason for EU end. Not Euro fall.

Saturday 12 February 2011

Desert poem

After several weeks in the desert rhapsody,some politicians have time for tea time. But in the situation where isn't so clear who is next, more than others France President is so deeply in the mess.
The states, former France colonies in North Africa start to make domino effect in social evolution.
The dictators who are in the power because France need so call protection from Islamic fanatic now have problem to tell the true in the Paris. The long and very big economic help whose came in the decades before in the region had have no involve in the public life, specially at an life of common people.
On the other side it is so heave problem in the France budget. Today when economic crisis still knocking at door of more than 70% French citizens.The question whose stay in the President palace has the try for the way of French degage from the field of Sahara.
But what is result of this?
Result isn't so nice for French national pride?! Or is possible that they can expect not nice asks about cooperation with some people in north Africa.
Maybe after that everybody going to look at true about so call Islamic extremism. The story that so many noble people lost live, and today they are stay in the wall of liberty.
Money in Morocco, Mauritania,Alger,Tunis and Sudan cannot be make back. But with the story isn't possible that Cairo come at Paris.
After all time isn't so nice to be France President. With no name problems and without resources, Fifth Republic is on the gates of end. Or? But everything is clear,and came like poem from the desert. In this poem she has believe in a love. On other side he has believe that she make have love with other.
This is way for an tragedy.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

The Kingdom isn't it on the path now?

After all we are in the position too ask some government to make be back in the self real policy.
Today you can see how mach people live in the poverty and how are your destiny in the hand of millions at Egyptians streets. How is so badly involve your economic position on the real situation at the field, specially at Suez Chanel.
You are witness how big is the lay whose come from the markets, and how is so bad when your happy and money stay at the blood of innocent people in the poor neighborhood.
Today is still place for good life, where you are now. But today?
The millions in the Arab worlds and on the south of the planet have same wish, to be free and not hungry. To have money for dignity and prosperity in the self country.
But no one in the European and American politics have night mare for that. The night mare come in the reason named The Kingdom. This desert states has the biggest feudal states in the World. Where justice has no name, and where nobody have right to have a mine.
The True is in the story, where Wahhabi Islam start to made a change. And when the monarch step down from terrorism and vandalism of Islam.
The days whose come, and who going to be the legend, make more of you so nervous. And of course, that can be make some politicians in the West like light panic persons.