Saturday 13 November 2010

They wish the black head and what more?

In these solution without solution we have message to the Boss.
The dollar situation is so clear that everybody can read it on the paper or some part of TV editions over the globe.
If Mr President want to stay at function than he must take the measure against so call "Clear Americans". The most white praetorian guard member, near positions of him.
In the hours which come so soon, we must have clear positions to be sure that Mr. President have command orders over US staff in the World.
It mean that Mr. President must clear some high commanders from charge.After that he must put in the battlefield some small officers which have real knowledge about situation at Saudi Kingdom, and some part of south Arabian peninsula.
The most power general in Afghanistan, and commando in chief at Pacific must be remove in the next 24 ours from all positions. In the charge against them exist one sentence.
They have the best contacts with enemies at the field.
On the other side they do everything to push over "border" USA corps against legacy.
In positions to put over crisis self money some guys from oil reach fields come with money to destroy the US forces once more into not necessary battle into desert sand.
Mr. President must take positions like he has in the constitution, and like commando in chief he must have take knowledge some guys into administration and in the money circle, that democracy mean legacy, and peace.

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