Friday, 26 November 2010

Than the Balkan Presidents, but not deal over comon man

In the South East of Europe now we have interest situation with ex-Yugoslavian republic.
This countries have wish to come be member of EU.
But what we have now is that each of this country hasn't strong to remove illness from harts of this states.
This states have the lots problem with democratic issue,specially with relations into socialites relation between majority and minority. Not only on the national positions in this relations, but even in the relation in the political parties communication,too.
Today EU and the Partners most to have questions for the really ask?!
What they must have done to protect EU from new destroy crisis which can come from the continent South East?
Have EU and the partners real question for democratic tries from everybody whom live in the area?
Are EU and Partners ready to protect the Law and propriety? Or we can see same situation like we can have into Middle East?!
The ask going came after last contact between Serbia and Croatia over this problem, when they have creation the new problems in the law of propriety.
The politicians have move to remove minorities from the negotiations table, and to going other pay their fullish from the past.
No one come to ask owner from both countries what they have to say on the deal.
Because that EU must come in the support of the Partner to protect the law and human dignity. And must have real ask of this politician to find inter mediation relations on the way to the Union. It mean that they must come in the community only like one, without separate deals.
The Serbian,Croat, Montenegrin, Bosnian, and other politician must known that they have done real democratic move on the way for Bruxelless.
Only at that way EU can stay cool that any problem can come to harsh relation in the relations between the Union's big players. And that small owners from area cannot be remove from fatherland for better relation between two political casts.

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Who need th Euro or EU?

What was happen into Europe when now we have the lots problems. EU commission isn't exist successfully and so much problems cannot be fixed in the past because more and more bureaucrats haven't the well knowledge about jobs in the EU administration.
The big problem of Balkan have disaster point on inter European communication,and no one of big face, cannot had real messages to push peace in the last century on the war makers in the ex-Yugoslavia, or on the east part of continent,when had Turkish army against Kurd minority.
Today we have same situation,when same people cannot have message for power people on the European west, to be sure what is real path if they haven't knowledge about crisis whose come from their living rooms.
Now is time to tell everybody in the West that time when west had privilege to live over the colonies money is gone, and that is time to try some else.
It mean that crisis cannot be finish with EU conglomeration, but only in cooperation with so poor nation in the World.
If we have so call democratic poor nations, than we can expect terrorism and vandalism over the West validation. And it mean more and more money will be destroy in so call defends policy.
Now if we are so clear that people have right to have truly democratic states than we must be so different from Berlusconi and Nikolas Sarkozy. It mean that it two prototype of Hitler and Mussolini cannot be call democrats and politicians. One is so bigger from self ego and other need the stage to make power message to french citizens.
EU administration must have courage to tell member state government that some of them are filo fascist organization and that is in the collision with EU statements.
Only than we can see EU over crisis. And only than we can have EU like health organization of equally member state. Without populism and nationalism against Gypsy, Slavs,Romanians,and of course Muslims.

Saturday, 13 November 2010

They wish the black head and what more?

In these solution without solution we have message to the Boss.
The dollar situation is so clear that everybody can read it on the paper or some part of TV editions over the globe.
If Mr President want to stay at function than he must take the measure against so call "Clear Americans". The most white praetorian guard member, near positions of him.
In the hours which come so soon, we must have clear positions to be sure that Mr. President have command orders over US staff in the World.
It mean that Mr. President must clear some high commanders from charge.After that he must put in the battlefield some small officers which have real knowledge about situation at Saudi Kingdom, and some part of south Arabian peninsula.
The most power general in Afghanistan, and commando in chief at Pacific must be remove in the next 24 ours from all positions. In the charge against them exist one sentence.
They have the best contacts with enemies at the field.
On the other side they do everything to push over "border" USA corps against legacy.
In positions to put over crisis self money some guys from oil reach fields come with money to destroy the US forces once more into not necessary battle into desert sand.
Mr. President must take positions like he has in the constitution, and like commando in chief he must have take knowledge some guys into administration and in the money circle, that democracy mean legacy, and peace.