Friday 23 July 2010

Operation code name "Pelican"

Natural is to some states in the World think on the self integrity and self interest.
But some of them have think that they have right to eliminate everybody who step up against some things which is so like at anomalies.
Or like on the injustice. Like it is Israel against neighborhood.
In situation when some guys into Israel has positions where they have involving at the situation and security, and known very well that security isn't so nice. And that a war against Islamic Republic of Iran mean disaster and epic catastrophe! than they have created actions against the movement and organisations,groups and the people from public opinion sphere of social life is the only way to protect so call Israel's dream.
Operation with code name "Pelican" operatively make at position of friends field into south East Europe, down into control of several security officials lead with President of State Israel himself. It have point to remove all of those have a some "against" this state.
In there operations coming several high commando officers from two main Israel's army parts, from Air Force and Land Army.
There several colonels with personality from south East Europe has right to made everything "what is necessary for success into it".
Mr Peres the Nobel Price laureate and of course the most big war crime murder and one of people who was involved into assassination of the big person into Jewish History Mr. Rabin, has the motion to be involve in the another assassination.
Everything for the idea of state of Kanan. State reservation for only one nation, the Jewish.
But in the State can have living place only Jews who have not open mind and liberal filings.
But, Israel security offices hasn't in this time exclusive right on to exclusivity.
The operation and people into action has known. Known has even point to act.
And point for destabilization.
In time when the some of government and Knesset officials talks about the war in the Gulf. The action against Church and peace activists into South Europe has the reaction and time is to call Mr. Peres at court in Rome,ICC.

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