Tuesday 1 June 2010

Zionism is Nazism

In the World where one small country have make terrorism against peaceful people onto civil ships at international water has possible to one big state have involve at crime against humanity and like that for selfish reason has take veto for protect it.
If you are big, you are not big because you are believing in it,but because other have take you special position over self position in the world order.
But when you have no long knowledge how to fix and repair oil stick in the Mexican gulf, you are not big. But small and without visions.
If some make a mistakes a lot from self beginning to today it is time to make some new other against them. If it mean that dollar must gone from finance industry, OK it must gone, and some other money most be international regulatory money at the World markets.
Only on that way Israel cannot be terrorist state. State who make acts against peaceful civilians and humanitarians from all over the World.
Israel is in the paranoia more than one decade. Especially from lost war in august 2006., and last lost battle in the march 2010. Israel's IDF now have more problem for recruit people in the not only army but into civilian servant.
Israel's officials known that they now have no more big support from the West like it was in the last several years. And that position of Turkey have disaster point on Israel positions in the Middle East.

Attack against civilian convoy in the Mediterranean sea has only one punish- Israel can no more stay only the State, but it must come confederation of two part of old Palestine. On other point, Zionism must be call like Nazism and must be treat like criminal ideology.
Israel must step down in the UN resolutions and must be treat like UN protect place for them who have been the victim of antisemitism in Europe.
Israel position like bastion of the West interests in the Middle East only can have the same results like IDF commandos done at the open sea.
If Mrs. Hillary Clinton do nothing to punish Israeli government in the recant time, that will be signal for all, who is real chief in the House.
And it will be new call for more Muslim integrate groups all around world. In this position who stay a convict for more innocent victims even at US soil? Who step up to say NO on the antisemitism, and who have courage to come in the favor for Israel and Jews in the World?
Mr. Erdogan is in right when he told about it. But, he don't have questions what is real problem in the meter.
And question is "State of Israel isn't democratic state, but state like it was South African Union with apartheid against everybody who are not orthodox Zionist and right wind make Jew".
Time is come to tell for peace, this apartheid must be removed and democracy must be restore for us and better world.
Because no one politician in Israel can have right to use holocaust and Jewish disaster in the WWII to protect crime against humanity.

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