Thursday 26 March 2009

Crisis live with dollar from international market

Sand of desert in the some market made mistakes in political try to resolve crisis. Many from EU do nothing to create only one pat for reconciliation. One but necessarily to stop big Bang in the global policy.
Stay and wait to some from US going to creating the resolve of problem for all is like standing and waiting to a sunk man coming at beach.
One big reason why situation is worst than it some want to acknowledge stay at position that economic international regime must stay at dollar like cornerstone in it.
Time is come to dollar going to history, and live place what has at several decades of last century. Now is time to create new money for international trade and of course something what is present much before than this recession come at scene. But some from guys into local US administration tells everybody that it isn't necessary, and that dollar is so strong like the States economy, that no one is need to try new. Today same said President Obama, but he not tell that two big power has total control over US treasury, and has full control over real situation into the administration department for treasury.
Non both of them want to lost money in turbulent economic turmoil whose crushing each day more than dozens company in the society whose lost a moral.
Dollar isn't current on the trade over other foreign currency, because the States Federal reserve hasn't foreign reserve and local deposit in the gold hasn't naff to solve all.
Situation is in mater that no one in the free world cannot have right to control economy, and put in everybody to stay in the prison if this make mess like US administration before and now do.
That dollar is weak tell us message coming from Mrs.Clinton which is best into to does proclamation of war if some want to does what she and her assistants believe isn't true.
Obama's speech few days before at press conference has green light for attack at the states whose want to protect self from bankruptcy in the US.
In first time everybody known that he take preliminary order to the US command at South Pacific to take mass operation over and against North Korea, but even against China.
It is make in the moment when Berstain tell to the private conversation by J. Biden that money isn't exist in the treasure of US.
Few moment after, the prominent member of the administration step up to bit some new war, like one against North Korea and Iran together.
After this time is come to US step down from economic tron and time is to some international over body take control at the global markets. Time is to UN come like independent institution financing from this market in contribution of stock market only one true institution which has right to make order in the World.
Five percent from market global trade like tax income in the UN IMF come to protect the world from other crisis and a wars.
With trillions in dept, and money over pay in the market around world US dollar isn't stability currency. Because, more money in the market mean inflation at market. And crisis going pump in disaster.
Live dollar like international currency is only true pat for economic rescue plan to be implementing and that crisis be solve like global problem.

Saturday 21 March 2009

Social clean at political scene in US

The real situation at US is worst then ever it had been.
Lots US citizens have lost jobs at minute by minute each day. No reform exist to prevent catastrophe and to give more power in resolve the great problem which knock at door each time when some family lost prosperity.
US now has not right to tell everybody how is as real super power in today world. Because, superpower is state whose has power to protect not self integrity but integrity of each domestic citizen,too.
Today the States hasn't potent to serve for all,to remove crisis from door of ordinary people. No exist an bill for punish everybody who use state money not for reconsideration,but in private, personal mater.
Union hasn't real power to tell the war industry that isn't time to rebuild US Army and Navy.
Because, the money not exist and time isn't good for it. But good is is sentences made from Mr. Obama, that relationship with Iran must be creating on to cooperation and better knowledge about real potential of Iranian uranium program.
Israel in this method must be put at an corner. It is dangerous country, with instability in democracy.
State whose want to take bigger role at Middle East, than really has potential.
But if US policy hasn't independence from Israel it is great reason for fear.
New war,bigger crisis and after all disaster for whole world is real perspective.
Now in the States and whole World we need more peace constructive talks, and actions going to resolving this mounts crisis.
Swash up tend towns in the US city suburbs isn't real method to protect economy and society.
Crisis is growing because more politicians in the State hasn't real human capacity to give solutions for restore of American society. Because, they come from capitalists who are create crisis and they are give the promotion for local fall at deep depreciation in the last decade.
Remove this guys is real path for reconciliations. Obama you are at move!

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Without Clinton,whithout crisis

Today is totally clear that a policy of some stance into D.C. has not practice knowledge how to resolve crisis and than put at way better solutions for all.
Today is pure how many verbs is lost in the translation of political market made from some guru of ex-President Clinton administration.
They use many orthodox methods to change situation in which now is US and World, too.
But in the message made from President Obama, they cannot put some good method for resolve crisis, and make some new in the local economy, but in the society,too.
They told Mr. President -"Now isn't time to do some radical or revolutionary, but he must give messages how is clear that Washington have plan, but plan is so big and complex that be give into public now".
They have not power to make new US and Word,too. Because, they are, some of them, creators of so call Clinton era, which made some mistakes for today. And do some so call radical, mean that they must tell everybody at Planet that they are guilty for crisis, not less than last Administration of Mr. Bush.
Indolence, corruption,economical and political frauds is something create in the middle 90th of twenty century. In days of US expansions in the planetary political space. In time where were some war is install like bomb into US arms.
Only total break with past, specially with Clinton era is way for reconciliation in the market and policy. Not revolutionary method but real pat for salve from crisis is way to do what is necessary to done. If it isn't possibly it mean more and more fouls, paints,and then revolutionary reactions at US society.
New regulations about politicians, about policy methods and new orders about policy financing give the way for massive and quick reconciliation, less poverty and mass salve the work places. Than it is only way for crisis beat.

Friday 6 March 2009

Obama,clown or President

Few mounts from inauguration, Mr. President Barack Obama do nothing to resolve more and more problems whose step up after they had more years stay down from public opinion.
Problems are not only in Iraq or Afghanistan,but in Middle Asia,too.Problem by Pakistan and India,problem with Israel, and more than ever problem in the House.
Mr. President has problem with Administration, and some people into it. Nobody cannot say that everything is shine in the US Government. Where position of Mr.President are worst than it possibly. In so call cooperation with self enemy, Mr.President does more mistake than former American President Bush.
Why he stay away from real policy, and give more places one non regular person like Hilary R. Clinton? Which make a gaff to gaff, every place where she was like State Secreter.
Or policy of Mr. President is different from proclamation at he made in elections?! Policy whose blow up positions of US into modern World. Where some so call ally has benefits even they made mistakes and fullish. Israel example have right problem to State Secreter made bitter words when she came at the place. Or has she knowledge to protect US policy in the Europe, if she isn't make first trip not in the NATO or EU, but into hurt of "evil" in Moscow?!
Mr. President has big problem when he start policy in the World with aboard visit to Ottawa or when he had met with Mr. G. Brown,UK Prime Minister. Not for the meting, but for discourse. Isn't nice to said that is nice to have some on aside, if it mean the aggression,breaking of International Law, and at the end some new colonial presence at some part of the Word, Africa or Asia.
Policy in the States has the worst predict. Nothing with new, reforms stay away, but more and more Americans is so hurt with total crisis, which make harsh in the society.
More and more are in the big double over Obama's role in the US policy. And even big supporters try to find what is happen with this Mr. President.
Is it President or clown? The big poser in the White House.
Now is time to do some big, and not to support policy from Hilary Clinton,like policy against Sudan,over ICC. Because it is big mistake, and make bad for this international institution.
Policy that war, can be made over the court isn't nice, and may create instability like it made wrong economic policy several decades ago, from Washington.