Wednesday 28 January 2009

Administrations rebuild

Not one time we have to see how much is problem with Israel worst than it is present into public.
Government of Israel does everything to blowing up initiative of US President, and some eminent persons into a international policy.Israelis does such an things what isn't tolerate not even some so close allies of the States.
  • The bombing Gaza after the truce is nightmare for all at the World.The big headache, in the moment when crisis at an economic field where were exist lots small tragedy, and where is present lots of frauds into a policy and an society, too.
Build up one of impossible crisis in modern era, and making some true disgusting things, on one side, bust problems at another side. And it isn't problem between two entity but problem with in civilizations orders. It boost more and more an social turbulent and than make a big problem not only at Middle East, but all around World.
Made problems into resolving of crisis, with the money from big oil producers,specially from Islam World.
Yes, some have support from so call moderate regime into this World but it isn't so smart. On a moment big intolerance into societies of moderate regime, can make a revolution movements like Iranian Revolution, and than you can take more trouble than you have now, without Israelis attack over Gaza.
The support from moderate Arab regime is so costly, than any democracy regime into this World. Colonial era had closed after first half of 20th century, and now is time to have new ties with this nations, if you want to have quite dreams. And the less expenses, too.
Into economy isn't nice to have some state like Israel whose broke law, and whose has money support from the State economy. It isn't smart for many reason, but not more than ever for reason coming from the markets.
New era into policy at the East must be build on new wive at global economy. Without support from some big players at global arena,the States can come an big loser.
So, Mr.President must take some steps to pull out persons from self, who hasn't sensibility for it.

Friday 23 January 2009

Handball Champion Cup in Croatia

Is anybody look at Handball championship into Croatia?
If are you one of them, you can see some liturgy at an stadium and around. People coming at match only in high number when is play match domestic thaem, and then is visible how it is not so cute and nice.
Everything is like Roman era. When people have not money for breath, than Roman Emperors geave them more plays.
Nobody now into Croatia have right to ask some cute questions around money and expectations from all. They have not money for poor people, ill people, unemployment people, but politicians use this Championship to promote self party, and to tell people with nationalistic rhetoric something about Croats supremacy and better view at Croatia from outside.
Who come with questions, become has traitor. Same like Roman Empire's time. But today without lions into arenas.
Lions are reporters who are politician's messenger, who take words to punish so call traitors.
They not have info about tourist over come to Croatia in this time,and nothing they tell to public about real costs, and they don't ask somebody about nationalistic rhetoric and ambles at sports arena. Flags with Ustase heraldic and scrims made from same Nazi movement.
Government is silence!
Not know how mach money is launder and who has presence into it over this big lie.

Monday 19 January 2009

Speech for Obama, President

Mr. Barack H. Obama come from some part of US society, so long pushed at end of history and so long discriminated and segregated that was incredible that was possible to some from this population of US society could had victory at elections for US President.
But it is even have see clear it isn't so correct. Obama is white man who has some dark spot of skin and less knowledge about black into US than any other President before him.
You Mr. Obama must take new positions against the society at first step into inauguration speech.
You mast tell every world that you hasn't an mission to move mountains, but you has position to take control over a direction with World, and US,too. And than you can lead in the reconciliations and changes for better future.
You must tell fellow Americans that you are only men, and that you had what you had been in the past. But tell you want to see more friends, than enemies than you has see now around yourself and US.
You must tell that some into the States have bad will to remove democracy, and to promote selfish interests over public interest. And that it isn't only some politicians, but more others who have power in the States.
Tell everybody that crisis isn't predictable and not short durable, but something what have destroy power against many things. And because, you call for unity. But try to stay up divergent in public and World. Divergence over policy and mind. And less divergence in the prosperity and economic harmony.
Call with name enemies and call for help friends. Give few promises, and give less phrases over better future,and about timetable of the crisis.
Take care about words against some population, but broke so hard hate and tirany. Call for social justice, and preach about Gaza. Call Jewish to step down with Zionism and give more for democracy for all in Israel.
Call Saudi Araby to take the some move against financing terrorism and to open door for other religions into the Kingdom. Tell something about mess into US Army, and urge others to with open mind and hart step to US and you.
And have take promise that International Law and Human Rights is your primary goals in has take action.
Be brave, and don't use script in your speech!

Friday 16 January 2009

One plaine, one river, same scenario

Now is clear who is over this operations, named Leaked plum.
This two darker into White House has plan to step down with stile, and gonna the hell new Mister President. Two big mouths into Washington given order to the our Cabinet to take action against Hamas. And than to destroying every positions at Gaza Strip. To the blaze Gaza Strip.
They both want to leave an bloody place into security that they never be call to the court into Strassbourg.
They believe that nobody can have information about this plan. They was sure into security information from battlefield into Gaza Strip that action at a field is secure to success. That at a field exist a people who are ready to give help our forces in advance.
But now when it look at,it like big lie. They take the media and administration resource to change the all opinions waive at Gaza massacres.
They like seventh years ago use plane from NY airport La Guardia to put out real domestic problem out of waive all US citizens and few others Westerns.
They are shut down plain with 155 people at board and five crew members, too. They made show over the potential tragedy, and it use to close the opinion pressure over situation at Gaza Strip, but not only there. Even in US, situation destroyed.
At battlefield we have lot and lot lost. More and more our soldiers have problems with memory, with concentration, and the others take wounds into close battle against Hamas Indians.
Bush and Rice want to going at history like big such. Like great lieder.
But they are only two criminals who must go on the big trial, at court into Strassbourg. Not only for killed Palestinans but more for our souls, and Israel.
They took Israel Defense Force to remove scar face of out going administration, and after that they blow up any possibility for peace, and truce.
She has dark into soul, and she does most trouble things. But now she done something worst. In fake believe that US and she is so long at Hamas, she given up sings for more dies and more misery at Holly Land. And IDF is path to gone.

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Victory in desert

This day front line no more exist at Gaza battlefield. Israeli Army lost dozens armor vehicle,tanks, and other technical material at this field of hell. More and more Israeli soldiers live battlefield without something, life, leg, arm, and other parts of body and soul.
So many desert, and live this place. Many lose main mind, and live some at nice place.At other side, several hundred man and woman is blasted and burn.
Our helicopter and planes take revenge against normal civilians. More and more home destructed, and killing more and more innocent.
On other side we can see more and more ships at sea. It isn't our ships.
Into battle we have heavy casualties. Now one more big such is dead, several is wounded,and this Indians took at field several our planes. They today take air battle against our drones, because we are blind and haven't real contact withe therein.
Territory of Gaza is our hell. Every minute die somebody, and nobody care for reality and that our mayor part of Army is in the big trap.
Some guy change positions, and now gain into war for our enemies. They named "Sons of David".
The fight is lost. No body after that can come and say that they are vicious. In this moment no exist mercy. Dead took even our wounded soldiers.
Some guy into Tel Aviv tell for news that we are in advance. This fuck an mother is spokesman for what?
At Egyptian side of border, some guys have see big move, about millions take part at our south border. This picnic, what one lost soldier said, now start to be a nightmare.
Another bomb of two tons blast near hear, and we are lost memory. This guys into plains have order to kill all..... More and more soldiers blasts fatherland, and live this place.

Friday 9 January 2009

Repubic Israel for Jews survive

Situation at Middle East is confusion. Israel is lost war, Palestinians lost dignity and others lost face in the last Middle east battle.
Israel lost more than hundred people, and Palestinians seventh time more.
Israelis has few hundreds people wounded and Palestinians twelfth time more.
But something is different and stay at Palestinian side.It is morality and victory.
Israel is come on war to broke Palestinian Islamic Movement and than make positions to take rules to the PLO. To ordered how Palestinians has to make the state at self rules territories. But now when come UN resolutions, when everybody can see how Israeli Army isn't capability to destroy minor enemy like Hamas is.That is reason to all planet take measure against regime who future of Israel take into political self promotion at new Israeli parliament election.
More people dead into this two weeks than into month with war against Hezboallah two years ago.
But last two weeks Israeli Army did more into prevent public opinion to see at real situation at the field used more than ever censors into communications with media. O that war loose war into first moment of the action at the field. When no one West reporter cannot take footage over a real situation into Gaza.
Now Israel can see how has heavy lost over media battle into Gaza war. No more state, non into World has simpatico for Israeli waive at current situation at the field.
After all Israeli supreme court most react and take decisions over the another meas calculation of political elite into Israel. And some guy most be taken at court to take this decision, after the another lost war.
Into Israel must be change not only policy but even constitution! Israel must be real democratic state, with Army out of policy, with abandon to the former officers to take positions at political parties. Israel must step up like Republic of all who are Israeli citizen, and not proclaim but exist apartheid must step down from real life of Republic Israel. Democratic state, with less war,but more friends. With more supporters than enemies. If it is new path for future, it is path for survive Jews into Holly Land.

Monday 5 January 2009

No more Israeli exsist

Sad day for all Israelis! Today Israel lost 12000 young life in the historical battle into Gaza against the World.
This day will be commemorated in Israel if after this day stay exist anymore. Only in few hours IDF has worst loses than they have into previous war together. Three general is dead, eight colonels, few dozens other officers and hundreds soldiers leave this world without Israeli know about that.
Others are into mass trap,where died each minute more then one unit in close clashes with enemies whose come from everywhere, and have more and more. One gone, and dozen come at his place.
Even our bombardiers targeting our positions, and make situation much worst than it is. Onto TV some guy from high command tells that we are catered Gaza at parts, but it is big fullish. We are into circuit. We are lost. Such same situation whose had Caster at Little Big Horn.
We are lost more than hundred vehicle. Mercava tanks isn't usable. Even others heavy machines isn't nice to see. It drive some guy from Romania,because that we need translators. Our communications is in Hamas hands. At our frequencies we can hear Arabic words. In this moment our drone failed target, and kill our tank. Some tell us that we are lost two planes, and several choppers. Who knows?
Our special forces deserted, some of this guys shooting to civilians. Mess, big mess, and who is guilty for it?
Our transport Cobra choppers, coming and take over our head wounded and dead, blood swamp from there. And in Israel nobody know about that. Is it democracy for whom we dead? Lies is much deadly than bullet. It must know Mrs. Livni,isn't true?
We are lost history, and souls. No one tomorrow will be safe into Israel, another war is lost!

Saturday 3 January 2009

Gaza has destiny

Day for Israeli decisions is come. Now has Israel chance to choose with which way they wont to go.
Israeli decisions will forming history on both side of Earth. Incursion into Gaza is only one dimension of this decisions. Other is that it will be question of survive Judaism and Israel,too.
If IDF come into Gaza strip, than political elite into Israel must have knowledge that it mean the straggly Battle house by house, and street by street with millions. Which have support billions in the World,and it on the end of incursions mean the total condemnation of Israel.
Sentences made from Condolisa Rice and George W.Bush is not good for Israel, because made relativism at Jewish victims from the Nazi concentrate camps. No one victim, no one people cannot be guilty immediate than they try to live and exist into modern history. How some like black women Rice can tell that Palestinians, Gazans are guilty for Israeli assault, it is like she said that black people into US is guilty for slavery and worst,for apartheid and segregation.
On other side Bush coming from pro Nazi family and he has the specific view at Judaism and Jewish into history. This administration with cooperation into Israeli government has plan how to destroying State of Israel and make new crisis at Middle East,like an continual crisis into global contacts.
Faith to Hamas isn't Israeli primary interest , because a war can make everybody but some have power to stop it, and after that proclaim victory.
With tanks into urban areas IDF can has only more lost in techniques and people,too. After all withdraw from Gaza everybody can call IDF destroy. Even censors take job over true, now is known that IDF have lost one Brigade general and two colonels. With dozen wounded and kill soldiers and people all around Gaza.