Thursday 18 December 2008

Slovenian right decision

Slovenian decision to give red spot at Croatian negotiation process with EU is cute. Today when more people at other side of river Kupa, look at new situation like something like injust, nobody in Croatian government not take a verb to give real and reasonable objective
explain, what's happen in the relation with neighborhood.
Is real reason for this problems still stand in the dissolve issue of states border,or is something much bigger then they want to say to population in Croatia?
With inside problems in reforms. With problems with propriety and specially with propriety of minority. Local government haven't reason to speak about it like real problems in relations with EU, and Slovenia,too. Because, no one government do nothing to say, "Yes we are real problem in the way of Croatia membership in the Union. We haven't knowledge to creating any good decision or law. We have real problem with history issue, because we protect fascism in the state and we do everything to promo racial construction against minorities in the Croatia and neighbors,too.
Not only national minority, but against all, including sick people, disables, and sexual minority, too. They have problems not only with Slovenians, but even with Bosnia and Hercegovina, what is domestic problem in Croatia.(Croats from neibor state)
Croats have problems with east border with Serbia, with Montenegro.
With Bosnia and Hercegovina, problem with border is not only it, but even nationalistic motivated problem, where Croatian Prime Minister use this problem to created coalition with Muslim member of Croatia Parliament, where he take obligation to open railroads and to give more money for local Muslim population around Croatia-Bosnia border. But senior member of ruing party after that for media sad that isn't in Croatian interests to do it, and that it is something hipotetical.
Now, this isn't in the way, nothing is done to make it reality.
Nobody inside of Croatia take anything to do against this lie. And nobody take measure to tell Croatian people that the Government put infrastructure, more than hundred milions euro, to come in ruins. And that this Government close tousend job places at this coridors, stations, ports, and industries.
Now, EU does great things with prolonge of negotiation with Croatia. Only that, everybody can see how bad rulers stay at way in the Croatia, but not only there at Balkan.
Croats now openly take nacionalistic retorecy to promote how bad they are injure. And what they can do against it. But EU Comision must say miste Croatian Prime Minister to do more in the reforms, to stay away of humans rights, specially against social rights of small people. And ...Thank you EU!

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