Friday 10 October 2008

Peace winer for jail

Now we have had nervous reactions on several damages shows at last few week in the US and EU.
What was happened in the history at Balkan now come at pay in the real politic relations between this group over other in the world.
In first, they try to blowing up stock markets in the East, especially at Russia,but not less at China and Japan ,too.
Indeed, the plan named like Brutal Horizon was step up in power list six mounts ago,with banks pump in some states projects over planet. Example is project Georgia,where is pumped over six billion US dollars for rebuild and prepared local establishment to take control over to regions at Georgia's north. Second incoming of fluctuate money is in preparations of war incursion at Iranian soil. This operations is make dept over 23 billion US dollar. Action over Serbia and terroristic incursion in vital interest of this state, but even in BIH is one another dept which stay taxpayers in States, and several EU member state another billions but this time in Euro,4,3 billion.
Other dept is make in arms deployed in the north bases in Scotland and some parts of Scandinavia. Plains deployed in this positions hasn't proper weapon, and hasn't stealth pro-equipment. It is another 56 billion US dollar.
And list but not last, Kosovo, so coled and self proclaimed independent state, cost US like major promoter and supporter of it around not less than 6,4 billion euro in last two years.
This debts has lost for many high company in the world which has interests in this actions of actual US administration.
Panics was erupted last Friday, after UN first votes over Serbia's resolution at GA of UN, that sovereignty of this state stay back on UN Court in the Haag.
In situation,where Court can create premise that some state done and do lots against International Law and even that over sovereignty of one member state of UN,
procedure is that Serbia can make prosecution acts against states and organizations which recognize Kosovo, and she can try over court to this subjects pay for it.
In case where in it is involve an persons than they can try to put this guy in a jell.
Because that, Americans did everything to push M. Ahtisari in Nobel's Peace winer for this year.

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