Friday 31 October 2008

US elections or damages for all

In few days of today, we expect to some man win in the battle of something what so call democratic elections in the most power state at Planet Earth.
But, is it true? Is US really most or one of most power country at Planet?
What we can see now in the World, when we looking at situation of global moment at field? Is it true picture of something what is real happening around us or something like illusion?
This and more other questions, stay at way to be answering in few days what spoken in the previous of this text.
In the most media and analysis we have see that perceptions at this moment in the US nearest future is pictured very different, like some matches between two sportsman who's come at ring to faith for world title. Nobody wants to try real conditions at real situation now in the field,and what is really interest for others at Planet in the some process so call democratic elections. What is really interest for Ethiopians in US elections?
Elections?! Yes,because US has several elections at different levels of country government positions.
Nobody really care for Ethiopians at US policy, nor at public, and what really necessary that haven't even from Ethiopia make interest for the elections spectacle?
States has really heavy power, but power without visions on future! Nor Obama, neither McCaine has vision and even knowledge to protect all of us from global disasters,because they only have a small interest, for the small power presenters in the self administration. Which take power to expand grid and disasters, when they haven't answers at trouble questions.
This is true, when we look at potent candidate for place at Secretary of State, or Treasure Secretary. Both has ideology of wrong place to wrong time in the future, they came with past, and take verbs which calls at crisis. Or they took heavy sentences to promote total indolences, and suggests that they with oil try to cut of fire, going to open new crisis to kill the existing crisis.
If we appropriable have look at November 4-th than we must say that world must be protect from mess who's come from US, and who's both candidate for President of US want to export in the World, how to fix this domestically mess. Or to prevent social revolutions inside of US.
Because, we expecting more troubles and wars all over Planet, and much more deep crisis in economy and socially for all. Only changes at world market, where US dollar is king of money is good way to stop troubles in the future. It mean that, new money most step up like a money for international exchange and trade, and than US dept must be buy from others to the States take at real positions in the economy and others places of life. Other think is to so call democracy in the States, must be remove and than reinstall real democracy with synthesis "one person, one vote". Even in presidency elections!
Now we can expect that some plumbers, without diploma or even real education can make something what we know from history. Poor people, for poor decision and than for poor World, without than anybody ask others at Planet for mean. After that no market could fix damage, and nothing be relevant in total mess! In the twenty century the States made strong ties with Hitler Germany, how they had export the crisis, and than they gave strong support to Germans created war, to removed social pressure from American's streets. Who is next? Maybe Balkan, Iran, North Korea, or even S. Arabia?!

Friday 24 October 2008

Creatures from dresser

More and more reason stay at way,and try to be put in an actions over situation in American part of South-East Europe.
US hasn't real idea, how to resolve this problems, and than, make the new mistakes, gives to some wrong people a wrong support. Now, when situations stay very bad for US interests, and when some people in live administration, do so much wrong at all planet, we have right to try that independent justice, take measure over them. It mean that this people, must be call at a court, to tell everybody, how they do what, they done.
It mean that policy in the 90tins have real damage affect today, more than ten years after Dayton agree.
How it is possible?!
It is real, because US never has real knowledge about history, and theory of historicism in the policy. After more disasters in the past century, politicians in Washington did more speculations and miss calculation, what has every time create bad deal with bad people. Like Franco in Spain, Lech in Poland, Juschenko in Ukraina, Klaus in Chek Republik, and many persons at south of Europe.
This persons, take wrong mesage, that they have a total support from one superpower,and than they have right to take every "necessary" to cementing self like, untouchables nationalistic leader in the small states.
In 90tins, they ruled over self small feud states, with same methods like mobs. Devastated social structures, economy, and prepare states for grid robbery made from state import so call managers, whose now have more many than generations of them had.
Politicians, made from some US structure, rule even today on same way, and they are real mobs in this states. Governments, positions and oppositions have self promote contributors which with money buying votes and other goods, like premise to beat some, or killing somebody.
Last big crime act in Croatia, on example, have same subscribe, like murdered Mr. Milan Levar. Killing because, he did not want to stop tried justice measure against the murders from Lika region in Croatia. Killer or killers never have find from state organs. And Croatia have dissidents because this case, who have azil at German soil.
Same method, same message and after all same killer in the both case. And conclusion, that over all stay some guys from politic. Which US, who put them in the power must going to remowe quicle. Or we can have see another mess at south of Europe, a new war.

Wednesday 22 October 2008

Eulex or new way for global tsunami

In real situation, where nothing had happened at law and regulation make at international law, creation like Eulex is something like commission for disaster and self protection from real penalty and sanction.
In moment when was Eulex made in Bruxelles nobody from creators didn't had real knowledge about what would happen in the nearest future at some little protect dominium,Kosovo.
In real, this is big mistake of west policy and the real problem in for reconstruction in the economy, tomorrow, when they going to try help over planet.
Why? Because, they predict that Kosovo will recognize, more than 100 UN's member state in early moment of self proclamation. In this case they could came at stage with big found and than they can coming to say we are done! On this time, where less than fifty states make recognize acts, more and more others see that it act, act of indefinite status of Kosovo was create for one reason. To create space, that western government, not all, but more of them, come to create legal performance for legally expel more and more Kosovars in the new state. Because, it is really state of ethnic Albanians which is majority in this region. And which make more than 90 % of azil seekers from west Balkan region.
Now, when they have "state", than they haven't reason for it, and they aren't problem for west agencies and governments.
But, it isn't true! They are real problem, now in this moment and in this situation, when west have new necessaries, and big problem with no recognize process at path.
In this we can put the real scandal of makes push at some states to recognize "real change at field". What have negative, just to say criminal contest about it. And what is real problem in communications with Earth in seeking help for crisis solve.
West now, have had manifest that haven't credibility, and power to move out planet from crisis, on one side, and on another side, that at west ruling haven't good guys with sense only for justice and democracy. But, some bed boys and girls whose have self interest,only! And in going to win it, the west isn't real partner for real solutions and positive realization, but something what have one part of Machiavellian, theory that everything is right if that make better positions for them?! Or, who can believe that west cannot to create something on other side at planet, when such crisis escalate, and on same way create several states from one or two, or changes borders between states for self reasons. Who knows, and who is care for it, after it stay over International Law. And how west can do something, when have criminal scandal in the world relations. If Eulex had created to remove scare at them face, it isn't good idea. If it is instrument for self protection it is an big financial mistake, whose give Serbia good potent to bring penal over them. But, giving others, real enemies of west munition to faith, everything positive from it side.Exist crisis in this way, will restore in the tsunami for less then minute.

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Perpetuum mobile

Has time to reform all?! Or this is time to lost illusion over most popular theory that crisis in the World isn't product of states grim?!
Now, when prices at the stock markets rally at hight level in the past several months, everybody want to miss knowledge about real situation at markets. In the markets where is real that money haven't real power and that the most states has vast problem with unemployment, and big inflation ever register before.
With it, really at the stock isn't the real sing that crisis going over, and that bad time was past.
Money,which market wait not exist in the states budget or in central banks reserve found. It is money which the central banks expect to took over credit loans which they have given to the poorest country at south of this planet.
But it neocolonialism's still in money revalidation is impossible.
Money does not exist in this countries, because they do something with it, buy food or arms and because that, this money is at private accounts. It mean that especially, EU states has only one way to restore confidence at market, to take credits from reach tycoon, how they can has action against crisis. In real conditions it mean that state isn't real subjected in social or political dimension of human life,but it is some persons which take money from state, and same money give it state to state's central bank take measure, to prolongs bankruptcy all over self territory's,
give more credits to the yours citizen's. How they can pay more and more for illusion of social security and power of democratic states. And that more person have money for buy lot not necessary goods, how they do support neocolonialism capitalism.
If it is real measure to EU, it mean that it path for economic hell, whose have arrival at right timetable, and horribly evolution in the new great war, without real successors.

Friday 10 October 2008

Peace winer for jail

Now we have had nervous reactions on several damages shows at last few week in the US and EU.
What was happened in the history at Balkan now come at pay in the real politic relations between this group over other in the world.
In first, they try to blowing up stock markets in the East, especially at Russia,but not less at China and Japan ,too.
Indeed, the plan named like Brutal Horizon was step up in power list six mounts ago,with banks pump in some states projects over planet. Example is project Georgia,where is pumped over six billion US dollars for rebuild and prepared local establishment to take control over to regions at Georgia's north. Second incoming of fluctuate money is in preparations of war incursion at Iranian soil. This operations is make dept over 23 billion US dollar. Action over Serbia and terroristic incursion in vital interest of this state, but even in BIH is one another dept which stay taxpayers in States, and several EU member state another billions but this time in Euro,4,3 billion.
Other dept is make in arms deployed in the north bases in Scotland and some parts of Scandinavia. Plains deployed in this positions hasn't proper weapon, and hasn't stealth pro-equipment. It is another 56 billion US dollar.
And list but not last, Kosovo, so coled and self proclaimed independent state, cost US like major promoter and supporter of it around not less than 6,4 billion euro in last two years.
This debts has lost for many high company in the world which has interests in this actions of actual US administration.
Panics was erupted last Friday, after UN first votes over Serbia's resolution at GA of UN, that sovereignty of this state stay back on UN Court in the Haag.
In situation,where Court can create premise that some state done and do lots against International Law and even that over sovereignty of one member state of UN,
procedure is that Serbia can make prosecution acts against states and organizations which recognize Kosovo, and she can try over court to this subjects pay for it.
In case where in it is involve an persons than they can try to put this guy in a jell.
Because that, Americans did everything to push M. Ahtisari in Nobel's Peace winer for this year.