Wednesday 4 June 2008

Theocracy or democracy

Eh,what life is? Real trip over a more pant or some path going to come in paradise?
Trip or not, never some come to proof that on other side exist something, neither in this time when an church try improve over saints in self member past.
In this theory stay only a simple believe or faith that some time at some place stay and exist such different power, from this powers at Earth, which has domain over all at this planet.
But if is it? Or is some different point of view, why such lot of people believe that supremacy was created in the past to protect only them, but not others? Or,why more and more people take the verb of holly books in mouth even then they lie over the real mystic true in the verb of God?
In so proclaim diversity from other nations, and people, they can make most disaster things and than they put yours destiny in a hands of so call messiah lieder who have " exclusive contact with something what he or she take like God wile".
Today we can significantly see how much disasters can do it in common policy. Today, religion is in politics of the US, and several other country. But, on one way is democratic state like US, on other is less or more autocratic states from third world.
In this miss country we can put even Israel state, because, rabbi has lots of power over domestic policy and inter affairs. If it is related with Iran, you can see some simple connections between two politic system, both base at religious indoctrinating mass against other in the World.
Because that, Holly people only is people which have good for more others but, not this who have odious relations with most parts of World.
No one cannot take position to say that has right coming from God, because, He never give non person or nation right to be intolerant and over other, too.
In moment when one Muslim take positions in race for White House, everybody who have to say something most going to say that church and priest haven't right to edit policy and restore political movement in democratic state.
On other side we have theocratic system and governance, and no one have right to speech, but only so call people of God.
Religion is private thing of a person and no one or non have right to edit personal believe and faith.
In America, people must have personal liberty to try for true and non have right to take messages over private believe or private move.
Now, Mr. Barack have position to take measure to provoke people to going to new and to change everything what collapsed in past decade not only in US but over the World.
In every moment Mr. Barack must have somebody to whisper in the ear: " You are deist and simple men".
Because power corrupt,at all, and no one can simple say "I'm different". Differences is category, and only simple people have right to take this phrase!

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