Syria is only map spot in this moment, and nothing more.
The country what had been some specific place in the pearl of Ottoman Empire, now stay the place where era of one man is finishing. This men is not stay in Damascus, but little bit north. He was in a moment person what had prosperity to made new, big era in Islam.
Now, he stay at the ruins of the country and only he is counting more graves across country.
In only one operation at east Syria he lost more than 2700 asker, and and not less than 60 thanks, two planes, and so much other equipment. After that he must did some to present success into fall state what neighbor state born in. In state where he with money from some exactly declared person like Islamic fundamentalist made import of several thousand militant from Asia.
All operation named "Green Palm tree", how bad humor, going to prevent what he saw more influence of these "partners" Russia and Iran from more and constant influence. And reason now is clear stay in the fear that in the situation where local inflation rise more than 38% monthly, with rising lost of jobs, and hard presence at the south border elements what have one third of the nation territory and some half of population, should make uncertainty, more from a raise more radical Islamist groups and movement than official ruling party, what in the finale make have unrest at the politic arena, maybe military coup or some so call upraise against him.
In this reason stay his so native relationship with some part non Turkish population in country, most of them who have close relations with Balkan, specially with Bosnia and Herzegovina, but with other predominantly Islam part of Balkan.
In this connections he try to make some promises, gained by army supply and intelligence support with open treat to this who he saw like some treat to himself.
He did to much economic attacks against specially Belgrade, but not only to promote self like some who is guardian to local Muslim population. Even than this population had different view at the local situation from them.
But, he need to listen some in the country who have contact with Balkan at many other level, and who in some things is not so satisfied with his rule last four years. Them who want to take more stake at the Balkan table, and who in full push Bosnia and Herzegovina in new war against local non Muslim population, but even with this in Muslim population who see a future different than it see some in Istanbul-Konstantinopol.
Some of this guy try to establish friendly regimes in Moldavian Gagauzia, and Abhasia, paying to much to close what they saw like enemy Russian presence and influence.
In relation with Baku they did to much, what in front made not much but divorce in Aliev's family. After they bought some from them to close cultural relations with Russia, and make harsh situation in some regions in Russia over their contact in local Azerbaijan diaspora.Aliev used what he know the best, a key to lock open door with so call brotherhood.
The so call Bosnian diaspora, what have nothing with diaspora but in deal between former Yugoslav King Aleksandr Karadjordjevic and Kemal Pasha Ataturk in "Winter deal" from 1921 from Han Pijesak, where two leader had been made deal about future of the local Muslim population, and their "repatriation" in the modern Turkie, in reason that for new republic stay strategically importance to had what Ataturk saw real Turks who was ready to fight to the better future at the new land.
Or with attachment in this deal from 1953 in Ankara, where everybody who was fought against former Yugoslav leader Tito in WWII, specially in Muslim Nazi units had right to move at the Turkish soil.
For some reason, their presence in the country have really big differences. At one side, more of them stay Kemalist, but at other side stay exist group what have so clear neo-Ottoman filings and political stands. Influence of both was different, but open, in all levels and offices at the state.
They had huge money a pocket and with it they had time to said what they will or they don't.
Now, after find how their business made huge losses, and how situation at the country going to be worst, they in the last election change the side, and try to remove actually leader from the post of President of Republic.
With two million Syrians who have negative dominance at their economical gain, and with a production costs, rocketed in only last two years more than triple they try to find exit.
This have to be very danger for his Excellency President of Republic.
To stop insurgents in the local population, he ordered and make only what he have to make.
And now we have see it in the some part of SAR.
Groups lead by Turkish officers, clothed in the terrorist weir, lead same groups bought in the Central Asia to make what in EU try to present like upraise of so call Asad's loyalist against what they see like legitimate regime in Damascus, what we even now call terrorist, and what even Taliban say is quasi Islamic movement. But only close with Muslim enemies, from both side involved in what said "Green Palm tree" operation.
Before this operation terrorist in Damascus have huge problem and losses at the east of Syria. To much of so call their army was deserted, and now they have only several thousand criminal elements specially from Idlib and some part of Turkie presented in law violating in several Syrian areas.
All operation was founded at suggest how was necessary to blow Russian presence in SAR, in air attack by drones several weeks ago, what local Russian troops successfully repelled. Made to locals great loses.
Even now, they try to push Russia, but more Hezbollah and Iran in fire of a war. Not successfully again.
We have only expectation how SAA have power to make gain at the battlefield and how their most prominent troops came from the east of the country, with collaboration in the other part of country make all what is necessary to remove Turkie from the country, even it mean full war and casualties, much at occupant side.
This operation to him going to be more than lost of government, but even the life. Now he has nobody to give him notice what is next like it had been in 2016.
He believe how he switched side, from BRIKS to EU, with false promises about fuel and energy to them, he have buy more time, but only have time to make actions to find where he have make escape with Zelensky by whom he made deal, and checked money from the several founds.
All fronts what he open, in Balkan, with BRIKS, in Syria, Libya, Africa, and specially in Ukraine, going to be finished against him.
After find how he had best relations with Zionists. How he did not even finger print to protect Gaza, and did everything against Lebanon, now in Syria, nobody have patience with him.
Question is what is next after he lost fingers in Syria, and the wallet in Ukraine?