Wednesday, 22 May 2024

General Asambley must vote agaist "Srebrenica genocide resolution"

 In many times order in the World had never same position for everybody. Exclusivity for such and full order pressured for others, the order had nothing, but opportunity to them who want to rule over others. 

In the moment when the World started to be changed, and some organizations must going to be changed for reason what cause change the old order to new. At the way to changes what we had see some old methods what have posses to be use from same who had power in the past over all other in the Planet. 

In UN organization we have see some institutionally wrong. Something what with reality in the new order have nothing, and what only cause more antagonistic reactions at many sides. 

If we looking at UN reaction against genocide in the Gaza Strip we saw how domination in a relation have more power than national interest of many small countries. Voting in the GA and SC of UN only have some success if it have point to say something against small countries and nations. Nothing going against the West and their vassals. 

People of Palestine is only crucial presenter how the Organization have only reason to exist when they prevent some acts against main power states. Same Organization have not integrity even to call Chapter 7 of UN Chart to protect employed in the Organization agencies which was attacked from IDF at the field. In reason, how some from inside said, General Secretary have problem with fear. And with some in the nearest circle who was opened stay like agents of US and UK in the case.

General Secretary never say something about situation with informers from the Ukraine, after some of them stay so call legitimate targets from the local authorities,  when they find several so cruel international law violations. 

This situation isn't new. In the times after wars into former Yugoslavia, at the territories of  many new countries founded from the former state, had been started excavations to had found mass graves. 

In much famous graves place, at the area of Srebrenica the group of inspectors and forensics try to find what had been with population in the war and after, specially after this UN security enclave had been occupied by local Serbs forces in the spring of 1995. 

In began of excavation they have any program or some real perspective what they must to find, but only to made a find about reality. 

And everything was fine to moment than they had not found some strange exams, how situation in the enclave had nothing with black and white choreography, but something more darkness. Interest of some countries who had been co-founder of the Security zone Srebrenica. 

First in the grave had never find more than 4350 bodies or parts of it. In moment when they had information for the Organization about that, they was restored with new team who have exactly order to find not less than 8000 corps. 

In the first team found several strange situation, where the body have lethal damages from the NATO fragments. What have not possibility to came from the Serbian side. 

Eactly , they find how some from the West had fingers and arms into conflict and how both confronted side have same damage at a casualties , different from each other caused in the previous battles.

In the Srebrenica from late 1993 to the end of the Security Zone, existed special forces from France and UK in the Zone.

Each of them out of UN control and out of UN forces.  These interrogations about it, find how this forces did many acts in the area, and how they have "bloody equipment after their returns from these actions around Srebrenica and Bratunac". Both of this town in the east Bosnia. 

In actions from 1992-1994, and late in area of Bratunac die more than 2500 persons, civilians,who had killed forces in command and cooperation with this two non UN elite units. 

In 1995 same groups attacked and killed some 2000 soldiers and civilians Bosnian Muslims, who had withdrawal from the security zone to Tuzla. 

UK had nice contact with some Serbs who had body and sours in mass murder at the several places around Srebrenica. But this group have nothing with what "courts find" some plan in the local Serbs to made "genocide". Nor, after same had not been happen with nearest Žepa. Where Commandant of Serbian forces escaped with all Bosnian population, without any even missing person. 

The same Commandant in one moment presented to the press how he eliminated some group of SAS in the region, who try to made some wrong. Maybe to eliminate them, but after all stay clear how elimination was reserved only for common people at the both side. 

Srebrenica is the terrible crime against peoples who was massacred and after that used in political actions from the same persons whose stay now in the actually US administration. With Baiden at the top. 

New role in desertification and new killing of the murdered at Srebrenica planed to be in the next week or two. Reason for it stay in fear to London and Paris that they have be found like real executors at the field, and how after General Assemble resolution no one have right to ask to truth. 

They decades before remove more people from prosecutor places in "international courts" to prevent this.They did everything to protect some Bosnian Commandants to be sentenced for reason mass murder against civilians in the region of Podrinje at east Bosnia. 

If General Assemble know going to populate the story about "genocide" without free, open, transparent and international excavation and investigation at the case of "Srebrenica Security Zone", it would be not final, but one of final nail in the coffin of UN Organization.          

And this is not only. Thedros Gabausses in WHO had been investigated and prosecuted for war crimes, but only because he had nice relations with London, he is still at the place, and made what is necessary to them. 

Or, how is possible that several countries attacked Yemen even nobody gave them grant or permission   to had made it?! And UN say nothing, cute and quite they only have to say something after London, who full controlled General Secretary, give them provision. UN Secretary said nothing about situation in Frances colonial cities, last in Neu Caledonia. Where Paris did everything to made genocide against Kanake people. Hm, is something strange?!

No, it is modus vivendi, or way how top of the Organization and their parts see UN Chart and selfish interest.

At the and, we have no more time and place to say how many crimes UN protected. Like 1995 Croatian aggression against three Security Zones and expulsion more than 245 thousand local population, mostly ethnic Serbs. What cause that now in Republic Croatia each year Amnesty International have report about discrimination of them, and how no much of Serbs made comeback at the country. Where they after formed new government before several days stay continually break at the human right of Serbs minority. 

But for so call international justice system it was not genocide, because Biden was involved in it at same period like it is Srebrenica. And how he said Israel did not found genocide against Gaza, because it is our bastards. Like some in Croatia. 

We now call all in General Assembly to vote against project named "Genocide in Srebrenica", and call everybody to found investigation and new excavation for find real true, who was orchestrate  everything. Specially we call to be find genocide against Slavs, Roma, Judas in the same GA, against German Nazi Regime.     

After all we found how so call GA Resolution about Genocide in Srebrenica is only way to some countries at the west to kill a peace at the Balkan, and to make more possibility to remove a memories of the nations at this peninsula how they have possibility to live together again. Because former colonial force believe how the must remove Ottoman  Empire from the history.

Monday, 13 May 2024

The former tree "Balitic Tigers" in Russian arms

Of course they are the biggest arrangement in past decade, or two, when they had been good marketing trick what had promoted EU values and possibilities all who had joined to the Union. 

More money was introduced  to the tree of them,and try to gave illusion how is possible to grow in the prosper "club of democracy". How wasn't some problem what had been not solved with money from so call health investments from the "strategical partners and supporters".

All of this predictions and pictures had been presented over MSM in less or more real time. To everybody in the Union, but more out of them, like it was posted to "candidate" and pretenders to be it, to stay and play story about "tree Baltic Tigers", or what it was officially Lithuania,Latvia, Estonia.

Even this countries into USSR had been the industrial promoters, the richest and well social organized Soviet Republic, this wasn't naff to local population to tried to be independent. Because, they have so call free countries in the mid turn between two WW. 

Made at the mythology sponsored from the London and some other western provinces, these  locals going to be some model to the London and Brussels, and way what they believe to be a way to the east, to Moscow, and Minsk. But more to Beijing. 

Everything looked like the best, but in the reality, all of this so call tigers, going to be countries with less and less population, what have now more than 1/3 less population from the begun. 

When we followed situation in the previous terms, we found how into "project" was swamp,introduce more than 12,8 billion of personal invest, in such structures and a local politicians, or into own pocket at the money start.  

Another money amount was push into so call transition,where had been transformed more than 123 billion of public and economic wealth, and where some families, like it is the presidential family pay the price into so call big introduce into energy factory and refineries,specially in Klaipeda port. Into change from nuclear and electric facilities based at coal to import industry of energy mostly from far far South Korea. 

Such countries like Latvia who had big agricultural industry, specially milk and meet industry, in several decades stay into position to only market to their goods is "dark" Russia. 

Reason stay in situation, that their products had little much becquerel, caused with several nuclear accidents, and not only from Chernobyl.

In the project only Estonia grow into plan, other have lots problem and they now have catastrophic situation with industrial and public infrastructure. No more exist railway, no more exist public transport, and what is more problem to other in Baltic, they have only prosperity in subsidence from the neighborhood.

And in export of population,too, what have no choice, but to find job and existence at the West. Where they live at the margins. Most of them in conditions what have notice into a local newspapers.

Yes, Estonia like we said made much into so call electronic revolution,but this had nothing to push locals to live better. Only1/3 of country theritory have 98 percent of population what rest into county after 30 years of independence. 

With south neighbor they have only not so well roads, some plain connection, but nothing else. No energy circle or some industrial cooperation. 

Other of tree, have not much but only what try to have tourism and agriculture, to prevent collapse in the society. 

But, all of this countries have same policy against minorities, what have support in the Union, where the Fascist and nationalistic standard in law against other and different, no critics, because it going against hateful  Slavs. 

EU have nothing to said after some of this countries violated international business agreement, even it found more jobs close in the country. 

After 2022, all of this former tigers, came to be bridgehead against Russia and Belarus, and place where was at the empty land made several big so call exercises, but where in final we have how it had no the point. 

Now, all of this countries have big losses at the front line. Lithuania, more than 483 death professional soldiers, and no less than 1000 others, include wounded and PoW.

Estonia lost two generals, several colonels, and chief of spies. With more than 600 at the field. 

Latvia was less involved but not to much. All of this countries have in total more than 4000 casualties.

All of it was well documented and presented to the Stoltenberg from Moscow with love. And in this message he find from the bearer of the message, that it mean" fool proof to Moscow how they have right to change situation into post, after they solve problem into NATO mess at the east". 

If you look at the map than you have to find how no one have come to support local governments against avalanche from the east. It was reason why US pushed at the Stockholm to be part of the Alliance. Not to have some place to make forces to battle, but the place for retreat.

In this moment all former Baltic tigers have GDP less than 40 percent from the Union's. And only way to stay at the head coming over money laundering  from abroad. 

In this countries anti UN conditions have public and government right for decades and now it grow in political absence of solutions. Absence of economic and energetic grow, and what is crease, fool depend from hateful Russia,but China, too.  And EU with the Ursula like to laundering money, even it mean how at the East Baltic coast never ever stay same.

To normal existence to them stay necessary to put more than 13 billion each at year, and it mean laundering more than 121 trillion in total per year. How?!