Tuesday 23 April 2024

Money to "ally" from US congress have our support

 In the moment we support decision of US to give more support and financial help to tree so call ally, in total amount of some hundred billion USD. This smart idea from seven guys from the upper shadow state came like real move after US had great loses in the World. 

After Iranian forces in the splendid act crush the Zionist entity, and after several other US ally had heavy loses into same night, only the real move have to be done.

This move was improve after heavy battle into Syrian desert between local Shia and other anti-US groups and movements. In which US used IS at the ground and support them by USAF in the air. In this action, US made some losses to these groups, but in totally, IS has no more exist like US cavalry.

Day after, in revenge what made these groups from Syria, Iraq, and other Arab states, US forces into region come into mortal combat fire, what cause big losses into man and equipment. Such 200 soldiers, officers, and civilian contractors lost life, and 40 units of equipment made had fatal damage.

Even MSM was made public statements, how over all stay IDF, in reality and very soon came the truth.

The truth what support our knowledge about situation into Israel after Iranian operation. And how only US try to eliminated all "problems" into region, before they what they had plan take acts against RuF into Syria and Africa.

But, how we said, they had been defeated at the battlefield, and only way to stop eroding to their position going to be clear against what they see, enemies from Russia to China, whom was in the shadow move the position and actors into the battlefield.

And this was coming as expected decision to make new point into money laundering named "military and financial support to".

This support is coming in the moment when all of tree "ally" have great losses, and when two of them into the war lost everything. From territories to face. With this money, seven guys believe, how they going to be winners. 

But, what would be with US they did not had mention, and now we have only to say, how they blow up the States, and how nothing have to happen to stop total eroding into and over US. 

US dollar after this multiple acts, have nothing of previous values, and only what exist to stop total dollar crack stay into actions move from the US banks, which had only intent to stop make job with real money, and now going to push against customers "digital usd", even situation in several European countries what have contact with same system, caused more than  25 percent of previous values of these local currencies. 

These currencies haven't problem like it have USD, 36 trillion of depth and more than 120 trillion out of market support. New bunch of 100 billion dollars into market, even the creators had idea to put it into electronic model, push at dollar like avalanche. Where it in creation with stole of Russian money, going to cause that markets for two to tree weeks going to say that both USD and Euro is gone.

On the opposite side, everybody in the world come in position to say how they have no obligation to take "green grant" and how they are not interest to have back dept to the Reserves and their world offices, IMF and WB. 

Chinese message was eminent and cause 32 billion loses into agricultural grants from Canada to Australia. But it was to small what was happen day after, when China made decide to stop trading in USD. And that they have plan to stop buy US dept. 

Pressure against India coming in the interest moment,the minute before elections into there, and only cause that this country stay close to Russia against what they saw "colonialism". Only they are pull out from Swiss 32 billion dollars in coins, what really cause that Helvetica now have 18 per cent downed GDP in only first tree months of this year, and most banks out of successfully condition. 

How you can see, we have big reason to support "seven guys idea", and now they did to push up separation in the world. 

For tree "ally" money is out of possession, most of it stay into US factories and politicians pockets. Only small amount  going to coming to them. To Ukraine this money is not so crucial in their losses into war. Specially, after Russia push into gear up. With predicted  results and finish, after than, more US and European "investors" make huge losses. And graves into their region, more bodies from the front. 

Israel, have more than six month in battle against Palestinian Forces, and after all, it bring more problems not only to them, but to everybody into Zionist entity, too. Losses have even Jewish businessman all over  the Planet. 26 billion USD is only 2 percent of all losses what caused miscalculated acts in previous several month. 

To Taiwan, we explain. But after serial  earthquakes this territory have no possibility to step out of motherland. US is far, and China is so strong, than Taiwan after all have power to say "no" . New earthquake is clear, would be fatal to economy based on the chips.           

Sunday 14 April 2024

Iranian filigranic plan and chess math

Yesterday after so big predictions about new escalation in the ME, and possible WWIII after some predicted acts, ascribed in the mass media over whole western hemisphere, and after we have nothing to saw similarly in these sides moves, or a plans, day after, stay open new day without everything what prediction or well informed sources from the US administration, said to all over "well" informed CNN.

Everybody, from the east to west had such info about possible acts from Iran to Israel, and everybody had believed how they are sure  how first go stuck the second. 

All World have information and prediction based on some believes how the informants was well positioned  and how everything what they told to CNN is reality.

But, in reality we have any sign that some prepared such stupid act, like it was presented in the news. The history of Persia, have to mach eras than it have be simple to explain how it should goes at an other parts of Earth.

The story how Iranians told something to US administration, the Biden's Sullivan was fanny from beginning, and have contact with reality like Mars with Earth. 

Only what "contact" did in the operation, was delivered demand from Iranians to US, to stay out of all operation. And that's it. All other versions have only imagination what came from the Pentagon's press relies person. 

Iranians in all have no intention to made something hidden and out of a public. The intention was opposite, and they have full support from Khamnei in it. For beginning no US CIA, nor MOSSAD, neither Russian have knowledge what is real plan.

In predictions from Israeli's Sheen Beth what they "pick up" from the Turkish MIT, stay how Iranian have plan to act against whole Israel, especially in the central and coastal areas of the country. But even in it , stay the plan how they have interest only for an military and infrastructure objects.

In talks at Moscow,week ago, Iranians try to find two points from the Russians. In both they have only ask" what the colleagues plan to do before and after they make act against Israel?".

After all, we have to comment tree points, and each point have connection with someone in the story what was presented like begin of WWIII. 

1) After everything was finished and when stay clear how operation gone so well to and unpredictably, from "wrong side"-Russian propaganda start to present how Iranians is fools or ignorant who have nothing by reality. The reason what it was happen stay in position from Moscow to Tel Aviv. But not only. After all, stay open how Iranian tactic is well, and how it is shameful to Russian General Staff.

In open area, with full acts against them, from several parts in the ME, Iranian still made gains in the what they had "saw punishment against evil enemy". In tactic what wasn't implemented at Ukraine battlefield. 

Iranians against self had US, UK, France, Jordan, and some other elements from EU, who are acted in the several Iranian places.Even than they have gains against Israel. They did what Russian forces had no courage to did in the war against Nazi in EU. Or they did not same like Iranians, from began of "special operation". Mostly in ridicules opinion of some high positioned Generals, who believed how they have war victory with little damages to Ukraine. Because they two years fight so call united west in the battle.

2) US and UK have reason to present how they have big role into salvation to Israel, and how they did everything to blow up Iranian operation. They must have positive presentation in the public for several reason. If we looking at UK than we have must say how situation into their military is so bad, and how this story have only way to promote "true" how GB is still "great", even they haven't relevant manpower to do something against anybody. US is in ballot year, and in the moment they not need new embrace what  going to cause problem in re-election to Biden, or going to be blow into back to Trump to comeback into the Office.   

Both, with France in addition have interest to present to open air how they are relevant into protection to their allies, and how they are still strong to make global goals. Their fear still exist, and after all they do same like Russians. Try to present Iranians at the same "color".

3) Israel and Jordan in the whole story stay in position that they make great public messages in which both try to present how they are still stay intact after all. And how the operation from Iran was finished without real gains, and how IRGC is company with full idiots at the board.

Israel came with the public picture how their air defense systems is might, and how nobody have such it. Yes, they said how they had help from ally in the region, but reality stay in point that they even have not knowledge how much rockets, drones, and other munitions used at the area. 

Only what they did over Mr. Lear was intention to point precision to repel against attack, and how Iran have not success what Iranians expect to had. Even emotion moves at the Mr. Lear pictured differences from the words. 
After all, Israelis have any explain why they are so sure in what they said. 

Jordanians have only that after all they had lost all integrity and how they are only platform from which US and other made in dirty operation against Tehran.

Russia after all stay in double position, so unpleasant to Moscow, specially when they try to have no direct confrontation with Israel. Even their General Staff have knowledge how into so call Ukraine's drones attacks at Russia soil,these fingers, and mind have Israel.

Direct fear that act against Israel could make problems into battle against collective west. Fear what come from the stupidity of several generals. And what after all have possibility to cause more problems than Israel. 

US and others have after all much bigger problem. How to explain to common public that in several moments after all operation started, they lost several planes, include fly tanker. And how it had possible that RAF made operation over Mediterranean sea, faraway from the coast. 

Or who idiot can you be to start to believe how they have success to stop drones and rockets which was fly approximate 35 meters over surface by several hundred miles at hour.

In moment when, even Israelis had not information what really salvo they had over heads. 

Iranians did attack in three waves in totally 634 missals, from five different ways.  In result they make what the boys had planed. 

They stuck so hard Israel's North Command, and positions at east and west from Ben Sheba valley. These forces prepared to attack Hezbollah and Lebanon in next several weeks.And even they have support to aggression against Damascus,too.

In Death sea area, they stuck the great supply base in which at the daily tact came the US and NATO planes with supply to Israel forces, but more to materials for proxies.

Jordanians after all lost much part of Air Forces, after" RAF successfully repel attack from Israel". In base where was pointed some Albanian structures with pupils from MUH.

All presentation at the media was planed to these young boys, and have same systematical way like a smoke. Now, after all, Israel haven't power to make even acts against West Bank, and US with ally have problems to give relevant support to Israel. 

In the end, only silents Chines stay real winner. Russia had headaches to improve compatriots how they are success.