Friday 25 August 2023

Strorry Prigozin, and these previous strories with similarity

 He's name is Prigozin, and he is the main man who had contacts with several sides in the actually world steps. He bought from some side, and sold it to other side, after all make only gains to the Russian Federation. 

Even, when he had been into business by USA, or when he made info to the British MI5. Or when he try to sell some messages to the China. 

Every time he was in brief contact after which he going to be at the place with main friend and boss. 

Situation after his miss in action, somewhere, and what was predict like some airplane catastrophe is only story for an public. 

In reality he has problem to "payback" some bills from the least half year. 

In this half year, he was eliminate the pick command of elite France troops, not only at Russia, but at several places into world. 

Last was commandant of France Legie Strangie, in Chad. Where his group eliminate whole corps of this force, and commandant of them,too.  

It was cause possibility to Wagner forces to take quick and not so hard action in Sahel region. 

In war against Russian interests France was used LF at several fronts. It has dominant effect at the force,who are now in position that have not much than 1/6 of numbered forces previous 2022.

But, after situation where France has not power to intervene in Sahel, and where they need so much, US main support, who was never came. And after all African states say what they do if some would be happen, Macron stay humiliated.

It cause hipper order to the maritime intel to" make acts against legitimate subject".

In these operations was involved several persons, some from the France side, some from the other side, but main "hand" into action was inside. 

Prigozin has problem with some opinions into the group, specially after Artiomovsk action, where he did several mistakes what was caused more not necessary dead into the group ranks.

All this things make possibility to operation going to been very success. But, what was happen is scholars example what has France intel now.

Intel whose prepared in the friend south-east country, in so call high visibility and touristic hidden. In believe how some had not increase involve in work of  the local intel agencies,which was supported all.

Missing into action, Prigosin, and staff of his group came the clear "gift"to Vladimir Vladimirovic, like it had been several time into past. From journalist madam Politkovskaya to real opposition leader Nemcov. Both of them killed "by hands of VV, because he had these interest to remove both of them, like treat against him". But like than, we always have speak the reality-and even than we had made connections between dead of them with interests and support  of these intelligence, with reason who, and why killed both.

Mess Nemcov killed after he said something what Navalny did not. And what was happen after that?

Brits and Germans maid new "opposition" icon, who had been planed to be, what in Russian Federation. Nazi gautelaither!?

Only mess made man, like many into east Europe. 

Prigozin in Russia is the icon. And how you have be powerful, you do not make shut on a icon. Specially after than you have had finish into dust. In Russia more than ever into world. 

One master of the group is miss and other was prepared to act in the favor against Paris.                   

Sunday 13 August 2023

See how tourism make clear questions about war

 Ever before the history of modern world have such interest tops like it have now. Industries is in the crisis. And it have to be clear if you try to find official results. No even results of current touristic season is believably.

In the area stay only official lies, controlled by domestic intel services. In this narrative, everything is same like previous years, or it is some better than record years in the tourism.

But if some have time and will to find the reality, then they have all what  a official try to hide from them, to find how lies is so big. 

In this moment, tourist industry have huge losses into EU market. These several prominent tourist destinations at the Mediterranean in total have 36 % less tourist income than previous time. For this have several reasons. But main reason stay into global economical situation into EU, supported by some domestically reason into dozen EU member states. 

What is this reason, we have to see at the example of Baltic and Poland. There from north to south, growing inflation, implement by domestic anti-Russian moves, and high involvement into the war, cause such terrible push back at the domestic GDP.

The combination which have  the harsh influence in domestic social situation, where at all these territory, against UN Chart do everything, and against human rights, and no one from the World said nothing about it. But did it have been right?!

NO! The main partner of this several countries now is out of these economies. And because that, Latvia, is in the technical bankruptcy. This country have no money even to local army come out from an barracks. Even action against these monuments have problem with financing.

The main part of economy is stopped. Infrastructure is abandon, after stay clear in month before how main EU contributor haven't money to ordinary support EU's institutions work. 

Situation in two other Baltic states is much worst even they not in same position like the neighbor.

Estonia, have much worst disaster in domestic production and grow of domestic/international dept, what stay main way to state income. For this reason, but not only, Estonia now have so big problem with depopulation. Another side of this trend is in so call volunteers who was pick up to be at the  war. 

After they have disaster losses into army so call volunteers, specially into high ranking officers, where somewhere missed several generals, too dozen colonels, and much more others. No much tourist stay to have trip over south EU.

Lithuania is in disaster, losses into Ukraine is so big, that depopulation of this country come into pick. For this reason they try to eliminate Slavic treat. In this moment, the minority in some part of country stay majority and only several county into west, and south have dominate majority of Lithuanians.   

Even border to Belarus, is empty from the "loyal" citizens. The local army is not much than civil protection force. The German forces deploying in the country have problem to find civil servants. Or to take some contact with domestic population. General staff of the army is no more exist. After Russian air forces stroke the military base in Lvov area, months ago. Instability cause to Pentagon made secret order to US force to leave country imitatively after that. And their fear how locals have "the best relation in the neighbor country, where know everything at the daily stage about situation into troops."

Poland have problem that more than several hundred thousand reservists left country and in the fourth circle of mobilization they had to pick up only disable people and older from 48 years. Even that was not proprietorially did. From 123 thousand asked, less than 2/3 was come at the place. 

Yes, Polish forces now have around 400 thousand serviceman. And they have problem with daily supply.

More than 1/3  of regular army is in Ukraine involved direct into fights against Russia. Loses in today, have number of half dozen generals and admirals. And more than 30 thousand serviceman. Which many stay lay at the Ukraine dead station post.

This cause that production into country goes down, export have problem, and social situation, clashes against Ukraine citizens growing. 

Only few have possibility to take post in Turkye, and other into Adriatic areas, where was came mostly military serviceman with families.

After Russia strike several military posts into Ukraine where was posted semi nuclear munition and equipment, radiation at the European east had grown and now food production is damaged. Common production is stop and export,too. 

On end we have to say that even touristic industry in EU have problems caused by Western moves. This moves have point in situation where more and more tourist stay at home, or like Americans came into safe haven. Because they have no possibility to trip without fear into more than 3/4 of world. 

Tourist season this year have be problem to several south EU country, what caused that this country try to find money at the open market. Where they buy it on the way to sell information for investors. What cause that NATO stay out of cohesion and any function. 

USA have help to Ukraine, but half of it came into countries which we numbered. And which without it have no possibility to exist.