Sunday 9 July 2023


All wars have same note, and this note is lie. A big war have bigger lie. Small, smallest. But both of them have same intention, to make some gains for this who have involve into it. 

The war in Libya, 2011 was last war where the predominant master had made act against the small state, in so call upper ideals. And where it was used to be clods for shadowed real reason what caused attack at Libya. 

We told in previous posts what was in EU,and what real situation in the Union. The war against Libya and Colonel Moamer Qaddafi was prelude or one step to the Western gone. 

If we back look at former, than actual US President Obama, we known how he was instructed to made some big mess in east area. In that moment, US and specially EU came into finance crisis, who was bring to the brink both. These economies had great problems, and they had no real money in these pockets. 

Idea of former France President, and criminal guy Sarcossy to did not paid back the loans took from the Colonel in real assets of 11,2 million euro. Whose he used to the  presidential campaign. This idea after all stay lucrative job to the US President's companiero, where they take act against Libya, to stolen huge account from the Libyan National Bank, some 100 billion USD, what they saw like money whose they take to make some activities not only in the world, but in the domestic public and states,too.

They had a plan, but this plan was not interest others main players. Like Russia, and China to stop this intervention. Exactly, for reason that the Colonel betrayed both in wrong prediction about cooperation with the west, specially by France and Italy.The war was not prevent that Noway lost priority in oil industry into Europe. Neither to shadowed reality into them oil industry and situation where they each year leave 8 per cent less pumped oil from the Norwegian sea bottom.And what going to dismantlement each western plan against Russia. 

Lie about reality, made the big mess and unrest, whose cause that predictions in the plan never had been introduce. 

Opposite, EU came in real clash with mountain migrant crisis, which cause collapse of all main chains in the Union cohesion. 

After decade from this war, main "actors" now is in the bottom of history, and they have existential problems, what now have not possible even war against Russia plus China to solve.

Because, these actors in war in Syria lost from this main world players, and existing war in Ukraine is only requiem for them. 

If we try to saw real situation at battlefield, we do not listen information from both side, especially from MSM, whose have same position like it was with media in the Third Reich and Dr. Goebbels.

Lie start to be way not to support battle spirit. But way to make problems in the enemies. To make them dissolve in an plans.

For this reason we are not sure like it was some in the playground how situation is at the way what they are looking at. 

No, we saw, we see that situation for USA is worst than in Vietnam war, that EU in the war have nothing but self  demolition. And how war is over, with victorious nations, united to change the world.

USA now have more than 27 thousand death and missing in actions active soldiers in war which officially did, and do not lead, but only stay like support to so call Ukraine. Which not existed from 22.August 2022. 

From this time to today in the operation against Russian forces mainly participate 18 countries, with 259 thousand soldiers and other personal. 

In approximate  year full active attacks and counterattacks these countries from NATO, and some associated countries lost more than 1/3 death, 1/4 missing, 1/4 wounded, and no much captured at the field, from full number. 

Main power in this casualties have Polish, than British, and than some Colombians. Other have some much less, but in the final number of losses significant parts. 

Russians have losses but in relation 1:13, you have capability to find numbers.

So call Ukraine Army is only mask to prevent more unrest in the western nations. But main point is situation,where Russian forces now marched to the west, and no one have power to stop them.

Associate by Iranian and China forces they now control these main communication at all levels. Even Elon Musk now is in their control.

US only play some role in the local media to prevent so much unpleasant question, who are not answered in Paris, where each day look like civilian war. 

Or situation in Poland, where they captured everybody which is possible to take active service into army of extraterritorial defense, and border guard. But about it, nothing  have in the so call democratic press in New York.

Nothing about diplomat evacuation from DC,Russians, but not only them,some leave Moscow. 

All of it documented how the war changed world, and open several areas to questioned some what they tried against humanity.And everything is the way to divorce, total divorce between 3/4 of world and 1/4, dark side of Nazi collaborators.

USA in war against the Planet, now have no place to escape, and no way to stop bankruptcy.

In EU, all of it is at the way, and only reason that they had resurrected Dr. Goebbels in these media, mass media. With summer season in package make situation not so explosive.

The so call summit in Vilnius going to be only grave ceremony whose caused global upraise at the global West.

No Blackrock, nor other so call investing founds after all have power to change something. In all of them main assets have now first economy in the world, and it is not USA.