Friday 24 March 2023

ICC and control damege of Covid 1* from Sunnak

 Really who can believe to ICC so call High Prosecutor that he did everything, out of control from the basic country, UK? And who can say that he did not known how decision from him have nothing with ICC Chart? Or, he believed how everybody at the Planet, and around haven't a brain to think about it, what is wrong in the Kanh decision.

Decision was wrong, but in some case very dangerous to the future of common international order. If you look at the Rome Chart of ICC than you have see only how this "body" have only right to make a deal with this countries, associations which have ratifier Chart, and than only them citizens or members have going to being a objects of ICC works. Others who are not into "contract" by ICC, cannot and would not be issue of the ICC interest, even it mean that this states, associations or persons have make some criminal act. 

It mean, how Kanh made not mistake but real disaster to the international law system, where only exist rule that subject in an courts have be only this who are in a jurisdiction. In case against Vladimir,ICC prosecutor made many mistakes, and worst orders. 

He did it in the imperative order from the PM Sunnak to make it or he would be supposed by some allegations from the secrets services of UK . 

We have what it was, but here it is not interest. Interest is in predominately panic in the UK Cabinet, after they find that story about role of them in "pandemic" would be exposed soon.

To block interest of these at public, and world public, they went with some unusually story over ICC and "criminal case against Vladimir".

Even some analytics try to find interest to block cooperation between the World and Russia, it was not in the point, because role of ICC was so much compromised that no one in the Third Word or other countries have so much care what this "last element of colonial era" have to say. 

And this mind about institution what at the west try to presented like "international" came to be pariah of former colonial power. Whose now have problem to solve coordination and cooperation with Nazi groups and organization in made of virus C-19, so call vaccine and multiple dead of prominent scientist and human workers around the Planet. 

Rishak Sunnak must explain what he had role in listing of killed and others who find like predominately problem for the Project C-1*-20/22.

We had been spoke about it before, and we tried to find who was guilty for it and mass murder in the World. Now, we have say how Kanh only did to stop full public opinion presentation of UK previous government and Mr Shaggy had into crime against humanity and war crimes in the several countries at the planets and killed public persons. 

The role of US here is only like a toy in the UK hands. where this experiments in the labs over human beans have nothing with  science, but with Nuremberg Codex and trials against them predecessors and now associates. 

So, after all, the role of ICC like it was in the past have nothing with law, nor with international interests, but only in the necessities of some group to prevent spread the truth about C-1*, and other inhuman treatment in the World against whole humanity, caused with them actions and corruptions, murders and miss qualification of peoples and real information about reality in controlled "pandemic".