Thursday 26 January 2023


 Hi, here we have to saw something for reason which have White House to spend more money in history than any other. 

Last several months, after these war action in Mexico, and especially in Brazil, where US had huge  causalities, after their operation in this countries goes wrong, off course their place have their allies.

We saw what was happen in Mexico, when locals decide to storm "Cartel Chapo-son", and how in the action find that in the enemies stay a lot heavy army weapons, specially anti-air defense guns and lite anti-aircraft launchers. With lots guns and munitions in several places around Sineloa, but not only there. 

  In posts around Mexico- US border, they find the huge ammunition depots, where stay mostly arms from the neighborhood. Stay so interest that this arms, has US Army origin, where some came directly from the several US domestic Army and Navy Bases.  But some, specially anti aircraft arms and heavy guns, with other interest equipment had different history.

Some of that came from US Base in near Quito. Not more than 1/5, and other came from abroad with origin documents where stay clear that this came from Ukraine. Or to be clear, must be at their. 

In operation named Gladiator, after find how situation in the biggest LA country, going to be similar like it was in previous time, in mandate former President Bolsonaro, and how local elite have not interest to change the path in history, came action coordinated by several European secret services, with lead role BND, German secret service, and supported by MI5. 

The operation has plan to put Brazil in insecurity and if it can be possible in the some case of war, internal war, which have be stop in mediation of same who try to created it.

For all they try to use so call supporters of the former President, where they believe how it cause to riots in Brazilian security forces, where some part of them was involved at all. 

The operation has same finger print like in Mexico, and in this operation must gone everything by arms which has be delivered from local stockpiles.

But they have to much, what, where, and how?! Because, they haven't success.

Of course, new President Lula have some misinformation, and he goes to made some wrong acts. Specially in case against Brazilian high commandant, which was dismissed. And reason was inactivity  from the Army in riots whose destroyed Brasilia, capital of Brazil, directly main federal administrative buildings, where damage is total. 

For truth, the Army has huge positive role at all. They have initiative at all mess. So, they step back from the theater. But their military security forces was active,in the back of these rioters, where they try to locate and pick up the non domestic elements, which had be huge number in these rioters. 

Several weeks before, they picked up information from the friends abroad, what would be day after inauguration. Numbers and names had been at the table, and stay open that it have be nothing but ordinary military aggression, in which everything support give some from the Oval. With not small US naval forces nearest Brazilian coasts. 

From several LA countries to Brazil transported in several months hundred, thousand so call peace protesters, payed and trained at the same boats. 

After all the Military security forces stormed several stock in several Brazilian states, where they find originally US military equipment, totally new and conservation. Electronic equipment from the EU and some several million banknotes of different states, most from de EU and Japan. 

This money was prepared to be use to pay so call upraise in the country. 

And even there was find same synopsis like it was in Mexico. In these documents and in testimonies find how this arms, have real destination in Ukraine, from where they exported it at the points in LA.

All operation was legal, and have huge support from High Command of NATO and US high personality in Pentagon. They wash in total 42 billion dollars. And it is not at all!

This,and not reason what  theyhave at Ukraine, is real reason why Biden and crime group around him take action in delivery of tanks to East Front. 

They try, like it try German government, supported by some interest groups in England, to great phrase changed a public view from great scandals in Latin America, and so big criminal involvment these most prominent US Administration member in it. But not only them, it has place even German Canceler with Berbok,and several other EU politicians, with unhappy Stoltemberg. Secretary of money laundry Treaty.

Several hundred tanks, or planes, or elsewhere others going to have nothing in this what now is WWIII. About other stances, for the rest of World we have new info. And it try to find more place in next tag.                  

Monday 2 January 2023

The Green Tyrany and real madness

 The New Year was came and we know at thet these politicians have duty to serve them, for better to all. 

But, in New 2023, everything going to be much clearly, definite stay open who are who, and what was what. We know way it is!? Reality of the history,global history we told several time here, and no one time we had repeated, that this is not what you believe- free world, of a world,- but prison made several eons ago to bring control over invasive species whom try to destroy to much civilizations, that they had been came in the alliance against them. 

If you looked closely, than you have more questions than answers, about reality around you. You have to much some legend about some deep history times. And nothing else, but if you are looking around, you have to see not only a legends but more, the history truth. 

And, what we know in this history, we told it partly here. 

Now, we must say what some try from New York to do at the Planet is repeat from last WW, nuke war at the Planet, 12333 years ago. Then had been at  the same base like now,what the west try to conquered whole Planet, with same agenda, and same results. 

But, what we try to say here?!

We try to present to you something what some group of people, high ranking person in the several countries, with people who believe how they are making elite, try to push so call "green agenda", in which they have interest to make some places at the Planet for life impossible. 

This tyranny try to take place for excavation for Lithium, or what they babble "white gold". But, it isn't "gold", not "white", nor "green", and neither "human friendly".

Lithium is worst than Uranium, and same what Plutonium, but in some reason this element is not radial in free global place. It going to coming after, and stay in this position for thousand years. 

For this reason, after list nuke war, much of Lithium had been eliminated on several ways. Here is not place to say more. What necessary to say, is that this element know existing in several spots around the Planet surface, and how existing only 72,5 years reserve to fool production of what they now try to make autonomy car, and other vehicle,machines, and other things.

The main spot to excavation for Lithium, has Andes. Around lake Titicaca and south to Atacama desert. But problem with this mines came before. The "green colonialist" did not know how this element in there mines is fully radioactive, buried there thousand years ago. For this reason, all atmosphere, land and water burn hundred miles from excavation places.

And for what reason stay into reactivity, most places had buried by "earthen ware". For this reason to much of Lithium was buried near gold reserve posts. Spanish conquistadors find some of these "legends" in self hands and arms, after they took some ills. But even Egyptian thieves,too. 

Not at all it was clear and naff to new Green Tyranny, so close to predecessor- Nazi-Fascist. Who took organization "Ananerbe" to find what they had believed to had been began of the all civilization.   

 Now they have NASA, who try to take control over all planet with falls flag experiments, notorious misinformation and lies about real nature of Planet Earth. 

Impossibility to take other technology for energy produce, and take anything over 100 miles over the Planet, specially over Antarctica. 

Now, year after coup, leaded by British SAS who have touch with Nazi movement in Peru, and coordinated by NASA, in Peru did not find nothing but troubles. Non gram of suitable Lithium, and neither cubic meter of gas from Bolivia for producing "white gold" to have "green energy". Vice verse, in Peru they have continuously and massive riots, in Bolivia revolution in continuous, and only Chile produces some, but even there no body try to work in the hell places of excavation. 

In this matter lease down why Blinkin ordered, captured, and made bribery to African lieder. And why he try to squeeze out China from Africa. Why in the action take part France, stay clear yesterday. At same day when Britain find that they have no more buy oil and gas from Russia. 

And, situation in Peru, Colombia, Honduras, Belize, Brazil, Argentina, Chile,Uruguay, present in purity what you have after you try to make new weight at the old method way. 

Because that we are supporting Mexican President AMLO, and leading role of Mexico in Latin America. Principios das libertadores y povres peones in America Latina, esto summo summarum por  normal vivir  todos que questo nationes ven como El Dorado. 

Sin estas principios, normal vivir en paises sud della Rio Grande, sta imposible. Imposibel, primo por la todos que ellos tienes planes por excavada tierras en mass altas positiones en Andes, o con Amazonas donde miliones hectares devastado tierres usando por GMO agricultura producion. E commo ultimo Indios morir en mass,ma mass morir todos que  vive nella. Poison places kill hundred miles around. 

But so far from Berbock and Green Nazi Movement, which try to rule in lies over all,  to be seen and sanctioned. 

They need Lithium, and they need the last dead Ukrainian, because excavation place is two thousand kilometers far from Berlin and Paris.