Sunday 27 February 2022

When some planed the war, and war start earlier

 If you like a war than you must know what it is. On this moment any real reason stay in the public to say what it happen in the place of war, if you have no ears and fingers there. In this moment we are ready to say how we have info, what cause the situation. 

You have not send to the front people who are not knowledge about place and people, and where they came to make info fake. They are not need the truth, and no one of them have courage to say what see, but only what he have at the paper what they took somewhere out, before they took a place at same town.

On other way is not so clear why some army try to be "correct"  and did not what is necessary to broke all job for few minutes. 

Is anybody care in the Western Alliance for locals. or specially for these soldiers. No! 

For this reason is most scary to take harsh measure to broke the enemy, and took all potential to finish it in the moment. 

The example is the best way to take cool so much hot heads at the opposite side. 

If some came with protest how they going to sell army to some, than is right to the other side to take not only economic act, but so violent act. like it is cuts energy supplies and food supply, too. 

Only one finger at the right post, can make so big trouble to Western Alliance than is SWIFT cut of to Easter Commonwealth.

So, at all, in few mounts to the summer, east can take act, and send more frozen and more dark than it they predicted ever before.

This war is not local, it was prepared to be global, but Eastern take action first, and now they have post to take damage to opponents. 

West had used everything what they had into a bag, but it not naff to make what they expect, and now them must going to be present what would be after all.

This is new-normal, and have nothing with old time. Especially in cold war.  

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Never Articulated and Trustfully Organisation

 Never articulated and trustfully organisation(NATO)try to solve self promotion "that they are some factor at the planetary stage", "some what is not possible to be put into corner and some what have power to make what they believe so long that they are". 

But after two days in Almaty where they had lost more than 28 thousand servicemen and where they lost more than two billion euro, the organisation so desperately needed to have some gains against main enemy. For this reason they put into function more than 8 thousand personnel into main point at the Ukraine soil. They had plan to take more hardware against Russian forces, in planed operation what they try to established from November, and what had the point in what they try to presented for western public like "freedom operation" in east Ukraine. 

Operation was trained at the all ways, and in main decision had plan to Ukraine forces use like feast, in support by the organisation tactic groups at the sea and air. Something take part into wars at former Yugoslavia.

All plans was find like plans what have connection with these action in Kazakhstan, where they expect much more trouble for Russia and ally.  No one from the organisation had expected how they lost what they had lost. 

What atmosphere was into top of organisation explain situation around General Secretary, who lost most part of their operation plans into area over east Ukraine. And who had lost even serenity after no so nice conversation from State Secretary. Who after all stay so ugly when in conversation against Russian counterpart find how this have more than they expected. 

Always, lack of authority and impose to much lack of knowledge about problems what they had into organisation, build huge pressure against him than he try to "organized Russian aggression" against peacefully Ukraine and against "European democratic values", even is clear how into western side situation have more and more significant closure with dictatorship in the Reich. 

The war start so far from begun, because was started clear how the Presidency of EU has these fingers into huge bribery, and criminal case against Nuremberg Trials and orders. 

But, at the back, in finish, last days of 2021, several members in organisation made deal with Russian Federation on situation into war. Where they try to keep neutrality. In this case was even the Secretary homeland. 

Russia put at the table more than it was necessary, and after several situation where they captured the planes and ships which flied over Ukraine, the organisation started changing operation and made more  modification in the actual plan, what the Secretary find in contact by counterpart. 

For final, the prices at the markets, from food price to energy price, rise ten time.  Caused that USD no more establish world currency, and where Euro have only way to going to lost more than 35 per cent of real wealth in several months, and full finish to the end of the year. 

The war was, and what we saw at the battle ground it was so fast demolition of the enemy in the history. 

Russian forces take only day to pick up all part of Ukraine, and only several hours to remove the organisation from Mediterranean sea. Where they had captured 6 th US Fleet. Italian battle group, and France fleet.

After first US 1th Army in Georgia, 2 th Army in Kazakhstan, now the Fleet, the reaction from Biden was only possible, and more logical than he had cognitive capacity.

These fail in war at Ukraine, clear situation at the US forces, and open question "what going to be if they take acts against PRC"? Never is possibility before that some state have power to take act at the USA soil like it have PRC.

In war at Ukraine, organisation and USA lost same money what had been lost in Afghanistan. But in the difference in once, the lost going to grow hard and quickly in weeks what coming. 

These prices of everything do not stop any measure from the States or EU. Inflation stay main problem into April, and energy shock took a place in the middle of summer season. Cause bankruptcy in countries which had main income over tourism. 

The food supplies coming to be short in several weeks, after Russia close export nitrates.

About what humiliation into one day war have to be for organisation, and results of it in the future, into next time.