Thursday 26 August 2021

Last decades in Afghanistan human organs industry

 Everything what was happen in Afghanistan last several months is nothing what we had not expected in decade ago.

All things going to be worst from previous expectation and after all start to be humanitarian disaster, which have nothing with so call evacuation, but opposite of that. The disaster was founded and financed from same persons and organisation who now have involution in situation by COVID SARS 2.

This entity was involved in some kind of industry, if we can use this word to describe something what have influence at the personal dignity and health.

No one have clear info how in Afghanistan existed some kind of human industry, where people used like cattle to be part of industrial process. But, in four last year we have more and more info that in the parts of Afghanistan into control of the government existed private practice where some so call scientist take action in scientific research. 

More and more young people both gender have start missed or killed in some strange strategy in war against Taliban. 

On other side, some warlords took part in this at the way that they had collected money from ordinary citizens (most for families)who try to leave country, and "organised"  transport over border mostly illegal,or in some case mixed.

But in this case they preferred to collected young guys, health and wealth.

All of transferred person take "unique instruction" to travel at the address in west Europe, specially in north  Germany, Nederland, and UK.

The each person take the "ticket" in one way and some amount of money at the credit cards. Each person take measure to leave passports and other documents when they take contact withe Europe. 

They have information who, and how transported them and what they must take to prevent to be disclose at the trip. 

In the facts, they have hard "instruction" how they must take lots of food and supplements, and how they must be very sensitive at the situation at the place where they stay to be transfer in the line.     

 The role of everything start to be finished after so call US election came into deep dept, and when they decide to give the post former Vice President, who was deeply involve in this. 

What they formed in Obama administration is no so clear, but know is clear, how they take all to clear path for this transactions. 

Did  about used USAF transport plains, no to much clean, but some other actions in Syria and Libya have to make reasonably doubt how it had been possible.

These young population who are transported at the west has official name "a cattle". 

They had place in multi-billion USD human organ industry. 

Price for it was formed on several levels. Most cheapest was organs from persons which operated abroad. In Turkey, Nederlands and UK. Much expensive was organs from persons what was operated in the country.      

In Afghanistan these operation took in the hand, middle east practices and persons with the Gulf licences. 

From blood to the leavers they take everything. They had a lots supporters in the local government, even in ally forces. too. 

Most people which disappear in this "industry" came from the low classes, and them who had not relatives. 

In some case these "industry management" took action to collected  fall in battle local soldiers and civilians, but not more from several hours from fatality. 

This was main reason why downed classes take part in Taliban actions and quickly retake of power.

Second reason stay in situation with night flies have duty aviation in west part of the county.where they transported IS members from several paces. This units have have support at the land from the active ruler in the country. 

IS was iron fist against Taliban, what the ally tried to divided local rebellions at the parts and to present them like groom terrorist at MSM in the World.

But only several weeks had been naff to locals start the war against so call Islam State warrior, after this guys start to took care for the "cattle industry".

For few days, Taliban and locals finished with them. In situation where came documented how so call west forces protected, organised and found IS at the ground, the US Military Junta made decide to start hard and quickly return from the battlefield and withdraw from Afghanistan.

Everything after, coming over a news, but nothing in full truth. MSM try to present different picture, then it really is. These bad guys now is fighters for freedom,and ugly Taliban is desperadoes which make crime against common people.

Taliban must be very,very sensible and in hard disconnect from the predecessor if they do not take our hand over them. Human rights and religious freedom must be untouched and state must be formed what they promised to be, not some Caliphate.     

In the"industry" activity take place persons from all around world. In different sectors.

All of them you have to see at the so call evacuation.       

Tuesday 10 August 2021

Macron like to be Mussolini

France economy stay in ruins and nothing have make it different. Situation with jobs and investment in the market stay in the possibility to be stop not more than several weeks, and for this reason, but even more for reason what stay in pols, and the presidential election what they expect very soon, Mr Macron find time to came with order of mandatory vaccine. 

Never mind that it has clear aggression on the human rights and personal right. And that he make pressure against high court in the Republic. And than this court made decision to support this violation in law. Never mind that millions protested at these streets, the "money owner" created plan to stop intercepted the growing salary in so call pandemic from common public. In moment when they had lost money launders from Switzerland. 

The main problem was created in time when so call big shuts try to have wealth business with public money in these pockets.

Now they have problem to present where is money, and what they did with it. The money is gone, and they have no plan to back them in the public founds and budgets. On the side of Macron administration have not exist wish to bring back it by force. Specially, because they had been created in the circle of top bankers and some industrialist.

But when we are looking at the President post in twenty years and more ago, than we have knowledge how each new France President from Shirak  really look like persons without mind and with mental disabilities. 

The current President is totally infected with. He has most pathological problem and then he has not current mental visibility to make clear decision. For some reason he is famous with Benito Mussolini corporatism. These friends from the banks try to support it in him. And this made over Macron wife.

This story looks like some trash, but story has clear connection in this days. For some reason they take action in ME and Caucasus.  Where they had great lost and disaster. 

Macron had instruction from some closer ally to make some big in Lebanon. The blast in Beirut was first step to planed retake the tiny country from enemies, Russia and Iran.

In the action they used ally from Balkan. And we know what was gone wrong in the action. After that, with investment of more than 40 millions Euro to make so call justified upraise of common Lebanese.

After all, they have plan to make trouble not only to Russia and Iran, but even for Turkey, when they had made deal with Armenians.  

Nothing was happen in this operation positive to Armenians. France had more costs in not only money, but in man,too.

Reaction at the action, came in Africa, where in action by opponent power Macron and the nearest military supporters did not expected that they would lost several battalions, from Mali to Chad. In Chad even they had problem with coup de'tat, and change at the top. 

The pressure was grown in sub-Sahara region from these rebellions who find what is real things to presents French army at the foot. France automotive industry try to has real and reach source of basic goods. They planed to reach produce of strategic minerals and metals for not more than several years. 

But they have not power to do it alone, and they start to made cooperation in this idea with others from EU. 

Now, after all, when sources closed and present at the field rocketing expensive cost, Macron find to strength close France. Like he and his friends planed to make in Russia, China, Turkey, India, and other places at the Planet.

Much than 70 per cent industry in France now existed in dominant nowhere situation, where they hibernate and try to take fiat money from the state. 

But, like we said, the money was gone, and no body who had them, now have not wish to take action to bring back all in public reserve.

Crisis with Nissan-Renault open more questions, but after main actor leave Japan to Lebanon, and gave info what was reality in the company active to some others, and now after Russia decide to close relation between main Renault plant in France and local car producer.

Several other car makers not at long time stay in sufficiency, and next several weeks, after summer holiday going to be very worm at the streets of French towns and villages.

For war in Ukraine they have not potentiate, because these streets looks like battlefield where police officers each day have fight with someone.