Thursday 28 January 2021

Russian riots and US motivation

 In this moment, at the Planet exist to much notorious lies, which coming in the last time from the High Castle, where now we have some persons whose have only role to be marionettes in the hand of the High Command of US Army Forces. How we can detect it? Simply when you take in compare the two different side in the USA. On first side stay Army and Navy which have clear knowledge what they have and what is them military capability. At the other side we have political and part of commercial elite which want to be first in the Word. But they are out of contact with the reality and they are to much scare from these local streets. In this constellation they believe how only expansion against others have effect of unity in the US. and only way to stop riots in these streets.

They need now one small and quick war, but they so nervous about what is in the front of this plan. What is possible to expect from these main players in the World? Do both of them coming with heavy weapons against them, or everything be silence? 

For this reason they made training to so call prominent opposition figure in Russian Federation, some Navalny. They give him more than 30 million Russian Ruble and some what they made in the studios in middle German Federate Republic, where they try to created Hollywood blockbuster about so call Putin luxury. 

This story have not only Navalny, but several oust circle around Putin, whose have interest to come in the position to take Russian money for self promotion, and who are not interest to Russia prosperity. In operation was gave bribe in full amount over 30 million USD to several commands of National Guard, Police, OMON, even in the some part of Health ministry structure. The money came inside over several rounds, most of them from the so call NGO groups, to all operation stay out of visibility from these watchers. 

For this reason, reaction on Russian cities squares and streets, was so soft and not coordinated by the main place. And money have incursion in the some offices what gave some courage to went out in the action. So interest was that most serious actions have towns where live better payed and much richer population.

This support our claim before in the text, and make serious question, what was wrong in the governing in Russian Federation? 

We have answer on it, and it is short- Putin have wrong domestic economic and social policy in half part. He must take revenge against US political elite on way to make more invests into domestic infrastructure, specially to Rail and highways at the north and northeast, especially at the far east where it have to much input into personal standard of common Russians. But for clear and normal life is necessary to start immediately, gasification  and internet connection over all territory. In towns and villages he must push immediately invest into ambulances, normal asphalt street, schools buses no more 3 years old. On big rivers must be involve fast boat services. All of it to inflation in the country going down in not more than year.

What he must to do with circles it is only his will and only his interest to take more places in the battle against the elite in the High Castle.

Without money and sources from Russian Federation or China, the elite have not possible to stay in place without open use of Army in American streets. 

We know how it is impossible,and how was with action in Minsk. Where they try to remove so call dictator Lukashenko. But they want to pick up or stolen some 381 million Euro Belarus worth.

US generals and admirals who known what is reality in the system and what they have not to do, try to push everything in the place of spy games, and proxi war. They are not so happy what from they try to take the elite, more forces into east Europe, near Iranian border, and in South East Asia. 

Reason isn't in the money, but in the structure of the forces. No more people from the US Force tank in the middle America, and south east Asia. have wishes to take place in the rank. And no more enthusiast in USA to take place in army, specially after shocking killing of the veterans in the fear action in Capitol. But not only for it. 

People in the Navy coming to make some worth or to escape the bancrupcy, and they are not motivate to give a life or to fight against imagination of the some who are not them leaders.

 Other things is in the place that plague make disaster at the main fleet and army posts. Yes, only who are fit to make some action stay in the USAF, but not all, and not everywhere. There problems coming in the hardware, where more info coming how avionics isn't in excellent condition. 

Biden and Harris is in sandwich between elite expectation, and military order to solve USA. Do they have capability to make it? We are not sure, because they stolen votes and now they do everything to stolen the peace from all of us.   

Thursday 7 January 2021

USA export of democracy is way to solve domestic civil war

Today world is nice place, where exist two part of states and people. One has colonial status against USA, and other whose are not.

Now we have to see how so call democracy in the USA gone with wind, and how so call elected President Biden look like the doll in the hands of so call friends who are invested in him lots amount, and now expect to have joystick with they have right to take control over Biden in next four years.

On the other hand they are to much angry against Mr. Trump, because he did not lead some so call justification war against example Iran. Or more lunatic, against Russian Federation. In a same ship stay several media group around world but mostly in the USA. Where situation in the newsroom is disaster. What democracy have with media who have one side wive, and who are openly attacked at the other side of population which have not same opinion.

At all, we have all to told in our stories before, and now only we can say that some people in the States are in the mass hysteria after they saw what should be if they have made a plan against Mr. Trump. They stay disclose and naked after all, and now is totally known that they have no potential to make new justified war against some other at the Planet, without domestic riots and civil war.  

Today they have clear picture how so call democracy haven't money in the pocket to make even some reforms and that plan to use vaccination to remove old and illness from the treasure have not power to be realized successfully.

The potential of them candidates to posts, have not be clear even to them. If they have Biden only for few months and Harris after that, to call US colonies at war against someone, in name of democracy, after all is so clear how only few stay at this side, and others try to escape at secure distance.

New world is not place where three former US president can live free, after they made to much war crimes against international law. But what with Barack Obama? He on example was nominated and gave him the Nobel Price, to stop them in planed war action in the first time of Barack mandate.

For this reason he now still is stay in custody of same people who was invested in him.

In contrary Mr. Trump cannot be control at the same way and for this reason so call democratic stones in the Senate stay to say what sponsors try to have. Nothing there have with theory of democracy.

Democracy cannot be found at dead voters, scrambling vote machine and judge who have not personal integrity. But on the side, you can have not free election and free speech if you did not control the key part of state. Which from the beginning try to make overthrow against you.

In final, at the place did happen nothing, and only what we have registered was, USA have war expansion and lamentation over democracy in the world in the political and doctrinaire dictionary to solve the active civil war which constantly exist in USA. 

Even Harris start some prepares to going to liberate Venezuela or Iran, she must know how she has a gun at the head with bullet in a tube. And how sponsors do any to stop her elimination if she start to made defeat. Yes. they have plan to take some states or to stolen money to others, but after all they have not money, and after all people whose ready to follow them.