Sunday 26 July 2020

Does Mike Pompeo the key to Trump overthrow...

In several days we had saw how politic isn't place for a secret agent or some who was in the CIA. He did not know to much in the job, and after all he did not more in the place where he had to be in the Administration.
Mike Pompeo, the State Secretary in charge, did to much things against regular policy and international law, what did not even former Secretary Condolise Rice. He is better than former Secretary Hillary Rodman, but he did nothing to fix to much fails in foreign policy made from her and start to make policy - USA is the better,too.
He made some actions in time where is so desperately needed to be made better situation in the domestic policy. No, he made more and more wrong move, what now have situation, where he did everything to preserve and make safe him from the dark side. He did nothing to made actions in the Chinese Non-paper, what he have at the table to long to say what he can, or cannot to do against domestic guys who did actions against US security, and world responsibility. 
He only make speeches where he going against China, and he did nothing to said about situation where some guys from the "same house" try to presented "some Chinese scientist" "who had some info about situation from Institute in Wuhan", even we had info how it was not originally come from there, but from the Georgian Institute, US. And how it was payed with some amount to some guys in the PNLA of China, and some local CPP officials. So long and out of the view at Beijing.
In the list he found so interest name and now he try to fix it in personal actions what he think that can made a close eyes to all at the Planet.
We have only one message to him, you must going to make the legal actions against this guys or you must leave the position. You are very,very dangerous man for reelections the President, and you have really small potential to create some better than we have to see now.
What we have to say about your policy in the Europe?
You come to make better positions in the relations with countries like it UK and Denmark. But why?
The some guys from the Academy told you how situation in the both states is. And how you have nothing to find there. In London, they did everything to stay united with Scotland, Wales, North Ireland, and Iles. Even you have knowledge how more of them, try to be much independent and more inclusive in the EU. You have info from the High Royal Staff what they have in power to make some actions against sudden actions from the Russian side.
After that you coming to ask Denmark for more acts over north in the face of the RUAF, and Navy,too.
But, after short conversation with Prime minister and without contact with local army, you have only place for support in Poland. On other side, RUAF and Navy coming to shown all credibility, and power in several  quick and massive actions what we had to radar in the several weeks.
On the side what you try to proclaimed in Denmark, what is Arctic, you have knowledge how official Denmark do nothing in at Greenland, if they hadn't official call from Nuunuk, and official proposals from Beijing.You really have knowledge why, and what is in the issues!?
You had saw how had been finished  exercise in the high north and what was happen with fleet when they try to move narrowly to the north territories in North Ocean?!
Or you hadn't properly relations with USHC?
For other places, like Iran, Syria, Libya we call you to going to make a war. You have the war in Yemen, where you lost to much from the personnel to credibility, even the Yemenis hadn't serious arms and ammunition. But know, they have  to sophisticate arms that Fifth fleet stay several hundred kilometres long distance. In low war actions few weeks ago at Iranian coast city, and some site in the Syria, you have nothing much but problem. You have the problem in Afghanistan where the program with Taliban goes at the wrong trail, after they found what you had actions before contract from Doha.
To much stories stay in the side against you and try to be call with real name. You said too much against China in several weeks, against Chinese government and rule, but when you impose with the facts, you try to push Navy in open war at the China South East Sea. Can we start to believe how you are the traitor in President staff?

Monday 6 July 2020

Parliamentary elections process in Croatia like a mirror of EU precipice

Yesterday EU find how it is fallen idea, and how so call high officer in the EC did something against common rules what we have see that scribe in the Lisabon Agreement.
Not only, but some other things what we had seen when same organisation stay to interfere in the Brasil inter policy, where in coordination these few intell agencies, they broke President Dilma Rousuf and give the power than find far right populist and today President Bolsonaro. It was made to "prevent close ties with some forces out from EU control, mostly Russia and China and to preserve democracy against corruption and clientelism" .
It was tragicomedy, who have so far repercussions for international position of EU, and to democracy all over the South America.
Democratic EU to supported ordinary Fascist, who had been removed from Brasilian Army, after to much controversial  actions in active duty.
All analyst from the liberal to left called the EU to have clear position at the Mr Bolsonaro, and how he did not so nice what some agent from the field tried to presented to high command from London to Brussels.
Not so far from the analyse, now President Bolsonaro find how he have face,much ugly than analyst predict, and what he usually is.
EU in moment for many people in the Latin America started to be second high level enemy. Some worst than it for them is USA. The Union for selfish reason, and corrupted officials, used democracy to make oligarchy in biggest Latin America state, and now EU is main criminal organisation whose have main guilty for disaster with COVID-19 in Brasil. But not only. In Venezuela EU did same things when against international law say how some guy from the street can be President, out from elections and out of democratic rule. Some who was self-proclamation  President. Who have some so sad title "Interim President". The guy who live out of real power, who stolen from national reserves. And who did it not to protect democracy but only oil what some in EU structure need for self-proclamation.
This few explains stay how lighthouse in the dark of broken democracy in main part of EU, specially at the south and east, where obscured nationalist movement try to make new history, in retrograde policy. Same policy what Brussels supported at Latin America soil. These policies going to be against different groups from the society,LGBT, mental ill, antifascist movements, woman movements, national and old nation organisations and persons from this groups,Romans, independent scientist and social analyst, wist-blower and anti mobs fighter like it is independent reporters and brave prosecutors. Against memory on real heroism and heroes in WWII.
In these parts of EU at the power existed right nationalist parties and far right populist party, where many of them have membership  in European Popular Party. Group who in political actions several years ago to today did everything to say how "collaboration of fathers with Nazism" something what was necessary in fight with progressive left idea at the Continent.
In these case is possible that in crescendo, yesterday  say nothing against Parliamentary elections in the "youngest member states".
Many from the Union told how is nice that local part of EPP, "Croatian Democratic Union did excellent job by stopping far right move", what have rise in the rest of the Unions new, but even in the some old member states. What they do not want to see is how same CDU is far right party where more members stay in the line of the Prime Minister and lieder of Party A. Plenkovic for particular  reason that they have lucrative connections in support of party. They take a jobs, work places, or state and local commercial  contract. But they are mostly in connections with far right mind and actions against minorities and progressive democratic NGO person and  organisations. With no meter that proclaimed  state and party policy was more conservative, than what they are.
But reason to say something about it, stay in 2012. and "case Orban", where actual Hungary Premier had been supported from official Brussels and some prominent member of EPP, in same words like it do some with Mr Plenkovic,too.
Result we have in real time, in Hungary.
Something new and good news today come from official advertisement in EU EC, where they said how Mrs Leyen did something what is against rules and not usually act when she had support to CDU, at Croatian Parliamentary election.
Now we expect from the EU to make an investigation, to clear who and how ordered to members of the Croatian Democratic Union(member of local voting posts and committees ), to have obstruction actions against regular work of polling station and against from the State Polling Committee elected Presidents and vice-Presidents of  polling stations and committees at Sunday voting day,  Parliamentary election for Parliament of Republic Croatia. To be clear how democracy still live in EU, and how people who are work in the front of antidemocratic actions like yesterday can be secure that they can have support in fight. How they have right to protect democratic vote and elections against manipulation and criminal acts of local politicians at voting process, when they have state give them order and power to make election process to end. EU must have action!