Wednesday, 18 March 2020

War with worst plan for the invaders

In every war first what take casualties is truth, and money. Nothing different we have to see now in these battles of this war.
In this war like in the many other wars at the end of all actions, coming new construction of the World. Some empires would be gone, and others coming to growing up and lead whole world.
In more time what we have to detect what was happen in the World last several mounts, start to be clear how some states at the Planet have impression that are coming time that some who have more, collect more, and how humanism must gone in the operation.
Money start to be point for the action, points at the stock markets must be only clear and right point of view at the whole World and civilization. For small persons in this world, new projected world have not place to exist, and only what is necessary coming to create planet with less number of upper race.
The single person or some group have no chance to make it successfully, without coordination in some state or group of them. It mean than in some case like in the past, at the Planet somebody had start with a ideology and asks to something be done. And now we have the results.
The results who had not so expected in the plans, and who are produce the worst situation at the markets. Situation coming to make reality worst than it had been after both former world wars. Now two trillion of USD was gone, and have not  possibility that it be solve for decade. These countries who come in the plan like a mover, cold be brace from the world economic map.
In questions come part named USD, and does it can be global money after all?
The structure of oil industry going to be change. Drugging from the stone in whole world coming in the bancrupcy, and no money, even fresh printed have power to  prevent it.
Problem for some part of world coming in the agriculture industry, specially because, that without real money in the pocket and with high price in produce, they stay at brink of hungry. In case that they start to collecting an food around the World, a local agriculture would be gone for one year.
Now, what we predict that will be happen in the several months. it has be clear that money production combat all economic reason. More money at the market, without real economic support in the action, coming to create inflation like it had been in Wiemar.
If some want to have better condition and much better income after all, than he must see how in the history the same ideas had been pass.
How long this insecurity stay exist, now is clear. Even is clear what we could see in the several weeks. This only coming to be total stocks plunge, and the end of economic system created at the end of WWII.
The engine of EU stopped with German economy decline 12,95 %. In other member states only few days of flu create deep crisis, not because they have problem in industry, but they in the most things existed in favor of EU found protection and support. Out of the Union money, they have no chance to stay independent subject. It not situation only at the east or southeast of Union but even in the south and west.
North now have not power to do much, because they lost two hundred percent in only several days in industry. Some of them more in the infrastructure lost.
Solidarity what was corner stone in EU constituency now is gone. Euro in opposite of it have not expect to change a position, in reason that it not necessary others part, and remove of this money could create an black whole at the World map. For long time.
In reaction against created crisis, we are expecting changes. This changes is not possible to round. 

Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Idlib place to new race

The attack against general Soulemany had not so logical point when it was happened, but now in the middle of war between so call ally in the Syria, we have right to say how actions was built in Jerusalem, now come more logical.
On one side three partners, and on other part "Troian horse" in the suite of Turkish army, who have support from the posts in the Mediterranean sea and from Israel soil. In the action plan was,to Turkish forces with so call moderate Syrian fighters squeeze SAA from the front, than with attacks against dominate Syrian supporters at the battlefield, this forces bind to themselves.
In "rouge action" than coming others from the sea, and field in Syria. They start to attack specially Russians and than start to promote so quite nice video graphic at the net and other platforms, in suggest messages how is horrible war lost, and how Russian President is now finished.
In second front, action coming at the Caspian sea,where Azerbaijan going with action with so call freedom fighters from Iran, coordinate who coming from neighborhood states from the north, in cooperation with specialist from west, try to engage so many Iranian force, to open path for real action which come from the east and south to inside of Iran. Finish point is toppling of the regime.
But after Corona flu coming in the area, and after mister Putin say how he had not intention to have war against some-other, situation start be insecure.
The two fleets of US Navy still stand at the position in the middle Mediterranean sea, the UK action group is still active at Cyprus. Israel have daily actions over south Syria. And Turkey have open battle against both, Russian and Iranians.
The chess boards named ME now is so far from an sleep. Everybody have knowledge. what other side expect and what is real point in everything. The proxy war isn't it if you have the military at near border of the conflict. No one have intense to say how it can be finished without big bang. But what is in the head of some guys in the pentagram square, when they at situation in the world looking like ti is Marvel comics. The modern world is complex place, and simplicity isn't  reality. Reality  is it, what big. three states, have different view at the civilization and future.

Come back at the Syrian front, and see how situation is really complex to be comment. On one side Turks have some gains, specially in the part of the middle of front line, but on other way they have big loss on the other part of front, where they lost not only territory, but equipment, too. After they lost several hundred tanks and armored vehicles, today they are starting  with deploying modern art  hardware from barracks from the north east of Syria, and north east of Turkey. From the west part of the Turkey, position around Izmir, they relocated at the field antiaircraft launchers. On other sides of the front the changes is not so clear, but now we have to see clear that Russian forces start to rebuild power, make more air post, and Iranians start to re-deployed massive part of surface to surface rocket launchers.
In field we saw tonight how action in the area take not only the actors in the field but even other "sponsors".
In the end of this drama, we have only see that action planed to be an war at several fronts, whose now going to be action for salvation of Taib Erdogan.
Of course, that something goes wrong in the moment when the France find that this mister have deal to somebody in new "refugee crisis".