Tuesday 29 January 2019

Venezuela, action to be change Trump

Nothing new was happen in Latin America, but only new move to be cover the worst action in Brasil.
The lost in the story, American President super advisor Bolton,comming with idea to open new Syria fool  scale front at the west part of Earth.
Venezuela is not in good condition, but it is not only a crime to Venezuelan president and his administration. Most part in it have personal ambition of man who had not skills to be where he is.
President Trump now have only one way, whose going to be fool scale war against two main world power, Russia and China. In the field now we are in the same possition like it has in Syria and some other part of the Planet.
Even US Navy coming soon in the action, than is be nothing clear who have clear mind about reaction on it from near based several navy group from so call  US enemies, but not even it. US President have the worst scenario at the table, more dangerous than it has be nuke war.
No CIA, nor FBI, neider DEA have power to protect US if Russia, China and Iran coming to support Colombian cartel in supply US drug market with white.
Because that an atinos against Maduro coming to be risky and more dangerous than super advisor Bolton, made in calculation.
What it mean? Even he has some parts of Venezuelan army on aside, it  not so naf to he change the government in Venezuela.
In Syrian solution, he can expect more and more people at south borders, and of course with them in a route, more and more drug products.
The puppet who now coming to be "recognise" from so call "democratic" neibourghood like Venezuelan president, and who are in the action at the direct support from circle around President Trump, who don't see how this is not so smart action against democrats in Senat.
It is not working any more in the gobal conditions, and nothing can be say in favor to President Trump, after his super advisor came to broke Internationa Law with old fashion scenario from the cold war, named Gladio.
Even some others have a fingers in it and even they support it with money, after they stolen money from bank wort in several west banks, a victory is not so clear and near.
Nothing be change after some try to move the amry from Afghantistan and on this way make move in the Yemen, and maibe Latin America, not only Venezuela.
In economy, this action coming nothig more than aspirin for thermal illness. Where situation in the States coming worst in minut. After stay clear how 80%+ Americans living in powerty.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Worst move of Trump

After inauguration today, the President of Brasil like big comedian try to present how he has some new to say. But nothing can be moved best if you try to economy make better with facsism and militarism. No one have right to expect a better economy condition in the Brasil.
Divide federation stay at the brink of the sword. Splitted by half between rigid right and leftist movements. Army is not so effective to move force in the streets, but ony militar police, who had not capacity before, non have it now, and neider be fit to do something with naked armed force.
Economy whose involved in crime, against minorities and aborigines on one side, and at the second hand out of real income for common people, have no potention to move in the future whole Brasil.
Brasil with new President is only big buble with big trouble inside.
This country only have be trutblemaker, and an sick point on the Latin America map. Brasilian fascism  have not differences from fascism of Benito Mussolini and it going to have same results.
But if some interest groups in the Brasil and around belive how new President is the best person to move Brasil in possitive line, they have not to much knowledge about Brasilian history.
In oposite of it, they must know how had been so explosive situation each time when inside  inervened foreign interest into Brasil, and what it mean for stability in Latin America.
Society without justice, with big gap between poor and rich have only way, in collaps.
No one, especially man like this lunetic and lakey from some boxes, who try to present Brasil now have power to change something, with guns in the military arms, with hard actions against favelas, and aboriginans, with rasism in the main point of the political agenda.
Brasil is dead for half year, after big demonstrations and civil war, what going to make split in the country and great world economic crisis. Whose in the way, what we see in the oil price and comodity actions.
The heating of economy in the World, stay in regular way, even US President try to make it bette with more cariers in the ocenans, and sanctions against oponents. But aciton in the Brasil make him very vulnerable at domestic front.