Friday 27 July 2018

The scenario for Iranian war, and US fall

A few moment coming to make situation in the States worst than ever in the history.
One moment coming to be with predict how the US Army has power to dismantal Iran, very quickly and successefuly. 
It mean what they planed to made it in several weeks, with heavy bombardament from strategical forces from sea, area, and land bases over more than hundred places at the Arabian peninsula and neighboring Afganistan. 
Of course that plan have post about an local uprising against dictatory regime. What they have at the field Iranians know very well.

The act against Iran start more than an local war. Because, it coming to be global war two big country, and some other smallest country each other.
Even US Army have predict how they have secure position at the field, it is so far of reality. The Iranian forces has more power force groups near US ports and towns than they had concluded in the past investigations.

How the Iranian forces has be strong, the US can saw few days before, where they demolish 70 000 SA coalitian led forces, and when they made small uprising in the UAE, where strugles between parts od the Union rose to high peak from former indempendecy from Britain in 20th century.

Not only, but never less, the SA promise to the President how they have potention to make more oil at the market, blowed in the first step, and now is known, how SA is diply unfit to make any move over direct US support.

But, we are in the focus at the war against Iran.
The first bombing going to make real confusion at both, oil and finance markets. In one day, oil has going to rise over hundred dolars per barel, and on other, dollar start to declaine against most real tresures,

Next day coming with hight price of commodities, and other energy, and trhird come with total US bond sale. In markets of so call the Gulf states, first day coming wiht the fear, and thirtd with uprising of more than half population, because everything coming to shortly, from food to wather.

In Iran, even the local Army has not so well equipped, and have lack of some resource, and even some guys at the West believe how they are in struggle with Republican  Guard, they hate the same western boys more than these Republicans. And even they have not so many, they have naff to blow up several hundred block post around Iran.

In Iran, after several decades in isolation, war coming like prayer,a and final countdown against "grait satan". 

Against forces in Iran the coalition in the US lead have to post not much than 50000 people,with several thousend machines in air and sea. Oposite of them, Iran's coalition coming with more than doubled force at the field and similar number of equipment.

In economy, Iran has not have to feel morer economic stress, even the war coming to be immensely long.

They expected how they have to lost not more than hundred thousend lives, and how they must did what they know to do.

After a week at the war, the word comming to pay the price. In more than half of planet coming to start uprisens against local government, mostly necked by US. The main reason stay in great shortage of common goods, and highest price of same.

But, we are not against this war, no more. Time is come to be make some changes in the ME, for long time. 
Time is come to ME people have real democracy, and that so call control power bigins to live his life.

In fifth day, the US Dollar coming not more than paper for... And gold start with cripto and Yuan new rullers of economy at the Planet.