Wednesday 28 March 2018

Theresa May want to have, and war must be!

Theresa May made wondrfull action against Mr. Putin. It was somthing what he expect to have, and she was gave him.

Why and what, we do not say here.

On the other way we have to say how so call "mad dog" from Washington sarcasticly made advertsmant  about  situation. He told how Nato is relevant now when Stoltenberg Secretar General follow the May decision. 

Sarcasm in the mesage come after he fonund that some things stay at the wrong. Out of impurity of mind, with lack of evidence, and without coordination with high comand,when she was made a theater for self promotion.

In so dangerous action whose she row against imagine, the global, NATO and European position come unader treat.  

Even she start to make message in the Parliament how her decision to expel  the diplomat have planetary support, story going to stay totally oposite.

Only, around twenty countries come in the action, most of them like sheeps whose did it in fear from stick over head.

In some cases, we was withess how democracy is so sleazy when some try to make some selfish act.

But, she made what she made, and now she expect what?

Is she belive how kiling of Mr. Skriping could change local wiew on the situation after Brexit? 
Why we at the BBC looking on the article about mass deads in the Sibir?

In reason that some in the UK have condolence , or some have  a fingers in it?

Nothing what she did or do have no change to made worst for the world. But only for her.

After all, she going against democracy, she push action at Mr. Corbin, and put the censors in the media. The control of maind, in situation of economical disgrace. Where she going to fight with the prisoner in the White House in war against China, at an reasons who stay in "celebrity history" and misguided sight on real place of UK in the world, going to we make conclusion how bad stay possibilities to US recovery and how the story about rich UK out from the EU, is not more than big lie.

With so call big players whose now in troubles and charges against them. With most of them,whose  have lucreative contracts with US administration, and work for them, start with war against China plus Russia, looks like cavalry attack against tanks.

The most sad things is with EU whose take same side like her even she and the Union stay at great dispute, long before Brexit.

Now is totaly known how the idea of democratic club is over. Nothing what we have see now is compared by elementary idea fiftee years ago.

EU now is money laundering, where growing far right populist parties and movements. Where powerty is rise, and where pension could not give naf money for decent life in old age.

EU today say how it much welth than enemy Russia, but what is true?

What is wiht milions who are out from the statistics, who live in margine, and where is mililons of minorities whose havent even constitutional rights.

EU now look like old colonial lady whose believe how have everything, can do everything, and no body have right to call it at historian court.

What can be happen if in some case it stay out of energy? What is Euro than paper printed in the Frankfurt!?

How is possible that today in EU living several hundred milion poor people and ten coutry member have less  GOP than multicomp? 

In battle for Russian sources, EU like many before it have no chance to win. Europe and the states had been ocupant forces hundred years ago at Russian soil, and what they made? Nothihg. 

Now, when war is near Big Bang, because Prime Minister look at it to safe yorself, time is to start.



Thursday 15 March 2018

Four on one, one above all

When you lost these wars, and after you stay away from economic surplus, than you come at idea to push more sanctions create at false move.

Economy stay at brink of sword, and after Brexit it stay so worst than it anybody predict it.
In industry nothing has same posistions,what it had been several years ago. The so call new industry has not so big inport to the local BDP, and more money must go in the social program for growing powerty in the country.
Devide between south and nort is so great, than no body have real vision what should be at autumn.
Nor some reason exist to get proof how is possible that nothing going wrong for constitutional sistem in tha state.
This state after Brexit, going to has more problems whose growing from the common people to the top.
The Prime Minister now have not so secret projection about what is real situation at the field. From energy industry to defense. Problem from the high tehnology use for high arms equipment make so scary the minister of defese, than he move in the public like lunetic.
In this moment some so call attack in the middle of state, is big trash, used to removed public interes in the state's things.

Other states who are support this ridiculous,  comming in it for different reason, but united in one, defeat. In Middle East, Notrh Korea, Indian Ocean, South Africa, Latin America, and Arctic.
On Russian side,the act has potential disaster effect on the internal affairs. Specially for relation between President and high ranking businessman,the weak link-how it believe at the quartet.
But, real prolblem stay in the common standard. Salary must grow, or they have real people at the streets.
In other way, incresy of small and micro business would have positve act against this maybe scenario.

Counterattack  from the East comming very soon. It has nothing with weapons and poisons.
More it shoud be money, the much hard weapon in the state crash.

What can be done after that at the West is realy not so cute to be predict. The real crisis in the Union, and hard work to stop the Populist Parties in the several counties make incredible posiblilities for long act with sanctions against the East.
Now we have to see growing and hard differences in the social strata. Pension insecurity, and pension decline. Salaries have no more naf intention to push workers at hard work.
After all, the war is impossible, but revolution from Sweden to Italy is at the path.

With dollar whose come to be non paper in the market not so far from summer.
Overturn in the economy is here and Chine have real knowledge about that, because they had changes in the constitution.

Sunday 4 March 2018

Mafia denigrated from Malta and Slovak corupt public serviceman

EU has no more the save zone for a jurnalists.
Nor even for free speach, whose in great danger against growing coruption at all levesls in the Union.
The last execution in Slovakia, has no more differences than it had execution in La Valleta several monts ago.
In the same role we can found same actors, local politicians, and in favor some persons whose have so call private interest in public afairs.
In both situation we have to saw that police and public security tried to clean any incursion of local politicians.
They did everything to create fals way to the point-who was stay behind these criminal acts.

Everybody known how the Mafia codex say that kiling a children, woman. and olders can be made. Only in specific situation. But even than, a child has never had been a victims. 
Never had been kiled a wooman, if she has no direct treat to the organisation. 
In business with corupt government they have no direct contact, or they have never make a deal with this persons, because they look like very weak and unstabile. In most situation they try to move quickly against the treat, and they act  without scrupoulous.

In both kills we have to see how the securities try to clean the traces, and lead the investigation to close conection with Mafia,specially Italian mafia.

Simply! To make strong message for everybody who had intention to make something like did it the killed journalist.
On this was they concel acts of the guys who are really involved in the murder. They protect the buisnees of them.

The Mafia, even the Slovakian journalist scribe about connection between these local politician and them,is colateral victim, who now is in possition to going to find real executor and ciller autorisator.

Because that, the local Premier and President try to "find killers". They are clear how they are now isn't at long path to the cementery.

And after all, they first must be clear in mind, how they would not leave the breathe before they have tell a name of the Belgrade conection. 

The order must be established. And a persons who did this mess must known how everything they made wrong.