Sunday 4 September 2016

In several months in the south east part of Europe, start a bigger tensions over some disputes between two former Yugoslav republic.
The questions have positions in the near past, mostly in the WWII, what was the bloodiest civil war in the time on the European soil, in this moment. Where in the so call NDH, or Croatian Independent State, made by Nazi German, and Fascist Italy, local fascist named Ustase, did so terrible crimes against everybody whose they believe that they was a opposite this so call state.
In first they did huge extermination against ethnic orthodox Serbs, Romans, and Jewish people, where from full population around 38000 people in the war beginning, on the end of it, stay in life only few hundred.
The Croat Fascists did it even against Croats, who did not want to participate in this inhuman actions, against international law, and who was opposed against Nazi occupation of the country.
In this era, the Catholic church did not made something against brutality of Ustasa, mostly gave support in this actions.
On the other side stay with support in Orthodox Church, grow Cetnic guerrilla forces, formed by formed Serbian officers from former Yugoslav Kingdom Army, now named like YKA in fatherland.
This forces had actions against local Croat ans Muslim population, and they did some of the worst crime against them. But it had not problem to the Croatian Fascist regime to involve this troops in the local regular army corps,with same rights like it had other forces in the NDH.
Today, the problem stay in the way, that in Croatia stay same system of validity like it had been in the  NDH.
The positions of non catholic population, and non ethnic Croat population is very difficult. The right to work and dissent live is not possible.
Problem of ethnic Roman is still high. They have not even elementary human right.
So call Croats Movement for Freedom, made from the mostly far right politicians, but supporting with most part of Catholic church priests and Bishops,Cardinals, doing everything to destroying independent think tank person, and movements. In this actions they mostly use same rhetoric  whose came from the past era of NDH.
May be they are coming with transparent how they are for the Christian values in predominately Christian Europe. They are mostly have historical view on the Europe, and global Catholic Church policy. What mean that they have revisionist vision on the post war Europe, and they are doing everything to destroy memory on the real liberators in Croatia.
They stay on the position that is possible to make apolitical ecumenism only after they finish the Serbian Orthodox Church and Orthodox pilgrims.
It make pressure in the local society, what we have to see like animosity, psychical distortion, and social happiness.
From most part of the country, young people flay off in the thousand, and more villages and small towns stay more and more empty.
The local government doing everything to shadowing it. They do nothing to disclose real number of  state population.
After all, the aggressive notes against Serbia, and some other countries around they use to close some not so popular asks over real Croatian problem.
On the other way, problem in the Serbia, stay in position that they did everything to made rehabilitation for several quisling person, who was involved, some of them, in the total extermination of Jewish people in Serbia, out of Vojvodina, Sandzak.
They do nothing to stop and exculpate far right and neo Nazi movements from the social life.
Some of this groups the government using against political and social opponents.
Serbian government in this summer going to prevent critic media houses, like it was with Radio Television Vojvodina. Where they with not so legal method changed info policy, and they dismissed more editors and journalists.
In this "semi autonomy" Province, central government do everything to pushed out every call for real Autonomy for Vojvodina . In this actions they use same methods like it use in Croatia, against minorities and Serbs who believe how Vojvodina isn't happy in the hand of Belgrade. And how is necessary in the path to the Union member, to Vojvodina stay in positions whose have Bavaria in Germany. Than that is necessary to everything out from the central bank, military and forien affairs, must be in exclusive or predominate in Province government hand.
It mean that it come like good test on the Croatian-Serb relations.Where two predominate nationalistic movements, have no more real power, after in part of Serbia, going to be built old structure from the former Yugoslavia, named AP Vojvodina.
Where could be possible to differences live side by side in harmony and real freedom.