Saturday 4 July 2015

The Merkel visit must be time for change

Situation on Balkan peninsula step up from bad to worst only several month ago.
These nationalism growing up, and make pressure at all points of civil societies in these Balkan states.
New visit of Mrs Merkel, coming like great moment to put on the pressure regimes in the region, and make clear message for all, how is impossible to make any goals in the Union, or in the future, if they have no ideas how to open these states must be, for all whose lives in it.

If we have the situation in the mind than we know how like is big problems lives in life of common people.
Nationalism, stay growing in Serbia,where people whose come in the north autonomic province of Vojvodina, in time after last Balkan wars, from regions in Croatia, mostly ethnic Serbs, with self problems in the public mind. With nationalism whose grown in his memory in ninety years of twenty century, try to pull out situation in multi-ethic relation, whose stay it from several century before.

The Serbian government in last several years try to remove all particularities from the local constitution, where they try to remove real autonomy of the north autonomic province, on the other way it going to be make changes in positions of local authentic non Orthodox population.
Even the situation in relations between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, going to be worst because Serbian government doing most things whose make positions of independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina made much worst.
For new situation and new policy, relations, to make better protection of the Union border, Mrs Merkel, must say how Vojvodina must be free from the Serbian pressure and nationalism.