Thursday 19 February 2015

NATO problematic Allies

In this moment the South-East is the problem to EU, who has not power to change situation whose growing in the crisis not only at Greece's soil but even in several countries from the former Balkan federation.
There, in the political power step up old-new nationalist whose want to change the national face from these countries on the same way how they done it, in the two decade early.

It was mean that in these countries and them socialites have no place for people who are not in the mind same like most in ruling majority, or they are national minority in country where semi Fascism canted in favor how "everybody who are not feel pleasant in a country must going to live forever it".

The verbs which is possible to hear at the public, crated in the top positions of the state power, to be used for replace a  public opinion from real problems like it has criminal and corruption at a politic elite.
Tragicomic situation now stay in the youngest EU member states, where the opposition and position made deal how to replace critical reporters from national newspapers. And how they doing everything to make that public opinion does not look at the real problems.

For it, they came with several controversial decisions from Constitutional court, what produce aggravate in relation against Serb minority, specially them lieder,too.
Even US try to crate from the new inaugurated President pleasant person,who going to be very ease on the inter ethnically relation, and who going to be very critic on the some things what was happened in the last year at the ground, she has do opposite of it.

At the presidential inauguration, where was invited a lot of people whose have problem with domestic law, with Nazi songs,too.And singers appointed from opposition,came from all part of the country, in collaboration with some activity of inaugurate President, make a bad memory in the more than 60% of population, whose really have a memory at the darkness 1990-th, 20-th century, in time when people was vanish only because they hadn't right "blood", or because they have something what some other with support from the regime tried to stole.

Same situation is now, but now EU is out of focus at the situation at this country, and countries around, and it is right time for an looters in the policy and high place of economy to start new deal for looting,there.
The looting was made over pension system where the group of war veterans  try to squeeze more money in the pocket, but even in these governments which try to "reopen new corridors",too . Even these two group is at different sides, it is not true.
They are in close contact. Both of them have close contact with politic and economy class.
The veterans stay in rhetoric and acts like far right movement, and in the actions they are anti NATO movement, because, they have odious for democracy and public transparency.
On the other side nothing is different. Because, they have only intention to pick up money from aside, and if they have no success in it, they use same rhetoric, like veterans.

If, NATO and EU haven't intention to lost battle against IS, than they must intervene clearly in inter affair of EU member like it is Croatia. The broken state, with growing instability and insecurity for what we said ,60% of population whose not vote,and not support policy from the inaugurated President, see like place from exist only the way abroad.
Croatian situation is simplistically version of situation in the all ex- member states of Yugoslavia,plus Albania.
Money whose coming from abroad, an elite take like self service for promotion of self interests, corruption in media, but other part of societies, too.
These countries has not propriety army forces, and they have not clear battle potential in a fight at future front, whose stay so close against both, NATO and EU.
The former  ally after all have only the interest in a self pocket, what mean how IS, with no bordering money source now step up like winner in it.
Specially, after some of this so call ally have close contact with Islamic group. Where they for selfish interests at a table has readiness to give everything.