Friday 25 April 2014

The economical stroke like at the path of East-West confrotation

Nothing have be clear than reasons why we have to look at a global crisis,the most prominent from the end of so call Cold war.
1. Reason for it stay have in positions of global economy.
2. Reason have been in European decadency.
3. Reason going to be Russian prevent to be push away of modern political and economical influences at the Planet.
4. China is next reason which make situation at the Planet so rush and make economic relations in the tensions.
5. In this time no US, nor Eu but neither Russia have the power to make a restore maps of  Europe in such big war. Interest from the States and EU have stay in the way to close the Russia,but in the real time they have much questions about a support to Russia over the Planet.
6. The States has Reason to stay over all EU actions in the area, because a real economical and political, even social reforms step down in the US Senate and now is clear how Mr Obama's positions stay weak in the domestic policy.
7. It has reason to the administration of Mr. Obama doing everything to make more tensions all over the Planet. Because, if you have no methods to make changes in the domestic policy than you must clear local attention at something else. The most prominent Senators and Congressman make same.
8. Reason stay in the political abandon of industry at EU member states, minus Germany. Most economy from the south and east of the Union stay in decline, especially at the industry, whose now have no power to set in motion rubbish in social motions at the Unions periphery.
9. Oil and gas is most prominent reason why we have political choice at the some levels to so call cold war must be re-open, but what we have to see, stay in the illogical opinion that is possible transporting something over somebody, without  a permission of someone to the Union have make it. But if they have to make it clean, what we have with the exporter who stay in the shadow?
10. China stay to be treated like semi colony from the some parts of the West. They have mean how they have a influence at the second economic power, even they have need a lots of money from the Chinese money reserves.
11. Reason stay at Tokyo exchanges market.

After all this reasons we can take some curriculum over all.
Russia has in the crisis, but they known much earlier than it predict the German secret service. And what they concluded stay in the fact that with only gas and oil produce and export make the path for disaster. The industry in Russia decline in the past in some 90% and now the problem with unemployment and poverty make the biggest problem for social security systems. For this reason, but in time where is impossible to cut economical ties, Russia do what they do.
On the other part, US, specially EU have great rise of poverty, industrial flush and social insecurity, what can be promote in the Union's elections at the may 25th. With a grow support to far right and left parties. Or what may have legitimate EU parliament, nevertheless overturn at ballots.
Maybe some of analyst have opinion that US try to dissolve power of the Union, but real reason why the States make moves over EU interests stay in the fear how the economic crisis make the melt of European cohesion.
NATO not exist, because the economy in the most EU member NATO states has weak, and they have no money to nerve an domestic army forces.
Only what the Alliance doing is to buy the mercenaries from some structures in the Union to with them make something.
But even if you have no power to make something good, the worst scenario stay in the way how the imagines of a supremacy died with colonial history, and even you have knowledge about that you stay at the way for something what in summer would have make economical stroke.        

Tuesday 15 April 2014

What Putin said Obama, and what it have next?

President Putin told President Obama how he have knowledge that in the acts against east Ukraine step up side by side some NATO elements and how is clear that the actions in Ukraine have point to make the trap for Russia.
The actions of so called independent Ukraine forces have the idea to provoke a activity from the aboard, what will be used to make more pressure against President Putin.

After all the bombardment against some positions of the Ukraine army is necessary, even it would mean the start of global war. Specially after stay open info that some ships near Russian border have the command for combat attack against points on both side of Ukraine-Russian border.

If President Putin don't  it in few ours then he risk to loose even in the Syria. The quick attack in several points on the Planet would change mind of the several senators.    

Sunday 13 April 2014

Is Mr. Rasmussen the Russian man?

Does the gensek of NATO mean that he has a businesses with lunatics?
Does he know how is only a men, who would be only private person after he leave the place, and after he would make the personal break, when he have not make a gain after think tanker meeting?
He and some others so call good guys from the West have no idea that is totally known how they have use the import force, from the two not so eminent NATO member states army force. The Croats and Romanians take have place in so call Ukraine crack down against separatist.
These two states give the forces in command to US officers whose trained them for the job in Ukraine.
Rasmussen is man who have the place for leak info.
He is person which have no idea what to do in the situation when he came in control of the other side.
Attacks against Ukrainian citizens in favor to coup government is something what in war time going to be prosecuted.
In this moment the two side have the battle in the Ukraine, where the both side start the global war.      

Tuesday 8 April 2014

The two bad friends against think tankers

When you make look at the markets, you can see not much but list of a good wishes.
Today, these last months or year, we can saw how situation at the real economy stay worst then it want to present the government or in most position, a subjects of an trade.
Relations between money, or a exchanges rates at the markets haven't a logic, and we are no reason to believe in the numbers and statements whose come from a most position in the World.

Now, we are living only several weeks before the some guys start to make a mess at the Planet.
The economic perspective at the world's market have no reason to give support in optimists, but now is full known how the economic predicts from most so call active post in the West and East is fall.
In this moment crisis in the economy and societies of most prominent states, make have these government to start to build musculus and with the propaganda to prepare a local people and the World for some necessities.
In this moment the necessities has be the Armageddon.
In moment when EU and US with allies come in the decadence, and when most of so call prominent individuals have reason to make the summit about so call new way in the West supremacy, when the East rise like the sun, the shadow  of disaster have be at the path.

No more than few moment, for so call "new beginning", they have to plan the attack like it planed several times before, to "prevent  the aggression  on new democracy".
On Pacific the fleets stay beside each other,in fact to prevent other side in an acts.
In Indian ocean the strategic bombardiers fleets stay in the passive alarm. On other side the fleets try to demolish them at the field.
In the east Mediterranean side by side stay two most large ship at the Planet and looks each other with hands on the arms, if other side start to make a trouble against other.
In Syria, something have going wrong for Turkish Army, whose each day have lose of several units at the field. But even the other supporters of the so call Syrian revolution against President Assad have no success.
In Atlantic ocean, over the number NATO war ships and support units flying the Russian bears.
At the north the some nukes stay in position to make action in the second after they have receive command from Moscow. Or US  the North fleet to create have prevent intruding against Russian soil.

The cards has been deal and now only the moment stay between us and Armageddon,which have to lead the Nazi think tank.
Of course, the Mr. President Obama have no power to change it. He personally stay at danger, and him family, too.
The same think tank personal created the lethal treat against him.
Only who have to make him a help is the "worst man from east"- President Putin.