Thursday 27 February 2014

How US dollar printing make international law

If you want to have problem in the growing than you must going to have confrontation with Putin. Or Russia.
On the West, this is same. But why is so bad to have name Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin?
Reason stay in the way that so call politicians at the some part of the West try to close the story about total economic disaster which stay at the way in inflation which growing in time when you read this.
The States Fed Reserves have no so much money to print huge number of US dollar banknotes. They have problem because if you produce something you must have money to invest in it. But in moment when material which you need to produce something have each time have grow price, than you must bring more and more inflationary money to pay the bills.
It means that you have less money to put it at a market. It mean how is impossible to make progress with inflation if you have no real produce at the platform.
Now, so call big nations in the World have real problem with economy. Lost jobs, much people without security in the work place, and deep recession at the common market, with much then ever present in the public- censorship, make the politicians so nervous.
Nervous are most big invest company which have no real interest at industry produce, but they have only interest to make new so call big open markets, where they would have some colonial price for goods which they have at the possession.
Because that we have the situation with name of the Putin.
Putin mean that they have no chance for them to make money out of real competition.
Democracy is in this fight is victim of the lies and corruption of most politicians from some part of the World.
The Baltic states know how can be so bad if you have actions against Russian's interests.
And how is possible to be out of NATO protection umbrella.
The inflation broken economy in UK and US have no power to make not much then something did  Stalin in the history.

Saturday 22 February 2014

President must restore order with full power

In this time we are secure how is situation at the Ukraine's soil.
Is it not true how so call democrats have total power in the hand, because parliament of Ukraine, Rada have no presents of parliamentary member.
Not much than fourteen percent of the member stay at these sessions, something what we had to seen at actions against former president of Georgia, Shevardnadze, who had move from the position in illegal action of one not so clever man.
In two not so big war, against Russia, he had stole integrity of Georgia and move power of the Alliance on the brink of sword.
Now, he was history, Georgians in poverty,and the Alliance out of region.
In Ukraine we have to say how plan of introduction in the Russian stomach stay away, and how situation stay at the same way like it we had to saw in Georgia.
Who are some guys which coming in contact with some ministers of  the Union?
Who can say something about arms and well trained units of paramilitary organisation from the most part of East Europe, possible  not only from there?
In moment where, the Army and government supporters step up with arms in the hands to "restore constitutional situation".
In situation, where no West, nor US or others have will or chance to come and remove some guys from the front, because Russians can be for the minute in the Kiev.
Incredible idiots whose have right,from Berlin and Stockholm, to say how they have knowledge about something what is so different inside, that is impossible to rule properly with it.
Now, when the war knock at the door of the World. This idiots come with mantra how is necessary to restore the peace, and justice. In other way they send more and more Nazi supporters to broke the state in Ukraine.
And who will be guilty than several thousand so call democrat refuges start to come at the Union soil, with self so call true story at the some media?
Now is time to stay calm and time to start to restore order on the Ukraine soil with total power of state.
The democracy isn't find at the streets with helmets and bombs against non armed riot police.             

Saturday 15 February 2014

Who is Barack Hassan Obama?

In this time we try to have answer-who really is Barack Hassan Obama?
What he did to prevent poverty at the "Black continent"? Did he done something to push more security, better life condition or did he done something to stop the some adviser to spend more and more arms in some areas of central Africa?
Why he do everything to destabilized South African Republic, on way to waste market of this country, to call the companies how is not so secure to produce in the country, but why is reason for it he never came to say clear.

The black US president now is in big dip. He has more and more uncontrolled so call White House officers which has no interest like have Mr President.
Most of the officers have different view on the most crisis in the World, not because they have better ideas to fix problems, but they have in the total crisis in the States, position to "buy new life".

They have control on Mr President, and in this moment we look on the so call "first black US president" like it has puppet.
In the crisis, which going deeply then it anybody of the economist- populist try to make in an marketing messages.
Reconciliation of the State economy stay in the back, no one have interest to stay against official lies about it.
But, now is popular to the puppet make a game to make an electronic illusion how he and the boys around him work something.
They, in most time make plans to start a new war, or to provoke Russia or some other to make action. Then they will without UN SC and international law make have blitz action with full arm potential.
Of course, but why he, Obama don't make something to prevent disaster at African soil? Because, the States Army is in the big mess.
They have no land potent force like it have the other armies and because that they make spend more and more money in the drone technology,  in believe that is possible with an remote control console make have success at a battle field.
This old Nazi method in the history made no more than what we have to see at the drone war over most positions at the Planet.
Without soldiers at the field, no one army cannot get a war success.
In actions against Africans, the States army have bad memories. Last memories came from the Central African Republic, when US Rangers step in the support action for France Army. But after only few weeks in the combat, not only France but even US Rangers make had more casualties, what the both Presidents want to cover with spectacular diner for what?!
Africa, now, without Senegal, for Obama Hussein Barack is something like it had been for these most white colonialist, the booby trap.
The situation is so terrible that in the moment the most fly arms stay out of control, or they are now in the hand of some guys on the south Libya.
Where now not exist  no one dog of war, payed of Saudis or Qatar Al Than regime.
The several high ranking officers of this two army was missed in a action in Libyan dessert in close time, but for it no body have care.
The action what Obama made in support to the former France president Sarky had same results like it have situation in CAR,now.
For this reason, Barack find guilty South Africa. He blame them for reason that he have no control over what he want to believe "native continent".
The guys around him believe how axis SA-China in most part of Africa do everything to prevent US neocolonialist introduce. And in this policies they have active support from other countries in the region, but not only from them.
Without that the President's people cannot make have lucrative contracts to sell army for "democratic produce" at the place.
Even he is the black man he are not guy who have to take promises and realize it. For him Africa is not more than "dirty place for a rats". 

Sunday 2 February 2014

State of the European Union(where the democracy is gone?)

The corruption in most time came and imported from the developed West.A companies from this part of the planet try to find good positions at a markets at other part of the planet with dirty money, which they put at a table of a politicians in a country where they try to make a business.
What is different between Ukraine and some member states in EU?
Have EU problem with self proclamation like democratic and pure associates?
What is EU now and what was two decades before? Is it same association of nations and states or it going to be politic part of NATO?
Now is full clear that some top guys at the position in the EU Commission make the same decisions like it had in the Bismark Germany. They try to create more and more richest woman and man in the some part of the Union, and to close a public look at these process they going to make more and more crisis and a war zones.
They make more and more decisions which they want to crate like proclamation for democratic prohibitions for human right, and clear policy, but not at the home.
In most situation we have to see how they make relations with power groups whose with these proclamations  have no same interest.
If we are in the contact with a reality than we in most actions of  so call democratic institution in EU and the States have to see private interest, not the protection of democratic values.
Because, in the most EU member states exist great democratic deficit, and EU do nothing to protect innocent citizens of this member states from the state voluntarism and in most cases brakes of a law.
In member states like it has France, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Baltic states, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia but even in Belgium, where two nation group live side by side in the some way apartheid.
In France and Italy problem stay in government relation against minorities, specially against Gypsy population, where we are witness how this population are treat the same way it done Nazi regime. With moral abortion in France presidency and politic opportune actions against large Muslim populate parts of the France's towns. Which clashes erupt each month, several time. But where the censorship is so active, than it have no chance to be visited at the media.
Or situation in Bulgaria,where the states spend huge money on the wall at the border with Turkey, and do everything to push out large number of Turkish minority from the south of Bulgaria. Where is Bulgarian nationalism against Macedonians? Or what is with corruptions at the top? Does EU use it to push hard,the local politicians when it is need to make energetic deal with them?
In Czech Republic Gypsy population is out of law, but even situation with common Czech isn't so nice. The politic make have influence in all part of a privacy and business. The corruption at the top is common  face, and public opinion influence or how it official EU say "freedom of speech" is so low, mostly not exist.
Poland have problems with economic travesty, when local policy try to found supporters with the money from Union's founds. Specially in builder industry and agriculture. The local governments other Polish people push over abroad, and on this way they try to make so call "polish miracle". Relation against minority religions group is some like "from bad to worst". And social solidarity with a pours and different people is low.
Same problems have at the Baltic, but the Baltic states have one more problem, Russian minority which they take at margins, without a minority protection law. With no nationality and documents, but even they stay against to Russians in Baltic states officially use Russian in conversation.
But worst, they officially promote the Nazi movement in new Nazi parade at the some national holidays, where more Balts take the way in the SS uniforms.
Corruption, fascist movement, ruling out of law system stay in Hungry, where the aggression against minorities, free tinkers, leftist and  a independent managers is something "normal" in the local public relations.
Slovenia and specially Croatia,with them EU have no good  experiences.
These two states have mostly same problems. Nepotism, the systematic corruption, aggressive nationalism and xenophobe, what grow in actions against others, like we have to see in Hungary, but in some difference.
Both "hate" the other former "brothers and sisters".
In both states the local government do nothing to give more protection at minorities. But what is worst, they make a deal with so call non-government socialites, they even make initiative in these found.
In Croatia the most Serbian populate towns and villages have no electricity and water. Most of this places have highest unemployment rate in the state. The local people have torture treatment even from the leftist party officials. The aggressive, most time coordinate actions between the official and Catholic priests push local minority, mostly Serbs out of a job, the care, and social activities.
The free thinker in Slovenia have problem in the relation to the government. Because, everybody who are not in the line thinking with majority isn't so Slovenian. Problem in the relations at the market is the same like it have exist in Croatia, where more and more businessman have lost propriety, because they have no chance to collect debts. Because, the law prefer an debtors. And both states does not pay debts to the local individual debtors, but the public dept rise, bubbling corruption in the offices and insecurity.
Even it, don't intrigue EU to make the action and clean the bad opinion against self in public, specially at the called states. What have implementation on EU elections, when more and more people stay unsent from vote. They have no believe to the institution which have no power to say the true, how democracy is bad damages in the Union.