Thursday, 24 October 2013

The new economy in the era of clime change

From most part on the north we can see how is bad situation with clime.
The situation still stand much worst if we have look at political conditions at Arctic area where more and more positions of see and land stay without snow and ice cover.
Oil and metals like other goods stay open for exploitation, and now stay to be big problem in the international issues.
The west nations try to open "independent" explore and produce in the region, in reason that they have plane to isolate so much real concurrent in the  World arena- Russia.
In this moment , exist several models how is possible to produce oil or gas, but what is with other goods? It has ask most prominent western diplomats. They believe how is not so good for prosperity if somebody out of his club control instruments of industrial grow.
Yes, if look in the Canada's Arctic we have to see how the pollution on the large territory not so much less than it have to see in the Siberia, where in the region of Nikel and up on the north situation is criminal.
The situation with regions in the some parts of north Canada in region of the north Alberta or Saskatchewan look like it has in Siberia.
Pollution which was created in metal industry or in gold mines after "separation" in the area, step up in the clods and after that going with wind come in large populate places where come in the drink water and in some vegetables at a land.
What we have to see is that situation stay worst, when pollute waters come in the lakes or sea, where it make difficulties in the local wild habitats.
What over a table a people take in the food.
Have we say something for it, for situation that so little number of people coming to take something to make money on a health and prosperity others?
In situation when it has support with arms and dirty money.
If this madness don't stop eminently all of us can expect huge extreme temperatures with lots of falls in the winters and less at summers.
Yes, we have expect that others part of clime year no exist no more.  
The World not want to see how some guys make the processing of cracking in oil produce. But the World want to see something better in the green technology, where in produce to make green tech pollution isn't less. We see it in Chine.
But, when we going to say something like that is not possible to say how is it same, we try to tell how isn't possible that man can produce energy, goods or other things up then it has need.  

Monday, 7 October 2013

Economy in the Nature

When we going to make plan for nearest future, in society  and economy than we must have something what we known like Nature.
The mother Nature has more and more answers for the human population all over the Planet.

Without knowledge about mother Nature, we are not going to have expect so much ease recover economic situation at the Planet.

In the moment where situation with weather conditions is changes so quickly than it had expected the theoretical of worst clime changes in the World.
Now we have to see how is difficult to make and transport energy in several post at the planet.
The weather condition on so call moderate climate area, now is in position that we have to see how is bad to make agricultural production and how is produce of some goods change the place at distance of several hundred kilometers,up at north, or down at south.

The rains which have seasonal structure in  a fall  at the paces of south east Asia ,and some other areas i change position to falling , take the tropical heavy rain showers in the area of east Asia. And in east Siberia, where we had to saw great floats in the summer.

So the same situation with a float we had to saw in Europe,America. But on other side we have how more and more water rise in the heavy clods, whose in consolidation with solar changes make super storms at the places who had never have stormy weather.

With clime changes, which going so fast in several years, the problem with economic crisis can make be worst. Because, problem with food and energy stay in position of "traditional" way of mind.
It have mean that is impossible to the "rich nation" with support for agricultural production save situation in the economy.
With fuel made from so call new method of technology,"cracking the stone", and what we have most pollute alternative technology, mean at the wind turbine electric plants, we have to  say how is possible to going to have worst ecological and economical situation in less than five years.

The real production to energy stay in micro energetic plant, because, totally same is when you have high voltage electric cables in a area, or when you have highway. Pollution which we can make to registration at the places present that clime change is drastic.    
If you have dry conditions in the place, after you have build highway or high electric facility, situation have be change.
Only new policy over an energetic and food policy can make solve problem.