Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Who is change the Planet's meteorologic conditions

In time where we are now, we can see how is real problem something what is putting in a corner, and no one from policy or intellectual elite have courage to come to say what we have like real problem in this moment on the Planet.
In time where is possible to someone come to buy weather at the market. Where is possible that most part of the Planet stay away from the rain. On other places if somebody need, someone going to make changes in the meteorologic situation at a field to do it. For money? Or for political goals at the ground?
Nothing is worst than somebody going to play roles like they are Gods. With weather like toys in the hands of big babies. 
After all, we now have see that on the Planet the most places have big climate destabilization, and that on the unusually places we have to see a specific meteorologic conditions and things.
In moment where is totally known how is so call climate changes in the Planet, come from the mass destructive cooperation in the implementation of the arms for mass destruction, over wrong use Tesla's patent describe from the most sides,too.
But real problem for the Planet population was came from the North, and so call super power arrogance. What was cause several mistakes and incidents from sixties 20th century to today in the experiments over clime control, and of course to how  is possible to use the clime in the not classical war.
In several situation, specially in the few last year, we have to made describes over hundred so call climate change anomaly, which in real was human made destruction against somewhat or somebody.
Today, after the projects of the most famous actor in the World's political arena going to be removed for reason of mistakes in the action, we have to take position to say how real situation at the Planet is.
With polar ice cover who are melt so quickly to real problem of the CO2 gas or what somebody say like "glasshouse effect", and with not only problem in the it, we must say how now we have some problems in the sea with currents changes.
Now is open know how the currents take place in the so call "post call war" and now in only few mounts change situation on the several places at the Planet. 
The warm weather comes much more time in the places so far on the corner of the Planet. Temperature on the some part of the Sahara desert is unexpected low and what we have now that weather only in some part of Araby desert stay so high.
But in this moment we are in investigation to find what stay real opposite of the "normal weather conditions"?!
Human, or something what human does not control, no more? 
The ocean temperature changes, and changes in the weather in the nearest areas of the ocean coats make have conclusion in the first hand that in a some place somebody lost the magnetic mine.
It can going to change the position of all of us on the mother Earth.            

Saturday, 13 July 2013

The Sheremetievo have made to mask is fall

Is ready someone to say how is no crisis over the relation between two big in the World.
If we properly look at on the situation in so call Snowden's case we are in position that see like this situation look like how two in the market try to find good price for these goods.
The money in this case is prestige in at the Planet, and now is so clear how US going to leading mistake moves against self interest, when they going to push down the Big Bear's interests at the World.
In courage instrumentation over action in the ME, and in situation where the market expect some type of the clashes in some part of the Planet, we are in position to take footage over so call Israeli's aggression on the neighborhoods, where cover the ally planes attacked on Syrian soil.
Rely they have no knowledge how to make pressure onto Kremlin, and they now have made mistake move.
In real condition, the Big Bear now have most of info from the several stores on the US machines, and they in the position to move up more then the NATO expect army against trite on the self interest.
The decoy in the relations between Lord Drake and the King is out of function, and it now is inter relation questions, in fight who was make the Secretary of Domestic Security to fall down. And to Company make advance over some guys in the close the King's circle who would gone to create insecurity over the World. And to questions over one dispute in the person,they try to have make a action.
In this reason dollar is in rise, and investors expect the State recover, but they are in wrong.
The Lord Drake is not foolish man, and he knows how is important to stay away from the Court White whole plots.       

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Without knowledge, Egypt could not had an Faraons

If some want to have a revolution, than they must have scenario for a war.
If some want to have a liberation, than they must have a power to be strength to move up personal security.
If some want to have a freedom, than they must have a courage to stay up in the action to say how  had been in a wrong mission.
If we want to say something about somebody, than we are in the right to tell nothing about some situation at the field.
And if we have to say to so call "Arab springs" than we are in the position to say nothing about that,because same people live in the both side of actions.
In this moment it have mean that same people try to going to have right to say everybody how they are in the right, and other is in a wrong.
But in this time, everybody who are going to make decision about something must thinking how word can be lethal.
In moment when actions of some guys going to be the wrong action on the wrong place, right to live in peace have this part of an nations whose have not fatal and fundamental mean onto  these religions.
Man and woman who are in believe how they have right to change some regimes and nation to make an self better position in the global policy going to be in wrong. And this, after all with no knowledge over history, an human relation, and of course local antagonism, an good ideas going to make in the disaster.
The Egypt, Tunis, Libya, specially Syria is only one part of it.f