Tuesday 28 May 2013

Crisis in the Union is so strong,they need war against it

If you have a crisis at an state or like they have it in the Union,than you going to make crisis in an other country.
If you have a crisis at an public affairs at the Union progresses than you have only real move at now, against Syria.
But, if you have real problem with a weather,and if you have winter in a summer than you have a war in the streets of yours towns.
A prices going to be rocketing over every peak and you have going to make some unpopular measures.
After that, you start with a so call secret conversation with a some other to make better social condition at a streets.
First, after all you going to sell arms some who are your's contractors to sell it what you have to say "democratic fighters" against President Assad government.  
But after they have lost a life in the some parts of deserts around the field, you going to support the "fighters" with open actions, like we had to saw in last two month, several time.
When, you step up in an aggression, than you going to push an others powers to stop support regular Syrian army.
If they do not done we are in real trouble. Only what you can come to make against them is to stop buy them      oil or to recall money investors at the place to comeback at the home.
If you have to make strong arguments for it?! If you had knowledge than you have to see how at your streets is not so warm, you have a lot of  rain, and temperature in some part of the Union is below positive degrees.
For it, and for more power in a industry and public you after all try to make the "positive" negotiation with others to prevent a  your disaster.

Saturday 18 May 2013

The West policy in these wars against religions at Middle East

If some going to have peace at the field, than they have no reason, and rights to say how some have or haven't right to be present at the conference about Syria crisis.
Specially the guys like it has take to had right Mr. Hollande, the French President.
Iran is at the way to be regional power, whose has most democratic process than we can see it at the other places in the Gulf.
Iran is multi-ethnic state, where live more than 56 national groups, and where in some differences live more christian that we have to see at not Saudi Araby, but in some place like it has Abu Dhabi,too.
For reasons which is not published in the regular time, we don't see nothing what is real situation over Christians group and Churches have really in these time at Middle East region.
Because, some states from the old west going to have trade commercial lucrative deals with plutocratic, feudal regimes from most states in the region. To buy only what now the west can sell at the local market, a arms.
Of course, the local regimes comes at trade negotiations in believe how they make it to going in the war against Iran. But, first they had bout to make a security shield against local population, whose going to try to make some revolutionary changes against self rulers on the tops of the Arab Gulf states.
The Syrian syndrome we expel so much time in the past, and now we have time to say how only " the peace-kipper should be named the child of God-Gods".
But what we can say to some guy from the West and Arab world?
They had gone to actions against Iraq, against Tunis and Libya, and after all against Syria.
No time have to dismissed situation which some created against Aphasia and South Osethia, Iran, and Mali.
In this time we only have to say how some top politicians and money makers from the West try everything to make place named the Earth, a worst place for live.
In the most conflicts at the Planet, they have no success, and this disaster policy comeback like public boomerang, in worst  vision at the price of the markets and social situation over the West nation.
Now, in this time the French President and others from former colonial power list most change policy or they  going to have look at revolution moving at the homeland.
And the question is:why they have make support to Islamic fundamentalism in states where live or lived big minority of Christians, where they have such rights and self ruled churches? In ally combination with orthodox Islamic clerics and regimes. In favor support against Shia and other moderate clerics. Then like Hollande made it open support to determinate some clerics from Syria and Libya, but Mali, too.  

Sunday 5 May 2013

Bibi is the mule? And Israel is gone...

Hi, Mrs Netaniahu! Are you real meaning what you said yesterday, about Israel security?
Even if we know how you have to deal with some guys out of Israel, to put Israeli name on the foreign actions over Syrian soil?!

In this moment no one brigade of IDF has capacity to going in action against Syrian army forces. It is true, and you have excellent knowledge how you are the mule of some others, who are in charges to make a war in Syria, but they haven't to much courage to make it open. Because, it mean the World nuclear holocaust.

If you said what you said, then you are lair, and of course the wrong men in the wrong position at Israel government. The men who going to push Israel over the brink of sword in total disaster.

The wrong act or acts at Syria, coming to be potent blowing up bomb in your arms.

Maybe Syrian army has not so much equipment to come back the attacks? But only one act with some dirty bomb can have big involve on lives of your citizens, and you have knowledge at it.

The many times in the history, Israel coming to been the "wrong state". The state with so less friends then everybody in the World has.
Today and yesterday you and your miss-mind contributors from a abroad come to make the mistake.

We are so much time said how is only good position of Israel is to coming to be Republic of Israel, the state of all common people which live at Israel territory, with full citizenship rights.

Bibi Netaniahu  in the few next days going to come to be marked in the history like the men of Israel dissolution  and mist.
The more and more tears and cries we have to expect, like you made it in the war from Gaza, specially after Lebanon war in the 2006.