Monday, 29 April 2013

Balkan states most come at the monitoring looking at from EU, Croatia, too!

EU states have position that they haven't idea what to do with EU.
Why? Because, only two months before to Croatia coming in the Union we can see how this state have big problems in the politic functionality and in the justice system.

But in economy they have problem. The state government have problem in budget dept. Bank system have not money to make credit line on an investors,too.
Banks in Croatia have make credit to common people to make to come to buy so much unnecessary things and goods. But not for a business.

The local government stay and wait to come at EU to some other come to pay Croatian bills.

In most situation if you come to make money at this county, you have to see how so many people try from you to give them such stimulation,over law.

Croatia now have problem with people which try to get money from budget on name of public deb. A most of them stay and wait several years to come to get money. Some of them goes to pass of, and no one take action to change this situation.

In  an towns, several weeks before local election, we can see how more than 75% of municipalities and towns live over economic self power. 

They have at most places the situations that towns make some criminal acts against  a investors, because they have no acts to make promising for final implementation in the business.

And finally, what Europeans can make file to the Union, when the politicians come to bring state lake it has Croatia? When is clear that only reason why they are going to be member states of EU is to not come in open disaster.
After all, EU must come to make monitoring over states like it is Croatia. Because, the economic problem isn't only one problem. These problems with minorities,an  job seekers, the refugees, the invalids, woman, with a propriety, and poses security, too, come to be the naff to the Union Commission make have propose to other member states going to try to in first Croatia, and after, the other Balkan states come in monitoring process after they have make coming in membership of EU,too.          

Friday, 19 April 2013

Revolutionary against domestic sponsor

In many time of the history, the most dictatorship come from democracy, but no one dictator start to going to be democrat.
Situation at the streets of the north east was created at some political panels which came from inside of US.
US is most bigger sponsor of so call democratic groups whose step up with arms against, for the States acknowledge, a not democratic regimes.
When this groups going to loose support of local supporters at an territory or an state than they coming to make troubles at the territory of an supporter.
In Syria, and other places at the Planet the States has loose more wars than anybody in the history. Even the States is not classical colonial power they have same system like it have the "old" colonial powers.
More and more fighters for so call democratic standards in the World, after reaction and success crash from a local regime, make have this movement to refuse and come at the States.
Now we can see how much than hundred groups and more than it individuals stay in the States so angry, because they have believe how is US make treason against them, and how they had lost a fight against some of "non-democratic" regimes,because US not give naff support to them,too.
This persons have in most personal data the local documents and US citizenship. In this moment they are potently, the inside slippers which have  no time to step down from the revolution.
They are believing how situation in the new homeland is worst then it can be expected when they start a fights in a former homelands.

Or after all, when you in this case the States, going to be the Big Boss of the Planet,  you must have expect to take have "boomerang effect" in policy.
Today is clear how policy in US came in same way like it had came policy in Wiemar Republic between two WW.
The common people is insecure, the economy is at bad way.
The big economic players have not money to invest much in the market. But only what they have to do is to "save" money for bad times.

Friday, 12 April 2013

WMD is only stick for the peace

Now is totally clear how the power come from the nuclear weapon.
South Korea have clear protection of the States, but in this moment we have to see how even it have no chance against the nuke in the North Korean hands.
Same things have in the Iranian case, where only the clear power of Islamic Republic of Iran make the State and them ally very neurosis and make clear how in this moment we can hear only the lies.
US, UK and France going at aggression against someone in a name of liberty and democracy. But in the battle they going to come in cooperation  with notorious undemocratic states, and criminal regimes like it has states in the some Arab states.
US have now big problems with self ally from EU in Syria, where is totally clear how some so call democratic fighters for liberty against Mr. Asad regime was imported and paying with support of them.
And that, even Turkish Army have not power at open aggression to support this falls elements to make some change at the field.
Some Turkish prisoners have say so much to the Russians about some activity of the Alliance in region of Diarbakir in East Turkey.
The situation at the Gulf,where is Iranian forces make full control over see, and air with control of territory in some part of the Arab states, give more pressure on the Administration to going do something. But what?  They have knowledge how Iran have technology for the war on the high level and full distance. And something what are coming from the demography - in Iran living one political nation.
In this moment with this problems, problems in printing money, and with no clear economic situation at the markets, the States with the allies must going to make more and more war zones.
And when in UNGA more than half state member coming to call for justice for all, same states like it has so call democratic US and other westerners make have everything, even censorship in mass media over this to blocking true how they have use the modern wallies for the self interests.
Because that ICC had only made against poorest and smallest states and regimes, to make re-forces former colonial power to over this court going to make the control over rest the World.
In first step aggression, a second step change a regime, and after that calls for justification of a former ruler.
But what is with crimes of the so call democratic aggressors?
And who's player is Mr. general secretary of UN- Ban Ki Mun? Americans or to all world?
After all only possesses of WMD is grant for peace living and liberty?!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Mrs. Obama against comrade Un

Hm, some guys at some places at the Planet believe how is possible that North Korean government has not money and knowledge to rose up nuclear technology.
They want to prevent everybody who try to say how North Korean National Army has rocket system with the rocket which some not so much educated engineer can rebuild in some more than aggressive treat.
With several steps in one rocket, the Army can make range to the San Francisco, and with some changes in the navy they it has to use on the submarine, and ships,too.
They have supersonic torpedo, who has possibility to be use like rocket.
In only one moment, with not more than several rockets, the Army is in possibility to remove electric power from south, and to burn some Japan's town,too.
Before they going to be destroy from the US fleet, they is in possibility to make attack at the States soil, and to contaminate more than several thousand sq. mil..
In both situation, who will be a winner going to be total incompetent.
If the guys don't now so much about geography they must ask others who are best in it.
Korean peninsula is not so far from America, and if we look at situation in facts, we can see how some woman from the President house must be remove from policy.   

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

US and North Korea in the "game"

In time to time, we are in expecting to US going to make the new war.
But, after more and more disasters at the past several wars, the ask is who will been scribe in the history like big looser?
We know that "Great Successor" it will never been.
The states, wish to make point over two big rivals in the their backyard,quickly and with superior power, to going to change strategic influences at the field.
But, if North Korea make only one big shot with several missals on the States soil, with few big "blowing" in the area, than after that US can stay no more the superpower.
A future of the States in this moment, and after that stay on brink of sword of existence. An in this moment is not sure that US will be stay in the one,after that.
South Korea is in economic problems. Or how many people starve from hungry in north, same number live south over board. Each month.
For Koreans on both sides of demilitarization zone is total same, who will be winner for the war,because after that no life can be possible at the Korean peninsula.

And finally, we are in position to stay and look at Mr. Obama, and some circuits over him, how going to the war, lost it, and after that, lost the title of "superpower".

The game can going on.