Thursday, 31 January 2013

One action, and the several mistakes

After all, the position where president Obama no idea how to going to change situation at the field, give
Israel position to make what they have the idea to do.
Of course, they have only the moment for die, because, they have no idea how to push down a situation in which they have no friends, and where Israel main industry have no more money at the pocket. It has bank industry.
Money in the pocket of some guy in the other part of this planet, only make Israels elite, specially the LIKUD party high officers so nervous.
In this moment they have only the idea, how with oil make a biggest flame over Middle East.
Syria is the nice portion to present a muscles to others. But in moment when is totally known how Israel
have try to make info from Qatar Emir over situation in Syria and specially over situation in Shia community over the region, the only moment is had been necessary to over look in the information system of IDF make the good move in the war in Syria.
No one time in the nearly past, from the many wars in Africa, Qatar forces was make a falls information to prevent MOSAD in some actions whose they had lead against Islamist movements.
In some time, specially now, when Israel economy and social moment isn't so nice, they come with info "how Qatar Emir agents at the fields have knowledge how Hezbollah come at the some military equipment to make a worst situation at Israel north".
They have the knowledge how "Hezbollah have in possession the arm of fourth generation, a military planes".
In other other way, some West agencies try to say how they have info about the chemical  weapons, form a Syrian military depots.
But, true is that Israel most going to react against actions which was coordinated several agencies at the field against Israel secret presents in the war.
The last action was only one in the many, but this time something goes wrong in moment when some make a mistake at the field.
The food and medicine isn't the chemical weapons. And the cooperation between enemies, against Syria isn't good path for the peace.
And former Israel premier now can going to recording in the history like the men who are make help to Iran or others to make the final move over Israel. And blow up one US President.               

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

What is different in the brown?

In the Presidential speech at inauguration to the next mandate, Mr Obama did say nothing.
We can saw how he and his advisers don't know what to do with empire which had no more power to make order, but only with open force.
Who are need liberty and democracy like it have Iraq or Libya, when situation after interventions stay worst in many fields.
From sectarian fights, over drugs trafficking to the epidemic illness in the small child.
With a war and expansion in the area, at the power come and stay in some years at least century one "brown man", A. Hitler. We don't have more this lunatics in politic area. We no more want to have a visionary man or woman  whose have same vision like it had some guy who had took opened gas chambers.

Democracy is process and it must going to come from the bottom, from a small person to fight for better live even it has mean fight against some like it is Mr Obama.
Who can say that US have democracy? Who have right to make demand  that US have exclusive right to "export and protect"  a democracy at the planet?

We are not so sure that some who has make the wrong policy, what we can saw at the many place, can going to make the predict to others. First, Mr Obama must take contact with reality and step back from the policy which made and make crisis at the Word.

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Hollande's lies, open the energy true

Hm, this time had been somewhere predict, from people who had "contact" with new era.
Like many mystics, today even we can tell how situation for the common North stay worst from minute by minute.
In several mounts before we called how situation in the field isn't like it had in present the some actors from several agencies, and NATO. That situation on the places like Libya made have generating the hate and wish to smash the North power. In moment when some guys come at the info like EU has shortly for fuel supply, and when some like it has Mr. Paneta going to vote for something known, that NATO not exist, "NATO has problem with the new member states, which come from opposite side in post "cold war" era". "This states has not money and power to run in the full charges at NATO alliance treaty try to they make when they come in the full membership".
"Now, we have a lots not fight costs to prevent some ally armies to stop smuggles army equipment to so call not ally countries." " Because,we now are coming in positions to maybe lost the wars".

The first lost come in actions in Syrian soil, other come in the actions at North Africa where had  first fake action in Libya, than in West Sahara, and now in Mali, where, Mr. Holland said: "We had no interest to intervene, but only reason for it we had to prevent a democracy in this our former colony".
Few days after actions of "Islamic militants ", the former France ally in war against Libya, coming at the role and open the book of lies.
The economic interest exist, but not only for France, than more for the NATO. In this time, the Alliance is out of charges, and EU stay in the open doors against Russia, who are only real "energy protector" of European stile of life.
NATO is defeated  in only one action, and it open the proficiency from the world mystics who said how this had coming to be "the last battle of  a white man at Africa sand". 
The so call democrats  in the many places comes with democracy in the bullets and rockets with fascist like ally in a battles against so call dictator regimens. After that, the westerns going to coming a bombing the former ally to fix a lies.
Everything to support domination against all. It has not democracy but something worst!  

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Situation in time of colaps

Today, when we are see how a economic policy can make worst situation a the world, and how is bad when a economy goes at wrong path, we going to tell something about Japanese economy, and policy which so call stability make at investment over board.

Japan goes the macroeconomic super power in the middle of 60-th in the 20 century, what was made at the stolen of technology which goes on from mainly the States, with money whose gone from the treasure in the deal between the occupation Governor and US administrations, in measures to remove Japan people from the militarist emotion from the nearest past.

In this moments no one have the vision of Japan like economic predator and US close ally at the far east, and the one most power economic nation in the World in next half century.
It have only vision of MacArthur,maybe.

Today, economic system made in the middle of the 20 century goes at wrong path in situation which is different than it had been in the moment of had born the "Japan miracle". The economic like it had Japan in the 60-es of the 20 century now have several country at the plane, and most of them goes like rockets in the economic relations with other parts of the World, but this countries like Japan in the 90-ties of 20 century come at the wall.

This wall mean that a production coming in position which they have not possibility to sell all what they produces in one year, and it goes to the pressure at an markets like inflation, what we can see in Taiwan, China, Malaysia, and some other countries from BRIC formation.
But on the other side Japan policy goes in the path of risks investments at the Middle East in the so call moderate Arab regime of Persian gulf.
In most situation, these money is on the path to be use as like money for war invest into position like it has Chechnya, Afghanistan, Syria, North Africa.
The money from Japan government goes to "protect" domestic companies in the foreign markets, to goes out with hipper productivity at aboard to protect domestic market from high inflation.
The game in which Japan buy a lots oil products from the same position is only way to with game with local currency to remove situation where hipper dept from Japan can be remove at the other sides.
But in situation where most incomes going in from the dollar, and in positions that former good markets going into China position, pressure at Japan goes from the first ally, to Japan make pressure on China to going to make wrong move in the field, what can make easy to US for some "soft intervention".
Japan in this moment goes at the brink of the sword and economy is in position that money intervention at the market to prevent protectionism at the some part of them or to make open some markets for Japan goods now is in time of history.
Most money in this investments goes in the wind and no body knows what  can Japan going to do with domestic dept, mostly in US currency, in moment when budget crisis in the States does not change.
It does not mean like Japan goes in the bankruptcy, but position where Japan can make something against BRIC is the suicidal mind. Because, the position of the first Japan cooperation partner in Asia stay away from position of "Big Bang" economy evolution in 20 century, with social revolution inside of Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Indonesia  Malaysia, and some others. And in time where US make new deals with Myanmar at time too "remove" China influence so long from Asia.
Japan now is not Japan from the past, but Japan who is in the wrong means like they have power to change position with intellectual innovations out of changes in the society and policy in relation with some others, specially the States.
With money saves in Arab pocket, Japan now going to be part of a war between Arab and Iran, or a revolution in the Kingdom can make Japan savings out of position, what in both mean bankruptcy and quick come back in the history.