Monday 31 December 2012

Make celebration on the New Year to call for changes

Hi! Time is for celebration on the public places. We must come to present how many us have in public.

We are celebrating time who was gone in the last year. Times which in many places in the World in last year going with the war.
Hungry people now died in total isolation, many persons live in the poverty and no one come to make with them only one word.
We are now must step up to calling politicians to remove new-Nazi ideology incorporated into new-liberal name on the markets over the Planet.
Time is to say how many of so call liberal intellectuals is no more intellectual then it had been some guys into 1933-th years of twenty century. Liberalism come to say how only some persons in the West have rights to make comment against something. They have only reason for exist to protect capital who come to make positions in the rest of World for self.
The tragedy was where IGK came with decision to made had the Peace Award for EU, the same Union who came on the positions which in most time in the list year, have relevant points with new-colonialism, and in some time with Nazism,too.
It came in time where the crisis knock at the Union doors, and try from more of Europeans to take new path for resurrection.
The new EU must have come path which must make the possible good and equal position for everybody in global market and democracy,too. In new 2013.
If we are not going to have it, than this year is path to hell. And the war is not pointed on the far places at the Planet, but in a houses of everybody.
Take place in the celebrations of the New Year, and on this way call for changes.

Monday 17 December 2012

Crisis and the war economy

If you have some problem than you come to create a commission- one time said Sir Churchill.
But what we have if some guys try to remove problems with oil flames?
Who have right to tell that today situation in some places at the planet much worst than it can have see at the papers.
List gunshots in US is only tragedy but in some way this tragedy come in right time to make big shadow over social catastrophe in which is the former big union.

The dollar comes like paper for inflation and money like it had been former German mark in Waimar Republic. But with simply difference in one time. Dollar is inflationary money for the planet, and only a wars can make it like a normal money, with real strong.

In German Reich, A. Hitler come with same motive against others, what we can see today. Industrial production can be increase only if you have big an market boom. But without that we can see only two, an inflation or deflation. In both is involve a crisis. What we can see now.

In theory of war what some guys make in last two decade, the small war did had not make real increased. The goods from west did not make real goals at some markets like it had been Africa, Asia or Latin America.
In different way some countries from this continents made the grow of industry production in several areas of industry produce. Only luxury made from EU can make some market place in other part of the World. But it had only few points on the markets.

In the stocks, only situation that on the tables exist a lot inflationary US Dollars change situation on the States way. But even it can be change if some situation in the winter come at worst. Big snow fall, freeze and energy shortcut with low profile fight with China, can make the situation in the World different than we can have now.
An wars against others cannot make economy bigger than it has.   

Thursday 13 December 2012

Syria is path to EU ways against others?!Nabocco

Last days  at Europe came like night mare! A lots problem come at an table in contacts between EU governments in try to make one stop economic policy.

But in situation where EU have real problem in the field of neighbor states like it has Norway, Serbia or Ukraine, they make this talks real difficult. EU have problem to going to bring more energy for real cold weather in this winter. But in this meanings they try to have not a lot contact with risk energy markets, specially from Russian market.
For so call, an independence energy policy, EU states going to make more business with in Europe state markets like it has Norway and Scotland.
But, problem come in situation where two-third energy income going to EU in connection with Russian companies. Only electricity come from independent north.
Oil import, and gas import is really depend from unlike Russia, or worst from Iran.
These things from Libya and Azerbaijan   is mission impossible for import.
Saudi oil isn't so clear.
Because that EU and US make "action" in aggression against Syria and Egypt to make path for neocolonialism in energy policy.
The "Nabocco"  gas line real depend from situation in Syria.
For this reason, Russia and China must going to make action against open calls to war in Syria!

EU problem with Serbia stay in situation where this country come to stay against EU in question over UN protect province Kosovo.
Serbia is in position to make blackmail against EU interests in south-east of Europe in close ties with Russia and China, like neutral state with solid financial support from them, what EU makes real nervous.
Serbia is in position to stay like carrier in deep sea. To be a operative protect zone for control EU move on "Nabocco"gas and oil line.
And what EU have to going to make if Serbia come in idea to make relations with EU like it has Norway?

Ukraine has problem in self with moves to make more presence in the oil market, but with problem in ethnic relation between Ukraine's people,  in the differences against religions.
Ukraine have problem in production of real goods, growing poverty, too.
And what is real power in Ukraine position?
To be real troublemaker against Russia and China, with close contact against Russian capital.
Even it mean interior tension and war-Ukraine people against Ukraine people, like it had been in Libya or in Syria today, too.
The fall Empire, what EU now is, try to live over more suffer in the Meddle East. But if you have situation like it exist in Gaza strip, where IDF came in trouble after the "war" against Hamas, then we can say how common policy to EU not exist, and of course in these moments not exist the Union.
To stop the problems inside, EU try to make more troubles outside of EU territory and export self problems to others.
The human rights, the fight against a corruption and protection the rights of workers in many EU states doesn't exist. But this states have make the self right to call others for it, and make sanctions against them if they need to make self interests in calling states.

Several days before Mayan Calendar end of the World we are calling EU to step down from wrong path, and going to make comeback at basic ideas for the Union. Liberation, independence people,         
economy for all, and rights against voluntarism.
We try to EU to come like independent factor, good firstly for self peoples and not bad for others,too.
If it isn't possible then we try to EU must be rebuilt or if it has not possible-dismiss.