Thursday 19 July 2012

Syria is the last battle in west history

When you going to order to kill the Syrian commander like it doing the some so call Muslim terrorist organisation, than we are believe that this organisations is not more than the part of some western government whose involve closely in the aggression against Syria.
The mislead war against Libya last year open the question, is NATO and USA have power to make real change in the Middle East or this they do to open "oil path" to the west ports.
Today is clear that crisis cannot be replaced like it made at nearest past, in the war.
This war going to be last in the history, because some guys haven't knowledge about history and of course about real situation at the "battlefield" in Syria.
The "revolutionaries" at Syria is not more than regular soldiers of several countries from the Meddle East and the West states.
But in war which they had made in the place they didn't look at real situation where not exist Syrian people, but several nationality and religious group, what mean situation worst than it had or have in Iraq and Libya.
The melt of history and imperialism start several time at the places in Syria but no one it come to be good for the West and always become the end of several European Impairs.
Mr.Assad is not Qaddafi. And Russia in not going to retreat from the allay, and Syrian people. Time is to some guys from the some places go away, for peace and prosperity.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Nuclear game over Europe weather?!!

What are doing Mr. President of France? Why are he does not something to stop the climate war over Europe?
We know that the some guys from there make climate changes over some nuclear reactors over France.
This is same they did last year in actions against Libya. And what we had to saw. The same things what we have now.
Time is to stop with this actions. Actions where not only in France, some boys and girls play the God's role.