Saturday 28 April 2012

What EU has from the new member states? Or does have some from them initial power to move up self orders on EU levels?
If we going to see some of them like it is Croatia, next new member in EU family, the nearest future of the Union isn't nice.
The invalid economic, political and social system of this ex-communist country cannot be path for prosperity.
In economy we have to see that industry in the field is gone, that introduction of an investment must be prolong for years, because the internal corruption make real investment impossible.
This situation is generating from the top of the state, who aren't really or true will to change social clime.
Only what they didn't or what they miss to done was to remove so call communist Bolshevism from social relations.
The nepotism, political opportunism,and the economic feudalism where the money isn't real instrument for payment onto markets, really make have investment clime some like "Ice age".
In this situation the GDP of Croatia now has something what we have to call "the wreck".
Only with credits, and money whose come from a few sides they have power to make an growth.
But real GDP was based on the administration and state made business and it had not made nothing but situation where economic insecurity is high,and where political will is neome lost a job than is in an perspective that they cannot make find another job.
And states have not labor policy like it has EU, or other high produce country.
At relation with a banks in Croatia, not because the state books isn't in nice condition, but because politic elite in most condition want to control money relation.
The same situation is at some east EU member, but what EU have from them or some try to make new Greek scenario?

Thursday 12 April 2012

Syria must be free from the so call democracy

Syriana is version of new age conflict between the west and east. The conflict where some guys means that they are good and where on other part of conflict standing bad guys.
But today the west isn't so good what they want to look at it to like. The east isn't so bad that it want to present some parts of west governance class.
Russia and China in role of protectors to Syria now have good position to say that somethings at the west, and in America stay to wrong that it can go on the path of war. In moment when some circus of so call big such try to buy security position somewhere at middle west US desert. And in time when US polls going to vote to celebrate some new Nazi politician from the US politics right wing.
In this time is fool true that some governments from London to Paris and over Warsaw to Budapest try to find new national deal where fool guilty have foreigners or minorities or what we can see now everybody who are not have christian integrity, something what is same to the fascism and little to the Nazi.
Because that the protection of Syria going to have good motion to save the Planet from illusionists who are stay in the history, and in association with far right movement want to sell the democracy and freedom.
The so call democrats did not something to protect humanitarian law at Bahrain,or at places like it is the West Bank or Saudi Araby. These states have totalitarian regimes who had aggression move over other states, like it is Libya or Iraq, where terrorism was and is sponsored from them, too.
Are we have say that democracy can come from feudal kingdom or from some with fascism party supported government from the west.